12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Module 3-8 (Spotlight 10)


1. Choose the correct preposition: on, out, up, at

1. Leave him alone; stop picking  him.

2. Laura is picking … her food; I guess she’s not hungry.

3. I’ll pick you  from the station at 9.

4. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

5. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

2. Choose the correct preposition (ON, OUT OF, INTO, AWAY FROM, OVER) to complete each of the following sentences:

1.        Rodney nearly ran ________ an old lady while he was driving his car.

2.        Because of global warming, it's very important that we try to stop using cars and other vehicles that run ________ petrol or gasoline.

3.        We've run ________  sugar. Could you, please, buy some more?

4.        We ran ________ your brother at the mall last night.

5.        We can't run _______ the facts.

3.Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

He has decided to give __________ smoking.

Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

4.Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: down, over, up, on, up, down.

1. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?

2. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.

3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.

4. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.

5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.

5. Phrasal verb: bring on, up, about, back

1. My new computer has brought … big changes in how I work.

2. The stress from his job brought … a heart attack.

3. We were brought … in Manchester, England.

4. I've been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring … the DVD I lent her.

Module 3-8 (Spotlight 10)

V –I

1. Choose the correct preposition: on, out, up, at

1. At what time can I pick you …..

2. We ordered delicious dishes in a restaurant, but Liz was picking ….. her food.

3.Mike is new to our class, that’s why everyone is always picking him….

4. Excuse me! Can you help me pick ….. a tie(галстук) matches my shirt?

5. She doesn’t like her brothers because they always pick ….. him.

2. Choose the correct preposition (ON, OUT OF, INTO, AWAY FROM, OVER) to complete each of the following sentences:

1.        He almost ran ________ the neighbours’ cat!

2.        A lot of cars in Russia run _______ natural gas.

3.        We've run ________ petrol. We need to find a petrol station.

4.        Guess what? I ran _____ Susie at the library today.

5.        We can't run _______ the facts.

3.Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

He has decided to give __________ smoking.

The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct particle: down, over, up, on.

1. Turn ______ the page and look at exercise ten.

2. We turned _____ the heater because the room was cold.

3. Sam turned ______ on the doorstep at midnight in the pouring rain.

4. Anna was offered the job, but she turned it ______.

5. I can’t hear the news. Please turn ______ the volume on the TV.

6. That music is very loud. Could you turn the volume ______, please?

5. Phrasal verb: bring on, up, about, back

1. My new computer has brought … big changes in how I work.

2. The stress from his job brought … a heart attack.

3. We were brought … in Manchester, England.

4. I've been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring … the DVD I lent her.


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