Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 10 класса (I полугодие)

Материал опубликован 2 October 2022

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

10 класс I полугодие

I variant

Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/ phrases in column B

Column A Column B

extra A range

strict B activities

wide C school

boarding D classes

extra curricular E rules

2. Fill in the correct word

art transport forces uniform profession

Bob is very interested in comic book art ………. .

The public …………. in this city is horrible; it takes ages to go anywhere.

Peter dreams of a career in the armed……………. .

Paula wants to pursue a career in the medical ………….. .

I hate my school………….but I have to wear it.

3. Underline the correct preposition

Leave him alone; stop picking ……. him.

At the moment I’m ….. charge of a team of ten people.

Don’t you worry; I’ll deal ……. this.

Laura is picking ….. her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

I’ll pick you ….. from the station at 9.

Tim is responsible …….. booking the concert tickets.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

They don’t have a ……………… (GARDEN); they do all the landscaping themselves.

He usually hires a……………….. (TRANSLATE) when he does business in China.

Kate is now the new managing…………… ( DIRECT) of the company.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into correct future form: future simple, present continuous, be going to, future perfect, future continuous

I have a lot of work today; I ……….. (come) home late tonight.

I don’t think John …………… (pass) his French exam; He hasn’t studied enough.

“When ……….(you/fly) to London?” “Tomorrow morning.”

This time next week I ……….. (shop) in Milan.

By the end of the month I ………… (finish) this project.

Helen and I …………(go) to the cinema tonight. Would you like to join us?

I’m very hungry. I ………… (make) myself something to eat.

The kids ………… (go) to bed by 10 o’clock.

6. Choose the correct answer A, B or C

This picture of you is ……….. than that one.

A clear B clearer C the clearest

Daniel is ………. student in class.

A good B better C the best

Having no friends is ………… thing that could happen to me.

A bad B worse C the worst

For me a weekend at the beach is ……….. than a weekend in the mountains.

A relaxing B more relaxing C the most relaxing

You look ……….. in the red dress than you do in the black one.

A beautiful B more beautiful C the most beautiful

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

10 класс I полугодие

II variant

Vocabulary & Grammar

1. Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/ phrases in column B

Column A Column B

1.extra A range

2.strict B activities

3.wide C school

4.boarding D classes

5.extra curricular E rules

2.Use the words to complete the gaps.

replacing, congestion, campaign, encourage, energy, ban, switching, emissions

For many years the traffic in our town has been getting busier and busier. It has become a huge environmental problem because of all carbon (1)……. produced by the vehicles. One group of environmentalists have started a (2) ……… to do something about it. They want to (3) ……… certain vehicles from the roads during times of high (4) ……… and (5) ……… people to use public transport. They want people to understand that by (6) ………. from a form of transport that uses a lot of (7) …….. and (8) ………. it with one that uses less, they will be doing their part to help save the planet.

3 Underline the correct preposition

Do not pick ….. your food.

I will pick……my sister from school.

She makes picking…..me. Make her stop.

Pick the dress….. you like the best.

I’m good ……….sports!

2. Did you apply……..that job?

3. John is crazy …… rock climbing.

4. My dad has just retired …. his job.

4. Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold

1.The ……………. (LIBRARY) was busy tidying the returned books.

2.The drum …………… (SOLO) received thunderous applause.

3.The …………….(HISTORY) searched through old documents for years before he was

convinced the events had taken place.

5.Put the verbs in brackets into correct future form: future simple, present continuous, be going to, future perfect, future continuous

1.Clark ……….. (drive) his new car tomorrow at 12 o’clock.

2.We ……….. (have) dinner with my parents at the weekend.

3.That’s terrible news! What……… (you/do)?

4.I ………….. (send) you a SMS before I leave work, OK?

5.By the end of this year Susan ……… (live) in the USA for 3 years.

6.This time next year Faye ………. (study) in Dublin.

7.What …………… (you/buy) Fiona for her birthday.

8.I’m cold. I …………….. (close) the window.

6.Choose the correct answer A, B or C

1. This picture of you is ……….. than that one.

A clear B clearer C the clearest

2. Daniel is ………. student in class.

A good B better C the best

3. Having no friends is ………… thing that could happen to me.

A bad B worse C the worst

4.For me a weekend at the beach is ……….. than a weekend in the mountains.

A relaxing B more relaxing C the most relaxing

5. You look ……….. in the red dress than you do in the black one.

A beautiful B more beautiful C the most beautiful


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