12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Старцева Ангелина Николаевна110

Vocabulary 7a

Overcome difficulties

Achieve dreams (success, goals, ambitions)

Come up against obstacles

Reach the goal

Face the insurmountable obstacles

Be afraid of weaknesses (failings, defeats)

Dreams come true

Reject an idea

Make a difference in your life

Long to do something

Take things

Move on

End in failure

To be defeated

Take heart

To be hopeless

Banish self-doubt

Hard work


Give up

Never say never

Dash one’s hopes

In the hope that

Hope for the best

Get one’s hopes up

Give up hope

Have high hopes of

Pin one’s hopes on

1. Translate the following words and phrases.

Overcome difficulties

To be hopeless

Move on

Banish self-doubt

Take heart

2. Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges. (• face  • change • wait • overcome)

1) A: Pete helped me ______ the problems I had at work.
B: He is a great guy, isn’t he?

2) A: Lots of people want to ______ the world.
B: That is very promising.

3) A: Do you think it will be difficult to start my own business?
B: In the beginning, you may ______ many obstacles, but you mustn’t give up.

4) A: We will never have the money to buy a car.
B: Yes, we will. Just _______ and see.

3. Match the words to form phrases.

In the hope




Hope for the


Get hopes


1. We might be able to buy that DVD player that you liked, but don't ________ - it might be sold out.
2. A horrible snowstorm has ______ our _____ of going to the countryside for the weekend.
3. I had never worked abroad before but I decided to have a go and _______.
Mary shared a flat with her sister ________ she would save up some money to buy a car.

1. Translate the following words and phrases.

Achieve success

Face the insurmountable obstacles

Dreams come true

End in failure

Make a difference in your life

2. Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges. (• reject • make • come • achieve)

1) A: When I set goals for myself, I make sure I ______ them.
B: Good for you!

2) A: If you ______ up against any difficulties, give me a ring.
В: I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.

3) A: I don’t think I would be a successful manager.
B: Don’t ______ the idea until you give it a try.

4)A: Tracey likes helping people in need.
В: I know, she likes to ______ a difference in people’s lives.

3. Match the words to form phrases.

Get hopes


Gave up


Has high hopes


Pinned hopes


1. We might be able to buy that DVD player that you liked, but don't ______it might be sold out.
2. Jonathan has ______ buying this flat. He hasn't looked around for anything else.
3. Jack _________ becoming a millionaire.
4. They never _________ that they would make it through all the hardships.

Vocabulary 7b

Drop out of school

Hand in essay

Win a scholarship

Apply for university

Complete degree

Study for exams

Graduate from

Do an apprenticeship

Attend lectures

Enroll on a course




Tuition fee/price





Translate the following phrases.

Study for exams

Graduate from university

Do an apprenticeship

Attend lectures

Enroll on a course

Choose the right word.

Harry eventually got a teaching place / position at the University of Manchester.
2) Beth checked the college syllabus / prospectus to see which courses were on offer.
3) You can’t get a good job if you don’t have any qualifications / qualities.
4) The course fees / prices have risen dramatically this year.
5) Most of my classmates / colleagues have been working for the company for many years.
6) History was William’s favourite lesson / subject so it came as no surprise when he got an A.

3. Choose the right word and translate the idioms. (beat/ carry/ dream)

1. _______ around the bush – ___________________________________

2. _______ the can – __________________________________

3. _______ up an excuse – _________________________

Translate the following phrases.

Drop out of school

Hand in essay

Win a scholarship

Apply for university

Complete degree

2. Choose the right word.

1) I am going to apply for the place position of senior manager at our company.
2) You need to have the necessary qualities qualifications to succeed in the job.
3) My parents help me pay my tuition fees prices.
4) I usually have a French lesson subject twice a week.
5) My student loan funding amounts to £12,000.
6) Most of my classmates colleagues have been working for a minimum of six years.

3. Choose the right word and translate the idioms. (learn/ beat/ teach)

1. live and ________– ___________________

2. _______ around the bush – __________________________

3. _________ an old dog new tricks – ______________________


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