«Планы на каникулы» (“Holiday plans”)

Материал опубликован 16 May 2024

Технологическая карта урока английского языка

Учитель: Дмитриева Елена Вячеславовна

Дата: 08.04.2024

Класс: 6-В

Тема: «Планы на каникулы» (“Holiday plans”)

Учебник: «Английский в фокусе», 6 класс, Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В. Эванс

Цель: совершенствование навыков говорения и письма по теме «Планы на каникулы» с использованием грамматической конструкции «be going to» («я собираюсь….»)


Образовательная: активизировать лексику по теме «Holiday plans» в различных видах деятельности

Воспитательная: совершенствовать умения рассказывать о своих планах на каникулы

Развивающая: развивать умение понимать на слух небольшой аудиофайл, развивать умение понимать на слух конструкцию "be going to" развивать память,

Тип урока: комбинированный

Методы, приёмы, формы работы: индивидуальная работа, работа в парах, группах

Лексические единицы, основные термины: go shopping, taste local food, visit museums, attend a performance, go sightseeing, stay in a luxurious hotel, map, suitcase, camera, sunglasses, swimsuit, cap, towel, boots, toothpaste, socks, shorts, soap.

Материально-техническое оснащение: ноутбук, интерактивная доска, проектор, колонка, маркерная доска, маркер, магниты, карточки

Ход урока


Этап урока (время)

Содержание, цели и задачи

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


Мотивационно - ориентировочный этап

(6 мин)

Настроить учащихся на работу на уроке. Формирование цели урока.

Good afternoon, students.

I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

So, look at my desk. What is it? Right, it’s a backpack. I ask you to come and take some things from it. (go shopping, taste local food, visit museums, go sightseeing, attend a performance, stay in a luxurious hotel, preparing for the exam). Ok, look at board, please. Repeat after me (say in different emotion) Can you find what is the odd word? Why? And these words relate to the …..You are right. Guys, what do we need know to speak about holidays plan.

Could you guess what we are going to talk about?

-You’re right. The aim of the lesson is to learn how we can speak about holiday plans. We are going to improve your speaking skills, enrich your vocabulary.

Good afternoon, teacher.

We’re glad to see you too.

Students give answers about their feeling. They guess what will be the theme of lesson.


Актуализация знаний

(10 мин)

Подготовка учащихся к мыслительной и речевой

деятельности по теме с использованием различных упражнений

Guys, we live in one of the most wonderful regions of Russia. Crimea is the resort region, where you can find a lot of interesting places. One of them is very famous for over the world. It attracts a plenty of children who wants to spend their holiday well. I’ll show a video about this place, try to guess what is it.

It's international children’s center Artek. You are right. Would you like to go to this fantastic place with me? Please, look at your desks, you can see cards, take them and change your seats according to them. There are 9 camps in Artek. Today first team is supposed to go to Camp Yantarny, second team to camp Morskoi, third team to camp "Forest".

Let’s see what things we can take with you on a trip (map, suitcase, camera, sunglasses, swimsuit, cap, towel, boots, toothpaste, socks, shorts, soap, comb, cup, skate, crisps) Come to the blackboard, take right thing and put in our backpack. Use this phrase “I’m going to take a map.”

Students go the blackboard and work with vocabulary. Make sentences.


Первичное усвоение новых знаний

(10 мин)

Открытие новых знаний, выявление затруднений в индивидуальной деятельности каждого учащегося

We’ve just used a structure be going to to talk about our future plans. Let’s see how it forms. We need to be. Do you remember forms of this verb in the present?


This part of structure depends on who is the subject in the sentence. The second part “going to” doesn’t change. Let’s see how we can do negative and interrogative sentences.

Now, we have a practice. Please, look at the screen, you task is to give a right variant.

Student’s learn a structure “be going to”.


(2 мин)

I ask you to get up, please. Do you know that agitprop chant is very common in the camp. Let’s try do it now. I say the phrase and do the action your task is to repeat after me all together.

We are going to swim

We are going to jump

We are going to run

We are going to clap

We are going to dance

We are going to sleep

We are going to ride

We are going to work

We are positive and great

Repeat words and movements after teacher.


Первичное усвоение новых знаний

(5 мин)

Воспроизведение лексико-грамматического материала в игровых ситуациях

Let’s have a look at an interrogative form.


Students learn about an interrogative form. Make dialogues. Read texts and do posters.


Now, we are going to do an exercise in your worksheet. Your task is to make up a dialogue using be going to.

What are you going to do in Artek?

I’m going to swim but I’m not going to study.

Use prompts.

Now you are going to work in group. I give each grope a text about Artek’s activities and pictures. Your task is to read the text, choose right pictures and do the poster. Then you will present it to the class. When you will tell us about activities, use the construction be going to.


Первичное закрепление

(4 мин)

Выяснение уровня


коммуникативных навыков,

грамматических знаний по

изученной теме

Well done.

Now I give you some forms. Please, answer the questions.

Students do cards.


Рефлексивно-оценочный этап

(4 мин)

Развитие умения

обобщать и систематизировать изученное, делать выводы. Осознание учащимися своей у чебной деятельности, оценка результатов деятельности своей и всего класса.

Our lesson is over. We have discussed your holiday plans and you have done all exercises. You have worked hard today.

Your marks are …..

Open your diaries and write the homework. You need write a letter to your friend about summer plans.

I have special gifts for you - badge. And one more surprise for you. (video)

When Artek residents have to leave for their homes they tie each other strings of friendship in memory and say the most sincere and kind words to their friends. I wish you to Artek one day.

Have a nice day.

Write down the homework.


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