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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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https://english- practice.net/listening-exercises-b1-housing / (аудирование)

Test 5

Variant 1

Task 1. People are talking about where they live. What do the people dislike about each place? Listen and choose the correct answer.

1.  a)  location

     b) condition

     c)  rent

2.  a)  neighbors

     b)  noise

     c)  size

3.  a)  location

     b)  noise

     c)  size

4.  a)  size

     b)  location

     c)  rent

5.  a)  size

     b)  condition

     c)  noise

6.  a)  neighbors

     b)  condition

     c)  rent

Task 2. Fill in: sleep rough, shivering with cold, lost dignity, filthy rooms.

1. Her shoulders were covered only with a thin blouse and she was ______.

2. Life is at "rock bottom" for him and others who ______ in the city.

3. We have _____ our ______, that very basic necessity, like rice, tea and salt; things that mankind respects and tries to preserve.

4. She fell through the floor of an abandoned house as it’s been rotten for a long time.

5. There is shocking disregard for workers’ living conditions: all of them live in _______.

Task 3. Choose the correct word.

1. And as goes this capital/industrial city so goes the nation.

2. The cosmopolitan/historic town of Patan in the Kathmandu Valley, home to many ancient temples, was destroyed during Nepal's deadly earthquake.

3. She tries to take care of stray/abandoned animals as often as she can.

4. Over the last five years the council has issued 142 fines after rangers saw owners failing to pick up dog rubbish/mess.

5. You've had enough to eat, a roof over your head/body, you've been warm.

Task 4. Choose the correct modal verb.

1. You look tired. You ______ go to bed.

a) should b) could c) would

2. _______ you wait a moment, please?

a) should b) can c) must

3. It's a secret. You ______  tell anyone.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) shouldn’t

4. I was surprised that she _____ say such rude words.

a) must b) shouldn’t c) could

5. Take an umbrella. It _______ rain later.

a) can b) might c) would

6. You have just had lunch. You _____ be hungry.

a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t c) can’t

Task 5.

a) Match the words in two columns and translate the phrases.

In need ___

Take a look ___

Within easy reach ___

Do ___

Do ___






b) Complete the sentences.

1. Animals are ______ rescue.

2. Tolland glanced up from his computer, this work really ______ him _____.

3. I'll _____ a black cloth over her eyes so she won’t be able to see anything at all.

4. The villas are all close to picturesque villages _______the mountains and the sea.

5. Hurry and _____ at this adorable beach cottage now!

Task 6. What type of houses is described in the following text?

_______ typically have thick walls, small windows, low ceilings, structural pillars and thatched rooves. They’re around 1½ storeys tall with 2 floors. The top floor is usually smaller than the ground floor.

Cottages can be detached or terraced. They can come with quite a hefty price tag, despite their modest appearance. You tend to find cottages in countryside or somewhere in villages.

Test 5

Variant 2

Task 1. People are talking about where they live. What do the people dislike about each place? Listen and choose the correct answer.

1.  a)  location

     b) condition

     c)  rent

2.  a)  neighbors

     b)  noise

     c)  size

3.  a)  location

     b)  noise

     c)  size

4.  a)  size

     b)  location

     c)  rent

5.  a)  size

     b)  condition

     c)  noise

6.  a)  neighbors

     b)  condition

     c)  rent

Task 2. Fill in: sub-zero temperatures, choke, drug addict, cold ate into my bones, make ends meet

1. Her younger sister Mary is a ______, I think she needs psychological and medical help.

2. Friends said they believed Halpin could have suffered hypothermia in the _______.

3. I was near a dead man myself, that night, mostly in stupor, only remember how _____.

4. I thought I would _____before I got drowned," he said.

5. I suppose it isn’t his only job, he struggles to ______ here.

Task 3. Choose the correct word.

1. Many migrate to already overcrowded/industrial cities, contributing to urban blight.

2. People in market/shanty towns are just as likely to suffer from hunger, malnutrition and disease as their rural counterparts.

3. In the New York of my childhood, aggressive street hawkers/beggars offered drugs to passers-by.

4. Just then he heard the noise/smell of another rock falling and he looked around quickly.

5. All we know about your wealthy family, but that doesn't mean you have to throw money down the drain/chimney.

Task 4. Choose the correct modal verb.

1. I haven't decided yet where to go for my holiday. I_____go to Greece.

a) would b) may c) should

2. I understand it very well. You______ explain further.

a) needn’t b) shouldn’t c) aren’t able to

3. I_____ leave the party early last night. I wasn't very well.

a) must b) was to c) had to

4. We haven't got much time. We ______ hurry.

a) need b) must c) could

5. Hello,_____ I speak to Tom, please?

a) should b) can c) would

6. It was the principle of the tiling. People____  to keep their words.

a) ought to b) has to c) are able to

Task 5.

a) Match the words in two columns and translate the phrases.

___ bad condition

____ repair

Do ____

Do ____

In need ____






b) Complete the sentences.

1. I wonder what we should _______ him?

2. The rooms towards the sea are _______.

3. There are abandoned houses that are ______; and staying in them can be dangerous to one’s life.

4. I am badly ______ money and support.

5. I am going to _____ some of my New York properties.

Task 6. What type of houses is described in the following text?

A _______ house stands alone, offering more privacy to its residents. These houses sometimes come with sizeable areas of privately-owned land and can be quite large. They’re not all totally removed from the neighbourhood, but they never share a wall with any neighbouring homes. They are highly popular and usually more expensive than any other houses because of the heightened privacy.


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