12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Нижний Новгород

Фамилия _______________________ Класс ________

Вариант 1.

Choose a right variant.

I think that Spartak will be/is going to be a champion next year.

Look at the sky! It will rain/is going to rain.

I promise that I will call/am going to call you.

I’ve bought the tickets to Spain. We will fly/are going to fly tomorrow.

Scientists believe that they will create/are going to create the vaccine from coronavirus.

I won’t tell/am not going to tell your mum that you’ve failed the test.

We will discover/are going to discover life on Mars in the nearest future.

I believe that I will have/am going to have a lot of children.

We’ve moved to another town. I will go/am going to go to a new school.

He missed a lesson. The teacher will call/is going to call his parents.

Фамилия _______________________ Класс ________

Вариант 2.

Choose a right variant.

I hope Billie Eilish will come out/is going to come out a new album next month.

Look at the thermometer! It will be/is going to be very hot today.

I promise I will send/am going to send you an e-mail tonight.

I’ve bought a party dress. I will visit/am going to visit Tom’s birthday party.

Economists hope that a new crisis won’t come/is not going to come.

I will help/am going to help you with your project if you want.

We will open/are going to open new planets in the future.

I think Tom will marry/is going to marry Sophie.

My dad was fired. He will look for/is going to look for a new job.

He has failed all his exams. He won’t get/is not going to get a diploma.

Опубликовано в группе «Проверочные работы по английскому языку»

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