Олимпиадные задания для дошкольников 5-7 лет по английскому языку
Choose and mark (V)
Five oranges | ||
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Seven flowers | ||
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Three potatoes | ||
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Six pencils | ||
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Nine books | ||
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Four fish | ||
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Circle animals: an elephant, a lion, a monkey, a fox, a bear.
L ook! Little mouse in the food shop. Help the mouse choose products. Circle an apple, a cake, milk, cheese, jam.
C olour a clown: a purple mouth, a red nose, black hair, pink ears, and grey eyes.

Draw lines to the items of clothes little bear wants to wear. Listen: Little bear wants to wear a T-shirt, trousers, shoes and socks.

Circle all the pictures with sound [b]
Draw lines to the sports that the family likes. Listen: father likes to play football. Mother likes to play tennis. Sister likes to play basketball. Brother likes to play hockey. Grandfather likes to play volleyball. Grandmother likes to ski.
What is it? Listen and draw: I am purple, yellow, red, and green. I show my colours after the rain. And only when the sun comes out again.

Listen the story and write the numbers on the pictures.

Марьясова Ирина Евгеньевна
Горбачёва Марина Юрьевна