12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
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Антонова Наталья Михайловна59

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия - литературной гостиной - посвященной юбилеям писателей У. Фолкнера и С. Кинга

Literary Event, Celebrating Anniversaries of William Faulkner and Stephen King

The Role of a Writer

What is a writer? There are those whose books we read again and again. There are those who are read and admired within a limited circle of people.

1) There are lots of quotes about the purpose of writing and the role of a writer. Try to make up a quote of your own. Complete:

A writer is someone who….

Students read out their own ideas.

2) Here are some quotes on writing – please, fill in the missing words.

“The purpose of a writer is to keep civilization from ______________ (destroying itself)”. A. Camus

“Writers write to influence their readers, their preachers, their auditors, but always, at bottom, to be more __________ (themselves)” A. Huxley

“All that writers can do is keep trying to say what is deepest in their___________ (hearts)” Lloyd Alexander.

"The decline of literature indicates the decline of _____________(a nation)” Goethe

“It takes a great deal of___________ (history) to produce a little literature.” Henry James

3) Has the role of a writer changed over the centuries? Discuss.

Students speak out.

4) The first writer we are going to speak about is William Faulkner.

A student delivers a short presentation on his biography.

Study the quotes of William Faulkner/ Teacher hands out a list of quotes.

Imagine what the life of the writer may have been like? What kind of personality he might have had judging by the quotes.

Students voice their ideas.

You have an opportunity to interview him. Think of the questions you would like to ask.

(A co-teacher of English plays the part of William Faulkner)

What is the role of the writer according to William Faulkner?

5) The next writer we are going to talk about today is Stephen King. He turned 70 recently and he is an outstanding writer in many ways. Though he has written in almost every genre, he is famous for his horror novels.

Most of his books have been turned into movies. Watch the trailer. This movie is called IT

It was on in most cinemas of Moscow. Has anyone seen it?

Students watch the trailer.

Do you feel scared? How is the atmosphere of suspense created?

Read the three first paragraphs of the book IT.

Students read the first page of the novel IT.

Do you feel scared? How does Stephen King create suspense?

What is the role of the writer of this genre? Why does Stephen King create his terrifying novels?

Students speak out.

6) Now create a cover for a horror story.

Like any cover, your cover should have a title, a short but intriguing description of the story and a layout.

Students present their covers.

7) Students reflect on the work done.


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