"Love of learning"

Материал опубликован 12 January 2021

Love of learning

Выполнила: Писарева Вилена, 3 курс отд. «Живопись»,

КГБ ПОУ «Хабаровский краевой колледж искусств»

Руководитель: Гаголкина Т.С.

An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. College teaches you different subjects (disciplines) and many other important things. It helps you to discover your special talents, it encourages students to make serious choice of their future occupations. College gives you knowledge in many fields of art.

Knowledge is compared to different things. You can often read or hear such sayings as: Knowledge is power. Knowledge is wealth. Knowledge is light”.

These sayings mean that the more a person knows, the greater power he has. One must have all-round knowledge. What makes a person educated? The most important thing is a desire to learn. We must always try to acquire knowledge. It can be acquired at college from teachers at pairs, from books, in museums, at exhibitions and, of course, from the Internet. Being students we have to work systematically, study subjects outside the syllabus, find information about the subjects we are interested in, try to use knowledge in daily life.

 But knowledge itself is not enough to make people educated. There is another important thing which is necessary for everybody-discipline. Only a disciplined student understands the true value of time. Self-discipline helps youngsters to achieve good results in their studies.

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