Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 6 класса ( I вариант)

Материал опубликован 5 July 2018 в группе

Вариант  1.

Задание 1.

Переведите следующие английские слова на русский язык:

1)    Hamster

2)    Insect

3)    Whale

4)    Bear

5)    Eagle

6)    Hen

7)    Wolf

8)    Dolphin

9)    Snake

10)                      Cow

11)                      Rabbit

12)                      Camel

13)                      Duck

14)                      Cockerel

15)                      Turkey

16)                      Whale

17)                      Camel

18)                      Bear

19)                      Fox

20)                      Monkey

21)                      Horse

22)                      Cat

23)                      Dog

24)                      Parrot

25)                      Fish

26)                      Guinea-pig

27)                      Tortoise

28)                      Eagle

29)                      Hen

30)                      Cockerel

31)                      Turkey

32)                      Sheep

33)                      Camel

34)                      Giraffe

35)                      Lion

36)                      Kangaroo

37)                      Elephant

38)                      Penguin

39)                      Shark

40)                      Dolphin

41)                      Crocodile


Задание 2.

Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный ответ к следующим за текстом вопросам:


Animals play a very important role in our life. They give us milk, meat and clothes. We like to go to the zoo and visit wild animal parks. There we can see different animals: lions and monkeys, bears and tigers, horses and elephants. It is fun to watch baby animals. Zoos and parks help us to learn more about animals. Many scientists work in the wild animal park. But it is better for animals to live in the wild. Animals can be real friends for people but they often need our help.


1)    Animals give us food.  a) Yes, they do.  b) No, they don’t.

2)     In the zoo we can see horses. a) Yes, we can.  b) No, we can’t.

3)    It is better for animals to live in flats. a) Yes, it is.  b) No, it isn’t.

4)    Animals can be people’s friends.  a) Yes, they can.  b) No, they can’t.

5)    Animals are very important for us. a) Yes, they are.  b) No, they aren’t.


Задание 3.

Вставьте “has” или “have”:

1)    The bird … just stretched its wings.

2)    - … you ever been to our local zoo? – Of course, I …

3)    My schoolmates … already joined the scientific society.

4)    These women … visited the famous Wild Animals’ Parks. Tomorrow they’ll tell us about their visit.

5)    … the monkey eaten your sweets? – Yes, it … and it really enjoyed them.

Задание 4.

Соедини русские словосочетания с соответствующими английскими:

1)    My parrot lives in the cage. 1) В мире много животных на грани вымирания.

2)    It is not a domestic animal. 2) Ты пойдешь в зоопарк?

3)    There are a lot of endangered animals in the world. 3) Мой попугай живет в клетке.

4)    Insects can be very dangerous.                  4) Это не домашнее животное.

5)    Will you go to the Zoo?               5) Насекомые могут быть очень опасны.



Задание 5.

Составьте предложения и запишите их ниже:

1)    She, cleaned, has, room, her.

2)    Has, he, washed, the dishes.

3)    Her brother, eaten, his food, has.

4)    Written, you, have, the letter.

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