Урок английского языка на тему «Письмо солдату» (5–8 класс)

Материал опубликован 27 March 2023

[m]; [t]; [w]; [o]. World War II, Great Patriotic War, tragedy, strong, front, soldier, to win, honour, to remember, enemy, battle , fire, letter, to fight, peace, victory, to defend, to celebrate, motherland, native, terrible, triangle

World War II, Great Patriotic War, tragedy, strong, front, soldier, to win, honour, to remember, enemy, battle , fire, letter, to fight, peace, victory, to defend, to celebrate, motherland, native, terrible, triangle Nouns Adjectives Verbs                      

Moscow To Ivanova Marina military post 72543-В From Ivanov Pavel

шкала оценивания «5»-8 слов «4»-7-6 слов «3»-5-4 «2»-3 и меньше

the minute of silence


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