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Иванова Татьяна Николаевна18

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 9 класса в форме игры «Detective’s school» по теме «125 лет со дня рождения Агаты Кристи»

Министерство образования РБ, Стерлитамакский район,

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа с. Рощинский

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку для 9 класса в форме игры «Detectives school» по теме «125 лет со дня рождения Агаты Кристи»

(по УМК “Enjoy English”. Учебник английского языка для 9 класса. Авторы М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева ).

Подготовила и провела:

Иванова Т.Н.


План мероприятия

Цель мероприятия: развитие интереса к изучению английской литературы, повышение культурного и образовательного уровня, раскрытие социокультурного потенциала личности учащихся


познавательная: расширить кругозор учащихся; мотивировать их на чтение книг на языке оригинала;

практическая: активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка;

развивающая: развивать речевую культуру школьников и культуру общения;

учебная: тренировать у учащихся лексико-грамматические навыки, навыки, говорения;

воспитательная: воспитывать уважение к культуре другой страны,

Оборудование и оформление: портрет Агаты Кристи, Эркюля Пуаро и Мисс Марпл, карточки с заданиями в двух экземплярах, электронная презентация


Оргмомент: деление команд, постановка задач.

Конкурс «Разорванная записка»

Конкурс «Переводчики»

Конкурс «Кража в музее»

Конкурс «Розыск»

Конкурс «Викторина»

Конкурс «Шептуны»

Подведение итогов, отгадка таинственных персонажей

Ход мероприятия.

1.Организационный момент

Ведущий: Good afternoon, our dear friends. We are glad to see you at the opening of the detective school. As you know good detective is needed in all times. We decide to teach detective skills two group of students. They will be our two teams. They will be checked in different ways. As detectives they will learn to gather notes from peaces, to know foreign language to translate, to find stolen things and people by describing, to be well educated and have excellent hearing. So let’s start.

Our school will be called “Detective school named Agatha Christie”. At this year she could celebrate 125 years anniversary. She is the author of 60 detectives,16 plays and many short stories. Her works are witty with amazing plot. She was often called “The queen of crime”. That’s why we will learn practice on her creation. Another facts from her life we will learn during our competition.

2. Конкурс «Разорванная записка». The first task for you is torn notes. You must gather together all her peaces and read the information about Agatha Christie. We give only 5 minutes for this work.


Agatha Christie was often called the queen of crime.

Agatha Christie was married twice.

Many of Christie’s books have been turned into successful movies

In her works Agatha Christie created two great characters

3. Конкурс «Переводчики» Another skill for detective is knowledge of foreign language. Your task is translating English proverbs. It help you learn better values of British people.

East or West home is best

First think, then speak

As clear as day

Better late than never

Live and learn

Never put off till tomorrow what you

can do today

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

My home is my castle

Business before pleasure

A friend in need is a friend indeed


В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше

Сначала думай, потом говори.

Ясно, как день.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда

Век живи – век учись.

Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

Яблоко в день сохраняет здоровье

Мой дом – моя крепость.

Делу время, потехе час

Друг познается в беде

Конкурс «Кража в музее». It’s time to have serious work. One famous museum was theft. Some elements are absent on the pictures. Your task to name them.

Key: 1. a black dog Перов В.Г. «Тройка»

2. a ship Айвазовский И.К. «Закат на море»

3. a book Решетников Ф.П. «Опять двойка»

4. a mother-bear Шишкин И.И. «Утро в сосновом бору»

5. an old man Суриков В.И. «Боярыня Морозова»

6. a church Саврасов А.К. «Грачи прилетели»

7. an eagle Васнецов В.М. «После побоища Игоря Святославовича с половцами»

5. Конкурс «Розыск».

We have some descriptions of people. You should name them.

1) A creature, which has a magic golden ring.

His friends are gnome, elf, man and the creature as himself (Hobbit)

2) An orphan boy has magical power and white owl. He wears glasses.

(Harry Potter)

3) This boy can made his friends to paint the fence and to get benefit from it. His friend is Huckleberry Finn. ( Tom Sawyer)

4) This man has amazing fantasy. He can grow cherry tree on a deer’s head, make bead from ducks and fly on the cannonball. He has high title

(Baron Munchausen)

Конкурс «Викторина» At this time we’ll check how are you informed with biography of Agatha Christie. Are you intellectual? Let’s check up.

How many children did Agatha Christie have? Name them. (Rosalinda)

What is her famous play? (The mousetrap)

Name two major characters for Christie’s stories.( Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple)

Who is Hercule Poirot’s accompanier?(captain Hastings)

What was Agatha Christie’s favourite way of murdering?(poisoning)

Конкурс «Шептуны». We have already checked your mental abilities. What’s about your physical opportunity? Now show us your hearing. One from you get sentences which he must whisper to another teammate. We’ll check how this whispering understands by the last member of the team.

1 “The Mysterious Affair at Styles” is the first detective of Agatha Christie.

2 She was imagining a plot of stories during her daily routines.

3 Agatha Christie began to write after dispute with her sister.

4 Agatha Christie died at the age of 85

Подведение итогов, отгадка таинственных персонажей

Well done, your education is finished. Now score your graduation marks. And the last task is recognizing two man. Who are they? You can know it if open as many elements as many tasks you’ve completed. By another words the photo will be open according your tasks which you made the first and correct than other team.

The 1st photo Miss Marple

The 2nd photo Hercule Poirot


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