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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Александра Ананько84
Россия, Челябинская обл., Магнитогорск

Комплексная работа (1-4 классы)

Вариант 1

Part 1

1) Answer the questions:

What is your name?

How old are you?

Where are you from?

What is your mother’s name?

How old is your friend?

What is your favourite colour?

What is your favourite school subject?

Part 2

1) Make the plurals:

a) a fox

d) a bush

g) a woman

b) a child

e) a story

h) a wolf

c) a sister-in-law

f) a foot

i) a hero

2) Fill in gaps (much\many):

How ____ toys do you have?

How ____ milk does she need?

How ____ bread does he eat?

How ____ books does your Dad have?

3) Write down another form of expressions:

the box of my cat =

the dog of my friend =

the room of the sisters =

the toys of the children =

the father of the boys =

4) Fill in gaps (is\are):

There ____ many books on the table.

There ____ a boy and a girl in the classroom.

There ____ boys and girls in the classroom.

There ____ a pencil-box in the bag.

5) Write down negative sentences and questions:

a) I can ride a bike.

f) He is wrong.

k) They go to school every day.

b) We can make bread.

g) I am ill.

l) She was there.

c) You are late.

h) She dances wonderful.

m) We watched TV yesterday.

d) I am talking!

i) We are cooking now.

n) I bought some lemons and apples.

e) It is singing.


o) You were beautiful.

Part 3

1) Fill in gaps:

I am a swimmer. I go to the _____ every week!


A _____ is a small and fast animal. A fox isn’t its friend.


My grandparents have six _____.


My best _____ is a clever boy.

ice cream

_____ are black and white. They are very funny.


A _____ is a very dangerous animal. It’s long and fast.


I like to eat _____. It’s cold and sweet!

swimming pool

I don’t like _____. I like fruits.


My mom is a cook. She likes to make _____.


The clouds can change their colour to _____.


He knows everything! He’s _____!


2) Write down the cardinal and ordinal numbers:








Scores: 7\50\25 =82


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