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Логинова Наталья Владимировна316
Работаю учителем английского языка. Стаж 31 год.
Россия, Марий Эл респ., Йошкар-Ола

Итоговая контрольная работа в 6 классе по УМК “Spotlight

Choose the right form.

He is just … intelligent as she is.

a)as b)more c)most d)than

2. My granny is the … woman on Earht!

a)whiser b)wiser c)wisest d)wise

3. Denis is not … clever as Tom.

A )than b)as c)then d)that

4. They completed the task more … this time.

a) easily b)easy c)easier d)easyer

5. They completed the task more … this time.

a)easily b)easy c)easier d)easyer

6. Fill in the comparative or superlative adjectives or adverbs:

Sochi is (sunny)_____ then Tula.

7. It is (good) _____ film I’ve ever seen.

8. This actor is very talented. He is the _____actor in the world.

9. This singer is very successful. She is the_____ in Britain.

10. Peter studies (hard)_______ in the whole class.

11. Установите соответствие:


b)How wise of you!

c)You shouln’t do that

1. Очень разумно!

2. Этого не стоит делать.

3. Замечательно!

12. Расположите основные формы глагола swear в следующем порядке:

Infinitive – Past – Past Participle – перевод.

a)swear b)swor c)sworn d)swore e)клясться а)подметать

13. Расположите основные формы глагола shake в следующем порядке:

Infinitive – Past – Past Participle – перевод.

a)shook b)shake c)shaken d)snoak e)качать f)трясти

14. Make the right sentence.

A, is wearing, shawl, beautiful, woolen, head, colourful, nested doll.


15. Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb.

We __1_ about buying a new car. Our old one is broken. We _2__ it ten years ago. It ___3 our favourite car.

1.a) think b)are thinking c) thought

2. a)bought b)were buying c)have bought

3. a)is b)was c)were

16. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.

We __ (already/pack) our suitcases.

17. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.

___(you/ever/see) a ghost?

18. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.

He ___ (not/play) the game yet.

19. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.

She ___ (never/travel) abroad.

20. Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect.

He ___ (never/fly) the balloon.

21. Fill the blanks with suitable words:

The national flag of Great Britain is _.

The Union Jack

The One Jack

The Union John

22. Fill the blanks with suitable words:

The capital of Ireland is _.











Ответ the best

Ответ most talented

Ответ most successful

Ответ the hardest

a3, b1, c2



Nested doll is wearing a beautiful colourfu woolen head shawl

1b 2a 3b

Have already packed

Have you ever seen

Hasn’t played

Has never travelled

Has never flown




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