12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Россия, Ярославль

Ролевая игра ко Дню Святого Валентина

Класс: 10-11

Цель урока: развитие умения говорения (диалогическая речь, спонтанная монологическая речь)

Материалы: ролевые карточки, листы с вопросами и заданиями для аудитории, бумага А4, сложенная пополам, маркеры, на доске плакат/надпись – Love at First Sight, призы для победителей (желательно шоколадные батончики Twix (6 максимум: 1 батончик на 1 выигравшую пару))

Ход урока:

Друг напротив друга ставятся стулья: рядами по 6 с каждой стороны. Перпендикулярно им на некотором расстоянии стоят ряды стульев для зрителей.

Учитель приветствует учащихся и благодарит за то, что они пришли на сегодняшнее шоу под названием Love at First Sight, где одинокие сердца ищут своих половинок. На одну сторону приглашаются 6 юношей, напротив них – 6 девушек. Каждый участник игры получает ролевую карточку с основной информацией об их образе, который им предстоит играть в течение урока. Эта информация строго индивидуальна, обсуждать и показывать друг другу - запрещено. Далее участникам игры выдаются листы А4, сложенные «домиком» или пополам. На одной стороне они пишут вымышленное имя для их персонажа.

Учитель объявляет, что цель игры – найти того человека, который подойдет именно вам. Сделать это можно, слушая ответы игроков и задавая свои вопросы им. В конце игры участникам предстоит сделать выбор (выбрать можно только 1 игрока с противоположной стороны), тайно написать имя выбранного персонажа на оборотной стороне листа А4 (где уже написано их имя) и по команде учителя показать свой выбор. Те люди, чей выбор окажется взаимным, станут победителями и получат приз.

Пока участники придумывают и записывают имена на А4, оставшиеся учащиеся (аудитория) получают листы с вопросами и заданиями, знакомятся с ними. Им предстоит задавать вопросы из этого списка участникам игры (выборочно, те вопросы, которые им кажутся наиболее интересными). Вопрос можно адресовать всем участникам, только девушкам/юношам или конкретным людям.

Когда участники готовы, шоу начинается. Учитель-ведущий просит игроков представиться и сказать пару слов о себе. Затем слово дается аудитории, которая задает первый выбранный ими вопрос. И так далее.

Учитель следит за временем, не исправляет ошибки учащихся, помогает с возникающими языковыми трудностями, следит за временем. За 10 минут до окончания он напоминает о необходимости сделать выбор и дает команду записать (но не называть и пока не показывать) имя выбранного человека на оборотной стороне листа А4 с их именем. По команде учителя игроки по очереди переворачивают свои листы и озвучивают свой выбор. Сложившиеся пары награждаются аплодисментами и призами.

По окончании игры следует провести рефлексию о впечатлениях, сложностях, с которыми столкнулись учащиеся.



Лист для аудитории (для зрителей):

Questions and tasks


Confess your love to the ladies/men.

Tell us a joke.

Surprise us.

A perfect date (свидание). Describe it.

Share one of your secrets with us.

General questions:

What is love?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

What is an ideal man/lady like?

What is more important: family, career, love or entertainment?

Can people live together without marriage?

Who is the main person in the family?

What do you think of blonde ladies?

Your ideal day of rest. What is it like?

Do you believe horoscopes?

Personal questions:

Have you got any bad habits?

What are you best at?

What is the worst thing about you?

How would you treat a guy you like?

Are you a romantic person?

Are you ready to fight for a girl you like?

What’s your life credo?

What was the best moment in your life?

What can make you go crazy?

What can make you cry?

Who is your idol?

Who is going to cook in your family?

Are you going to marry soon?

What is your main feature (trait of character)?

Do you love cooking?

Do you love children?

How do you spend your free time?

Do you easily fall in love?

Are you adventurous and risky?

Would you marry a lady/guy on the second day after meeting her/him?

Ролевые карточки для участников:


You’re a photo model.

You’re young and pretty, not a single extra kilo. You want to build your career and become famous. You have a lot of admirers (fans), but they are not worth your attention.

You look for a person who will be ready to die for you and pay for anything you wish. He must be confident, good-looking, strong and impressive. He must treat you like a queen.

You’re a Red Cross Volunteer.

Your aim in life is to help people, animals, anyone. You have to travel a lot, meet unhappy people. So, usually at the end of the day you’re too tired to do anything but read or chat with your friends on the Internet. You’re communicative, positive, responsible and very kind. You’ve got 5 cats at home.

You look for a kind-hearted man who will understand you and share your way of life. He must be reserved (сдержанный), caring and smart

A student

You study at a university, take life easy and usually look at the bright side of it. You combine studies with having fun at night. You have lots of friends, who are also very active. You do extreme sports, go dancing and you are always ready to risk. Your life is full of events and is always at a full swing.

You look for a bit crazy man, who can do strange or funny things. He must be open to new experiences, eager to have fun and easy to deal with. You hate being bored.

A cook

You come from an extended family and love all your relatives so much. Family - that’s the most important thing in life. So, you’re ready to get married and, perhaps, have some children (the more, the better) and be a perfect housewife. But you must find a reliable man first.

You look for a trust-worthy man, mature enough (зрелый) to start a family. He should be practical, family-oriented and able to support a wife and children. You don’t like noisy people and posers.

You’re a Johnny Depp’s fan.

You are so much into movies with J.Depp. He’s your idol, because he’s so handsome, witty, smart and successful. A perfect man. You spend your free time going to the cinema, talking to friends, listening to music.

You look for a man like J. Depp. Or at least the one who also loves movies and work of this actor. He must be creative, understanding, smart and optimistic. Romantics are also welcome.

6) A young business lady

You’ve recently graduated from the Economics University and started your own business. You know you’re impressive and interesting to deal with. You look brilliant.

You hate those emotional guys who speak too much, try seeming romantic but in fact are just showing-off with their banal “your eyes are so magic, I could look at them forever”. A man should be a man not a puppy. So, you are looking for a strong-willed, self-confident smart guy who will make you respect him. He must show his authority.


An ex-soldier

You like when things are ordered and structured, when there’s no chaos. You plan things, plan your life and follow your plans strictly. You have a clear goal in life. You’re brave, self-confident, reasonable and practical.

You look for a nice-looking, kind woman ready to start a family and be a good housewife. You can’t stand stupid women.



You come from a rich family. You’ve been to lots of countries and have already got tired of travelling. Every half a year you go to some fashionable resort like Ibiza. You spend nights in clubs with your friends (and girlfriends). Your interests are clubbing, extreme sports, brand cars, labels and girls. Not ready to start a family. You’re sure you can make any woman happy.

You look for a fantastically beautiful lady to accompany you in clubs and impress your friends.

A student of ICT

You like spending days and nights surfing the Internet or making different programs. You enjoy video and online games but hate noisy companies, clubs and dancing. You’re rather shy in public but confident in the Network.

You look for a woman but don’t know who’ll be your Ms Right.


A shop assistant

You work in a New Technologies shop, earn money but don’t know exactly how to spend it. You definitely need a girlfriend. You’re rather romantic, play the guitar and want to create your own band. Sometimes you feel lonely.

You look for an ordinary but nice lady who will be interesting to talk to and who will give you a goal in life.

An artist

A romantic, creative person. You spend your time in your studio painting pictures. At night you like to lead long philosophical conversations. You can also make poems and you know a lot about literature. Sometimes you suffer from bad thoughts about the world’s imperfection…

You look for a Muse for you. She must be really special. She must steal your heart, appreciate your work and be ready to help you when you have a depression. You will read poems to her, make compliments and show her how much she means to you.

6) A biker

You look so brutal! You ride your beloved Harley Davidson and listen to heavy metal. Definitely, you’re not a gentleman and sometimes you can even be rude. You wear only leather clothes and heavy boots. Speed and freedom are two things which you appreciate in life. You enjoy night life in the open air somewhere far from the city with lots of bikes, like-minded people and loud music. But the time has come to think of your second half. Perhaps, you could be a good father teaching your son the real sense of life.

You look for a lady with the same interests or at least an easy-going and open-minded person who will see how manly you are. You’re a real man and your Ms Right must go crazy because of it.


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