“Queen Elizabeth II and the Second World War”

Материал опубликован 26 November 2019

Administration of Podolsk
The Committee of Education
Secondary school No17
T.r. Podolsk, Moscow region,
Vysotnaya Street, 17


Queen Elizabeth II and the Second World War” 

The work done
by Chesta Igor,
11 "A" form, secondary school No. 17
Teacher Pechckurova Elena Anatolyevna

T.r. Podolsk, 2019

Queen Elizabeth II and the Second World War

Introduction. When Britain entered the Second World War in September 1939 Elizabeth was only thirteen years old.

The long-serving British Conservative politician, Douglass Hogg, suggested to the Royal Family that the young Elizabeth and her sister Margaret should be evacuated to Canada, but the princess’ mother replied in no uncertain terms. “The children won’t go without me,” she said, “I won’t leave without the King, and the King will never leave.” 1

The British Royal family stayed in their country. They moved from place to place during the early stages of the war. Those first few dark winter months were spent at the sprawling ([‘sprɔːlɪŋ] - растянувшийся) and ancient Balmoral estate in the Scottish Highlands. The young sisters stayed there until Christmas of 1939. As British troops were mobilized and rationing and blackouts began – (началось нормирование и отключениуя электроэнергии), the Royal family moved to Sandringham House in Norfolk, and then back south to Windsor Castle, where they stayed for the rest of the duration of war.

Still at the young age of fourteen, the Princess Elizabeth made her first public radio broadcast, on the long-running BBC radio programme Children’s Hour. She spoke with feeling directly to the many children and young people who had been separated from their families during the evacuations which had begun in September 1939. She appealed to their courage and to their determination, telling them to stay strong and to stay hopeful. She expressed a belief that, eventually, peace would come again.

The next year, 1943, the Princess Elizabeth turned sixteen. On a cold day in 1943, she made her first public appearance, inspecting a troop of Grenadier Guards. This Regiment had seen a great deal of action already in the war, and would go on to see more.

The Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret, along with their mother, made a great impact on the Guardsmen. The Princess was greatly impressed by the soldiers, and the day remained in her memory for a long time after.

In 1945 she approached her eighteenth birthday that she enrolled in the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service. The ATS was the women’s branch of the British army aircraft guns and spotlights – (авиационные пушки и прожекторы), among many other roles. During her time training and working with the Women’s Auxiliaries she was often to be seen in the uniform of the service. She took her duties seriously

Princess Elizabeth trained as a mechanic and a truck driver, learning to work on the engines of many different kinds of motor vehicles. She developed a love of driving which has remained an important part of her life.2

Five months after her training, she was promoted to the honorary rank of Junior commander.

When the war was finally concluded, and the victory which she had predicted in that early radio broadcast had at last come to pass, the Princess Elizabeth and her sister Margaret asked their parents for permission to go out and see the crowds. It was the 8th of May, 1945. The parents granted their permission, and the Princesses ventured out into the cheering throngs of people- (рискнули выйти в ликующую толпу людей). They walked together, arm in arm, along Whitehall, swept along by the crowd.

Conclusion. I would like to note that Queen Elizabeth II remains the only female member of the Royal family to join the army and was the only living head of state to serve in World War II.


Children's Hour - Princess Elizabeth// https://www.bbc.com

Did Queen Elizabeth II serve as a mechanic and driver in World War II? https://www.quora.com

Queen Elizabeth II, the War Years// https://www.warhistoryonline.com

1 Queen Elizabeth II, the War Years// https://www.warhistoryonline.com

2 Did Queen Elizabeth II serve as a mechanic and driver in World War II? https://www.quora.com

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