Материал на проверке

Reported speech (Косвенная речь)

Материал опубликован Вчера в 23:12 в группе

Reported speech

“ Tom is leaving tomorrow”, she said. She said that Tom was leaving the next day. (Speech reported after Tom had left) “Bob is leaving tomorrow,” she said. She said Bob is leaving tomorrow. (Speech reported before Bob has left)

Certain words change as follows depending on the context Direct speech: this |these here come Reported speech: that | those there go He said , “I will be here again on Monday.” He said that he would be there again on Monday. There are no changes in the verb tenses in Reported speech when the direct sentence expresses a general truth, in Conditional Type 2 or Type 3 or a wish.

What the Jones family said when they came home from their holidays

Report tourists’ questions to the tour giude

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