Презентация «Своя игра»

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Тема:Great Britain Своя игра Предмет: английский язык Целевая аудитория: 7-11 класс, в зависимости от уровня учеников Цели:заинтересовать учеников в предмете, разнообразить проведение уроков Правила работы указаны в следующем слайде.
Правила игры Begin 1. Выбери ячейку с номером и щёлкни по ней мышкой. 2. Прочитай вопрос. 3. Чтобы узнать правильный ответ, щёлкни мышкой по экрану. 4. Чтобы продолжить игру, щёлкни мышкой по кнопке «Продолжить игру». Exit
3 8 7 6 5 4 1 2 10 11 9 12 17 13 16 15 14 18 20 19 23 22 21 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 35 34 33 31 32 Rules Exit Great Britain
Attention! The question! How many parts does the UK consist of? 1 Correct answer There are 4 parts Rules Go on
Attention! The question! What colour are the British buses? 5 Correct answer They are red Rules Go on
Attention! The question! What river does the capital stand on? 9 Correct answer theThames Rules Go on
Attention! The question! What channel connects Great Britain and France? 13 Correct answer English Channel Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The flag of Great Britain is called… 17 Correct answer Union Jack Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The national symbol of Wales is… 21 Correct answer daffodil Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The capital of Scotland is… 22 Correct answer Edinburgh Rules Go on
Attention! The question! What’s the address where Sherlock Holmes lived? 25 Correct answer Baker st. 221b Rules Go on
Attention! The question! When is Christmas celebrated in Great Britain? 30 Correct answer December,25th Rules Go on
Attention! The question! What is the traditional gift for Easter? 3 Correct answer Egg Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The most famous Christmas song 7 Correct answer We wish you a Merry Christmas Rules Go on
Attention! The question! Nessie lives in… 11 Correct answer Loch Ness Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The most famous English drink is… 19 Correct answer tea Rules Go on
Attention! The question! On this day people send postcards to someone they love 23 Correct answer St. Valentine’s day Rules Go on
Attention! The question! She has two birthdays. 27 Correct answer The Queen Rules Go on
Attention! The question! At what time do Englishmen drink tea? 31 Correct answer 5 o’clock Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The name of the queen is.. 35 Correct answer Elisabeth II Rules Go on
Attention! The question! He wrote Sherlock Holmes 2 Correct answer Arthur Conan Doyle Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The author of Harry Potter 6 Correct answer Joanna Rowling Rules Go on
Attention! The question! This national hero lived in Sherwood forest 10 Correct answer Robin Hood Rules Go on
Attention! The question! English singer and musician, he wrote “Yesterday” 18 Correct answer Paul McCartney Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The hometown of the Beatles 26 Correct answer Liverpool Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The central square of London is… 29 Correct answer Trafalgar Square Rules Go on
Attention! The question! This statue is in the centre of Trafalgar Square 34 Correct answer The statue to Admiral Nelson Правила игры Go on
Attention! The question! The biggest museum in London is… 4 Correct answer The British museum Rules Go on
Attention! The question! Name two educational cities with world-famous universities 8 Correct answer Cambridge and Oxford Rules Go on
Attention! The question! Museum where you can see wax celebrities 16 Correct answer Madame Tussaud’s Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The guards of the Tower are named… 20 Correct answer Beafeaters Rules Go on
Attention! The question! Scottish musical instrument is… 24 Correct answer bagpipe Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The national men’s costume in Scotland 28 Correct answer The kilt Rules Go on
Attention! The question! Traditional take-away English food is called 32 Correct answer Fish and chips Rules Go on
Attention! The question! He wrote “Romeo and Juliet” 32 Correct answer William Shakespeare Rules Go on
Attention! The question! One of the Europe’s biggest stone circles 32 Correct answer Stonehenge Rules Go on
Attention! The question! The author of Robinson Crusoe 32 Correct answer Daniel Defoe Rules Go on
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