12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Ибрагимова Светлана Валерьевна80
Россия, Кемеровская обл., Мариинск

Name ______________________________________________________

Form 5 А

1.What is the weather like today?

The weather is __________________

The phonetic exercise

Father Duck goes for a swim

And Mother Duck comes out with him.

And behind them clean and trim

Seven ducklings swim.

2. Look at the picture and read the poem of our phonetic exercise and guess the theme of our lesson. So, what is the theme of our lesson?


3.What words do you associate with the word “family”?







4. Translate new words

Clever Cool Naughty

Caring Kind Friendly

Funny Noisy Brave

Look at the Green's family picture and say what do you thing about them?

Jane is _____________

Kate’s grandma is __________________

David is _______________

Tom is_____________

Emma is ____________

Kate’s grandpa __________


6.Look at the Green's family picture and say what do you thing about them?

His name is…

He is…

He can…

Her name is…

She is…

She can…

7.Let's read some more information about Kate and her family.

Read and decide if the sentences are true or false or doesn’t say.

Kate’s family.

My mum’s name is Jane. She’s 35 and she’s a music teacher. She can play the guitar. She’s very clever.

My dad’s name is David. He’s 42 and he is pilot. He can speak French. He is very cool.

Tom is my brother. He’s 8 and he is very naughty, but deep down he’s very caring! Computer games are his hobby.

Helen is my grandma. She’s70. She is kind and friendly. She can cook very well.

Ben is my grandpa. He is 72. He’s really funny.

Emma is my babby sister. She’s sweet, but very noisy! She can’t walk yet.


1.My mum’s a music teacher/ doctor.

2.My dad can speak French/fly.

3.Tom is is very naughty/sweet, but deep down he’s very caring!

4.Helen is is kind/brave and friendly/cool.

5.Emma is my babby/old sister.


1.My mum can ________________.

2.My dad’s _____________.

3.Helen can ______________ very well.

4.Ben is really ____________.

5.Emma ______________, but very noisy!





doesn’t say


Kate plays he violin.


Jane can dance.


David can speak another language.


Kate’s got a baby brother.


Kate visits her grandparents every weekend.


It was easy.

It was interesting.

It was hard.

It was boring.


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