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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Обласова Дарина Викторовна1579
Руководитель объединения " Полиглотик". Работаю с дошкольниками и младшими школьниками
Россия, Ростовская обл., р.п.Усть-донецкий

«Контрольная работа по английскому языку»

Предмет: Английский язык

Класс: 4

Темы: Артикли, Множественное число, Простое настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время

1. Вставь где необходимо артикли:

а) I have ...... pet. It is ..... cat.

b) Are you ..... doctor?

c)We go to ..... school.

d) ..... Mary lives in ..... London.

e) Do they ..... play with ..... toys?

2. Напиши слова во множественном числе:

day - mouse - fox -

dress - deer - pet -

cat - city - hero-

3.1. Вставь пропущенный глагол am, is, are, have, has:

a) My mother ..... a teacher.

b) The dogs ..... smart.

c) I ..... a rabbit.

d) ..... you a pet?

e) Mike ..... not a giraffe.

3.2. Раскрой скобки в правильной форме(Present Simple):

a) My dad (to go) to the work early. ____________________________________

b) (to do) you (to play) with him? ______________________________________

c) Angel (to do) not (to live) in Paris. __________________________________

d) Vera (to do) not (to go) to the Zoo. _________________________________

e) I (to read) the book every evening. __________________________________

4. Вставь пропущенный глагол was, were, had:

a) We ..... in Paris last year.

b) ..... she at home yesterday?

c) My brother ..... a bike many years ago.

d) We .....not a dog last summer.

e) I ..... at home when she comes.

4.2. Раскрой скобки в нужной форме Past Simple:

a) Mia (to read) the text yesterday. _____________________________________

b) (to do) you (to run) in the park two days ago? __________________________

c) Lora (to do) not (play) the piano last concert. __________________________

d) Pete and Tom (to do) homework yesterday. ___________________________

e) The children (to sleep) tonight. _____________________________________

5. Преобразуй предложения во времени Future Simple:

a) I am a teacher. __________________________________________________

b) You have a dog. ________________________________________________

c) Does she play the piano? __________________________________________

d) Eva doesn't go to school. __________________________________________

e) She has a doll. ___________________________________________________


1. Вставь где необходимо артикли:

а) I have a pet. It is a cat.

b) Are you a doctor?

c)We go to school.

d) Mary lives in London.

e) Do they play with toys?

2. Напиши слова во множественном числе:

day - days mouse - mice fox - foxes

dress - dresses deer - deer pet - pets

cat - cats city - cities hero- heroes

3.1. Вставь пропущенный глагол am, is, are, have, has:

a) My mother is a teacher.

b) The dogs are smart.

c) I have a rabbit.

d) Have you a pet?

e) Mike has not a giraffe.

3.2. Раскрой скобки в правильной форме(Present Simple):

a) My dad (to go) to the work early. My dad goes to the work early.

b) (to do) you (to play) with him? Do you to play with him?

c) Angel (to do) not (to live) in Paris. Angel does not live in Paris.

d) Vera (to do) not (to go) to the Zoo. Vera does not go to the Zoo.

e) I (to read) the book every evening. I read the book every evening.

4. Вставь пропущенный глагол was, were, had:

a) We was in Paris last year.

b) Was she at home yesterday?

c) My brother had a bike many years ago.

d) We had not a dog last summer.

e) I was at home when she comes.

4.2. Раскрой скобки в нужной форме Past Simple:

a) Mia (to read) the text yesterday. Mia read the text yesterday.

b) (to do) you (to run) in the park two days ago? Did you run in the park two days ago?

c) Lora (to do) not (play) the piano last concert. Lora did not play the piano last concert.

d) Pete and Tom (to do) homework yesterday. Pete and Tom did homework yesterday.

e) The children (to sleep) tonight. The children slept tonight.

5. Преобразуй предложения во времени Future Simple:

a) I am a teacher. I will be a teacher.

b) You have a dog. You will have a dog.

c) Does she play the piano? Will she play the piano?

d) Eva doesn't go to school. Eva will not go to school.

e) She has a doll. She will have a doll.


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