Кроссворд по теме «Животные» для учащихся 5 классов

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1 |
4 |
3 |
20 |
8 |
11 |
9 |
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7 |
13 |
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6 |
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15 |
12 |
17 |
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19 |
18 |
1. верблюд
3. This Indian animal has only one horn.
5. перья
9. a small animal with long ears and large front teeth. It likes carrots.
11. морская свинка
12. a large water bird similar (похожая) to a duck but larger
13. курица
14. шерсть, мех
16. павлин
18. тяжелый
2. олень
4. A large reptile that lives in the rivers. It is like an alligator.
6. Elephants carry things with their __________.
7. a bird's mouth
8. the foot of an animal that has claws (когти)
10. черепаха (сухопутная)
12. a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs
13. охотиться
15. коза
17. бивни
18. прятаться
19. unhappy because you are not with other people
20. a small, brightly coloured bird, often kept as a pet