Сборник заданий по английскому языку по теме «Scientists»
Andre Marie Ampere
Andre Marie Ampere was born on the 20th of January 1775. His father was a prosperous businessman.
As a child, Ampere was very curious and smart. He became a voracious reader under the guidance of his father and read books on mathematics, history, travels, poetry, philosophy, and the natural sciences.
He was particularly fascinated by mathematics and began studying the subject seriously when he was 13.
Ampere started working as a private mathematics tutor in Lyon in 1797. His success as a tuition teacher brought him to the attention of the intellectuals in Lyon who were greatly impressed by the young man’s knowledge.
He obtained a teaching position at the recently opened Polytechnique School in 1804. He was much successful in this position, and was appointed a professor of mathematics at the school in 1809 despite his lack of formal qualifications, a position he would hold till 1828. Ampere was elected to the French Academy of Sciences in 1814.
In April 1820, Danish physicist Hans Christian Oersted discovered a link between electricity and magnetism – electromagnetism. A few months later, Ampere’s friend François Arago demonstrated Oersted’s electromagnetic effect to the members of the French Academy in Paris.
Ampere was fascinated by Oersted’s electromagnetic discoveries and began working on them himself. After rigorous experiments, Ampere showed that two parallel wires carrying electric currents attract or repel each other, depending on whether the currents flow in the same or opposite directions, respectively.
Gifted in both mathematics and physics, Ampere applied mathematics in generalizing physical laws from these experimental results, and discovered the principle that came to be called “Ampere’s law”. His works provided a physical understanding of the electromagnetic relationship, theorizing the existence of an “electrodynamic molecule” that served as the component element of both electricity and magnetism.
After years of intensive research and experimentation, Ampere published “Memoir on the Mathematical Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena, Uniquely Deduced from Experience” in 1827. The name of the new science, “Electrodynamics” was coined in this work which became known as its founding treatise.
He formulated Ampere's Law which states that the mutual action of two lengths of current-carrying wire is proportional to their lengths and to the intensities of their currents.
He is considered the first person to discover electromagnetism. One of his major contributions to classical electromagnetism was Ampere’s circuital law, which relates the integrated magnetic field around a closed loop to the electric current passing through the loop.
He is credited for the invention of the astatic needle, a vital component of the modern astatic galvanometer.
voracious – ненасытный
natural science – естественные науки
fascinated – очарованный
private tutor – частный учитель
tuition teacher – преподаватель
obtain – получить
appoint – быть назначенным
to be elected – быть избранным
effect – воздействие
rigorous – суровый
wires – провод
electric current – электрический ток
attract – притягивать
repel – отталкивать
flow – протекать
respectively – одновременно
gifted – одаренный
apply – применять
generalizing – обобщение
Ampere’s law – закон Ампера
provide – обеспечивать
relationship – связь
electrodynamic molecule – электродинамическая молекула
component element – составной элемент
deduce – выводить
coin – разработать/придумать
treatise – трактат
mutual action – взаимное действие
length – отрезок/длина
current-carrying wire – проводник тока
contribution – вклад
circuital – циклический
relate – связывать
integrated magnetic field – интегрированное магнитное поле
closed loop – замкнутая петля
passing – проходящий
astatic needle – астатическая магнитная стрелка
vital – необходимый
astatic galvanometer – астатический гальванометр
Answer the questions:
What does Ampere’s law state?
What is a vital component of astatic galvanometer?
What did Ampere’s rigorous experiments in electromagnetic show?
Who discovered the link between electricity and magnetism?
What did Ampere’s works provide?
What is his major contribution to electromagnetism?
How long had Ampere been a professor of mathematics at the Polytechnique School?
When was Ampere elected to the French Academy of Sciences?
What made Ampere begin working on electromagnetic discoveries?
Translate the following sentences using words and word combinations from the text:
После долгих лет интенсивных исследований и экспериментов он открыл связь между электричеством и магнетизмом.
Он обобщил законы физики и открыл принцип, который был назван «Закон Ампера».
Он обеспечил физическое понимание электромагнитной связи и внес вклад в развитие классического электромагнетизма.
Он был назначен профессором, несмотря на отсутствие необходимой квалификации.
Он был любопытным и умным и был очарован математикой.
James Watt
James Watt was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements of the stream engine.
Watt was born on January 19, 1736, in Greenock, Scotland. He worked as a mathematical-instrument maker from the age of 19 and soon became interested in improving the steam, engine which was used at that time to pump out water from mines.
Watt determined the properties of steam, especially the relation of its density to its temperature and pressure, and designed a separate condensing chamber for the steam engine that prevented large losses of steam in the cylinder. Watt’s first patent, in 1769, covered this device and other improvements on steam engine.
At that time, Watt was the partner of the inventor John Roebuck, who had financed his researches. In 1775, however, Roebuck’s interest was taken over by the manufacturer Matthew Boulton, owner of the Soho Engineering Works at Birmingham, Watt and Boulton began the manufacture of steam engines together as companions. Watt continued his research and patented several other important inventions, including the rotary engine for driving various types of machinery; the double-action, in which steam is admitted alternately into both ends of the cylinder; the steam indicator, which records the steam pressure in the engine. He retired in 1800 and thereafter devoted himself entirely to research work.
The misconception that Watt was the actual inventor of the steam engine arose from the fundamental nature of his contributions to its development. The centrifugal or flyball governor, which he invented in 1788, and which automatically regulated the speed of an engine, is of particular interest today. It embodies the feedback principle of a servomechanism, linking output to input, which is the basic concept of automation.
The watt, the unit of power, was named in his honor. Watt was also a well known civil engineer. In 1767, he invented an attachment that adapted telescopes for use in the measurement of distances. Watt died in 1819 in Heathfield, near Birmingham.
1. Answer the questions:
Who was James Watt?
How was the steam engine used at the beginning of the 18th century?
What did Watt determine?
What did Watt patent in the seventieth?
Was Watt the actual inventor of the steam engine?
What is the centrifugal or fly bale governor?
What unit of power was named in his honour?
What attachment did he invent in 1767?
2. Match the words to make correct word combinations:
the properties
to pump out
the measurement
basic concept
a separate condensing
the rotary
of automation
of steam
of distances
large lasses of steam
the manufacture
Georg Simon Ohm
Georg Simon Ohm (16 March 1789 – 6 July 1854) was a German physicist and mathematician. As a school teacher, Ohm began his research with the new electrochemical cell, invented by Italian scientist Alessandro Volta. Using equipment of his own creation, Ohm found that there is a direct proportionality between the potential difference (voltage) applied across a conductor and the resultant electric current. This relationship is known as Ohm's law.
From early childhood, Georg was taught by his father who brought him to a high standard in mathematics, physics, chemistry and philosophy. In 1806, Ohm accepted a position as a mathematics teacher in Gottstatt Monastery. In 1809, he became a private tutor in Neuchâtel. For two years he carried out his duties as a tutor and continued his private study of mathematics.
In 1817, Ohm spent time carrying out physics experiments in the well-equipped laboratory. Thus, he developed his important theory between the relationship of resistance, electric current and voltage. In 1825, Ohm published his first paper which examined the decrease in the electromagnetic force produced by a wire as the length of the wire increased. Ohm published two more papers in 1826, and his famous book containing Ohm’s law, in 1827 in which he detailed his complete theory of electricity.
Resigning his teaching position in 1828, Ohm was without permanent employment until 1833 when he accepted a professorship at the Polytechnic School of Nuremberg, remaining there for sixteen years.
In 1849 he became curator of the Bavarian Academy’s physics cabinet at Munich, and in 1852 was appointed to the chair of physics at the University of Munich, a position he held until his death. After extensive research, he wrote “The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically” in 1827, which formulated the relationship between voltage (potential difference), current and resistance in an electrical circuit: I = V / R
The unit of current is the ampere (I); that of potential difference is the volt (V); and that of resistance is the ohm (Ω). This equation, as defined using the unit of resistance above, was not formalized until the 1860’s.
Ohms Law states that the current flow through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (voltage) and inversely proportional to the resistance. The law still remains the most widely used and appreciated of all the rules relating to the behavior of electrical circuits. Ohm died on July 6, 1854. He was 65 years old. The physical unit of electrical resistance, the Ohm (Ω), was named in his honor.
Find Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations:
electrochemical cell;
potential difference;
electric current;
private tutor;
electromagnetic force;
to resign;
chair of physics;
galvanic circuit;
current flow;
inversely proportional.
Answer the questions:
What did Ohm begin his first research with?
What position did Ohm hold until his death?
What relationship did he explain in “The Galvanic Circuit Investigated Mathematically”?
What does Ohm’s law state?
Match the following words to make word combinations:
Write a short summary of the text (15-20 sentences).
Archimedes [ɑːkɪˈmiːdiːz]
Archimedes was a mathematician, inventor, and astronomer who was one of the most celebrated mathematicians of all time. He was born in Syracuse, a Greek city-state. He was educated at Alexandria.
Archimedes greatest love was theoretical mathematics. He wrote several treatises and corresponded with other mathematicians of the day. This includes a development of calculus using infinitesimals. Archimedes development of calculus remained unimproved until the 15th Century.
Using the method of approximation, he showed pi has to be greater than 223/71 and less than 22/7. He proved that the volume and surface area of a sphere was 2/3 of a cylinder of the same height and diameter.
As well as mathematics, Archimedes made discoveries in the field of mechanics. Although he did not invent the lever, he made descriptions about its use, the mathematical underpinning of levers, and made practical innovations to help sailors lift heavier objects than they could on their own. Archimedes work on the lever led to one of his most famous statements: “Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth.”
Archimedes was also known as an outstanding astronomer. He made observations on solstices and calculated the distance to the sun and planets through the use of Pythagorean theory.
Archimedes was involved in constructing and possibly inventing the Archimedes screw, which is able to lift liquid and solids uphill against the force of gravity. It was an important device which could lift water from low-lying lands to higher lands. He invented many military defences, which included a system of mirrors deflecting the sunlight to the Roman ships – either to set them alight or blind the sailors heading to shore.
Another weapon was the Claw of Archimedes – it involved a long metal hook suspended from a crane-like arm. It was used to drop on invading ships to lift them from the water and possibly sink it. He is also credited with inventing a more powerful and accurate catapult.
Archimedes was killed by a Roman soldier in 212 BC. He was buried in Syracuse with a model sculpture of his sphere and cylinder. The tomb of Archimedes was later rediscovered by Cicero in about 75 BC.
Archimedes’ Greatest Achievements:
• invented the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics;
• discovered the laws of levers, which allow us to move heavy objects using small forces;
• invented one of the most fundamental concepts of physics – the center of gravity;
• calculated pi to the most precise value known. His upper limit for pi was the fraction 22⁄7;
• discovered and mathematically proved the formulas for the volume and surface area of a sphere;
• showed how exponents could be used to write bigger numbers than had ever been thought of before;
• proved that to multiply numbers written as exponents, the exponents should be added together;
• was the first person to apply lessons from physics to solve problems in pure mathematics;
• invented war machines such as a highly accurate catapult.
treatise – трактат
calculus – исчисление
infinitesimals – бесконечно малый
unimproved – недоказанный
method of approximation – метод приближения
height – высота
lever – рычаг
mathematical underpinning – математическая основа
solstice – солнцестояние
the Archimedes screw – Архимедов винт
solid – груз
military defence – средство военной обороны
deflect – отражать/отводить
the Claw of Archimedes – коготь Архимеда
suspend – подвешенный
crane-like arm – крыло крана
drop on – топить
invading – вторжение
exponent – показатель степени
Answer the questions:
What was Archimedes’ contribution to the lever’s use?
What was the Archimedes’ screw able to?
What military defences did he invent?
What did the Claw of Archimedes involve?
What are the most important Archimedes’ discoveries in the field of mathematics?
Translate the second part of the text in the written form.
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words and word combinations:
This type of weapon involved a long metal hook suspended from a crane-like arm. _______ .
One of the most famous Archimedes’ developments included ________ using infinitesimals.
It is known that the volume and surface area of a ________ is 2/3 of a ________ of the same height and ________ .
This equipment helped sailors lift heavy objects. ________ .
Archimedes calculated the distance to the sun and planets using ________ .
This tool was able to lift liquid and solids uphill against the force of gravity. ________ .
A special system of mirrors ________ the sunlight to the invading ships.
Archimedes created the most powerful and accurate _______ .
Pythagorean theory, sphere, diameter, catapult, the Claw of Archimedes, lever, cylinder, deflected, calculus, the Archimedes screw.
Make 10 sentences using the words below. White them in The Past Simple Tense:
утверждение – Ved/V2
отрицание – didn’t V1
вопрос – Did подлежащее V1
Pythagorean theory;
theoretical mathematics;
force of gravity;
military defence;
the Archimedes screw;
Blaise Pascal
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), the French philosopher and scientist, was one of the greatest and most influential mathematicians of all time. He was also an expert in hydrostatics, an inventor, and a religious philosopher.
Born at Clermont-Ferrand on June 19, 1623, Pascal’s father was Étienne Pascal, a local judge and later a tax collector. He was the second child of three children and the only son. The Pascal family settled in Paris in 1631 and later they moved to Rouen in 1640.
At a tender age of 12, Pascal began participating in the meetings of a mathematical academy. He learned different languages from his father, Latin and Greek in particular, but Pascal Sr. didn’t teach him mathematics. This increased the curiosity of young Pascal, who went on to experiment with geometrical figures, even formulating his own names for standard geometrical terms.
Pascal wrote an important short work on projective geometry, “Essay on Conics” aged just 16. Pascal’s Theorem states that opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic, intersect in three collinear points.
Pascal invented a calculator called the Pascaline. This mechanical calculator was able to add and subtract and used a numerical wheel with movable dials.
During the 1640’s Pascal contributed to hydrostatics. This is the branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids at rest. In the course of his experiments, he invented the syringe and the hydraulic press. Pascal carried out experimentations with air pressure. He confirmed Evangelista Torricelli’s theory concerning the cause of barometrical variations. By 1647 he had proved to his satisfaction that a vacuum existed and wrote “New Experiments Concerning Vacuums”.
His theoretical work on the equilibrium of fluids led to his work “Treatise on the Equilibrium of Liquids” in 1653 in which he explained Pascal’s law of pressure. The Pascal principle states that when there is an increase in pressure at any point in a confined fluid, there is an equal increase at every other point in the container.
Pascal also studied conic sections and produced important theorems in projective geometry. He studied the Pascal Triangle, making many new mathematical observations. This is a triangle where each number is the sum of the two directly above it. The triangle was used to prove Pascal’s Identity. This is a useful theorem of combinatorics dealing with binomial coefficients. His work “Treatise on the Arithmetical Triangle” was published in 1653.
In 1654, Pascal began corresponding with mathematician Pierre de Fermat. He conducted experiments with dice and discovered that there was a fixed likelihood of a particular outcome. This was the beginning of the field of probability. Fermat and Pascal are today recognized as the co-founders of probability theory.
Blaise Pascal died on the 19th of August, 1662. The Pascal (Pa) unit of pressure was named in his honor. The computer language Pascal is named after him in recognition of his early computing machine.
hydrostatics – гидростатика
tax collector – сборщик налогов
participate – принимать участие
projective geometry – проективная геометрия
conic – коническое сечение
hexagon – шестиугольник
inscribed – вписанный
intersect – пересекаться
collinear points – коллинеарные точки
Pascaline – счетная машина Паскаля
subtract – вычитать
wheel – колесо
movable dial – подвижная шкала
fluid mechanics – гидромеханика
syringe – шприц
hydraulic press – гидравлический пресс
confirm – подтверждать/доказывать
barometrical variations – барометрические колебания
equilibrium of fluids – равновесие жидкостей
law of pressure – закон распределения давления
confined fluid – замкнутая жидкость
Pascal Triangle – треугольник Паскаля
identity – тождество
combinatorics – комбинаторика
binomial coefficients – биномиальный коэффициент
dice – игральная кость
likelihood – вероятность
outcome – результат/следствие
probability theory – теория вероятности
computing machine – вычислительная машина
Say if the following statements are true or false. Correct the false sentences:
Blaise Pascal produced important theorems in projective geometry and studied conic sections.
Father sent Pascal to the meetings of a mathematical academy.
The unit of pressure was named in Pascal’s honor.
Pascal explained the law of pressure in “Essay of Conics”.
Pascal formulated his own names for standard geometrical terms.
Blaise Pascal invented the hydraulic press and the syringe during his experiments in the sphere of hydrostatics.
Pascal’s triangle is a triangle where each number is the sum of the four directly above it. This triangle was used to prove probability theory.
Pascal confirmed Evangelista Torricelli’s theory carrying out experimentations with air pressure.
Pascal was one of the first scientists created early computing machine.
Pascal’s Theorem states that opposite sides of a hexagon inscribed in a conic, intersect in three geometric lines.
Match the words from these columns to make word combinations and translate them:
Match the following terms to the appropriate definition:
hydrostatics; | was the first calculator invented in the world which could add and subtract; |
mathematics; | is an area of mathematics primarily concerned with counting; |
projective geometry; | is the branch of fluid mechanics that studies fluids at rest; |
fluid mechanics; | is a principle that states that a pressure change at any point in a confined fluid is transmitted throughout the fluid such that the same change occurs everywhere; |
probability theory; | is the branch of physics concerned with the mechanics of liquids, gases, and plasmas and the forces applied on them; |
law of pressure; | is a device using a hydraulic cylinder to generate a compressive force; |
Pascaline; | is a branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between geometric figures and images that result from projecting them onto another surface; |
hydraulic press; | is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients that arises in probability theory and combinatorics; |
combinatorics; | is the science of structure, order, and relation that has evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes of objects; |
Pascal Triangle. | is the branch of mathematics concerned with probability. |
Chernov, Dmitrii Konstantinovich
Born: October, 20 in 1839, in St. Petersburg. Died: January, 2 in 1921, in Yalta.
Profession: Russian scientist, specialist in metallurgy, metal science, and the heat treatment of metals.
The son of a feldsher, Chernov graduated from the St. Petersburg Institute of Practical Technology in 1858. He worked in the mechanical department of the St. Petersburg Mint. From 1859 to 1866 he was an instructor, an assistant librarian and a curator in the museum of the St. Petersburg Institute of Practical Technology.
In 1866 he became an engineer in the forging shop of the Obukhov Steel Mill in St. Petersburg, and from 1880 to 1884 he was engaged in prospecting deposits of rock salt in the Bakhmut region of the Coal Basin; the beds he discovered proved to be of industrial importance.
Beginning in 1886 he simultaneously served as chief inspector of the Ministry of Railroad Transport in
charge of overseeing the filling of orders at metallurgical works. He became a professor of metallurgy at the
Mikhail Artillery Academy in 1889.
Chernov D. K. has established the dependence of structure and properties of steel on its hot mechanical and heat treatment. Chernov D. has opened critical temperatures, at which phase transformations occur in steel as a result of heating or cooling in solid state . These critical temperatures, defined by Chernov by colors of steel heating, were named Chernov's points. Chernov D. K. represented graphically influence of carbon on position of critical points, having created the first sketch of outline of equilibrium diagram "ferrum-carbon".
Results of his research which had begun the modern metallography, Chernov D.K. published in 1868 in «Notes of Russian engineering society», having named it «Critical review of Lavrov's and Kalakutskiy's articles about steel and steel instruments and own Chernov's research in the same subject».
In another scientific paper «Research concerning the structure of cast steel pigs» Chernov stated a theory of steel ingot crystallization. He investigated the process of crystals origin and growth in details. He gave a scheme of structural zones of ingot, developed a theory of consequent crystallization, studied defects of cast steel thoroughly and specified how to avoid them. These research of Chernov in many respects promoted transformation of metallurgy from craft in theoretically proved scientific discipline.
Chernov's papers in the field of metallurgy intensification, processes and perfection of manufacture technology were of great value for progress of metallurgy of steel. Chernov put forward the idea of mixing metal during crystallization, having offered for this purpose a rotating iron mold.
metal science – металловедение
the heat treatment of metals – термообработка металлов
the mechanical department – механический отдел
St. Petersburg Mint – Петербургский Монетный Двор
assistant librarian – помощник библиотекаря
forging shop of the Obukhov Steel Mill – кузнечный цех Обуховского металлургического комбината
prospecting deposits – поиск месторождений
rock salt – каменная соль
Bakhmut region – Бахмутский район
coal basin – угольный бассейн
beds – залежи
simultaneously – одновременно
chief inspector – главный инспектор
in charge – ответственный за
overseeing – наблюдение
filling of orders – выполнение заказов
establish – устанавливать
property – свойство
steel – сталь
hot mechanical treatment – горячая механическая обработка
phase transformations – фазовые превращения
solid state – твердое состояние
color of steel heating – степень нагрева стали
Chernov’s points – точки Чернова
influence of carbon – влияние углерода
sketch of outline – эскиз контура
equilibrium diagram – фазовая диаграмма
ferrum-carbon – железо-углерод
cast steel pigs – литая сталь
steel ingot crystallization – кристаллизация стальных слитков
crystal origin – образование кристаллов
ingot – слиток
consequent – последовательный
thoroughly – тщательно
craft – кустарный
intensification – развитие
manufacture technology – технология производства
put forward – выдвинуть идею
rotating iron mold – вращающаяся железная форма
Answer the questions:
When did Chernov become an engineer in the forging shop?
What idea did Chernov put forward for developing the sphere of metallurgy?
How were critical temperatures named?
What theory did Chernov stated in “Research concerning the structure of cast steel pigs”?
When did he become a professor of metallurgy?
Where did Chernov publish the results of his research which had begun the modern metallurgy?
What are the most important discoveries made by Chernov?
Match the following words:
metallurgy of
Translate the following phrases:
был вовлечен в поиск месторождений каменной соли;
он исследовал процесс образования кристаллов;
он представил графически влияние углерода на положение критических точек;
совершенствование технологии производства;
термообработка металлов;
теоретически доказанная научная дисциплина;
степень нагрева стали;
для этой цели он предложил вращающуюся железную форму.
Mendeleev Dmitri Ivanovich»
A Russian name appeared in 1964 on the honorary board of science at Bridgeport University, USA: Mendeleyev was added to the list of the greatest geniuses - Euclid, Archimedes, Copernicus, Galilei, Newton and Lavoisier. D.I. Mendeleyev, the explorer of nature, is the greatest chemist of the world. The Mendeleyev system has served for almost 150 years as a key to discovering new elements and it has retained its key capacity until now.
D.I. Mendeleyev was the fourteenth and the last child of the Director of the Gymnasium at Tobolsk. After finishing school at the age of 16 he was taken by his mother to St. Petersburg and entered the Pedagogical Institute in 1850, took a degree in chemistry in 1856 and in 1859 he was sent abroad for two years for further training. He returned to St. Petersburg in 1861 as Professor of Chemistry and gave a course of lectures on chemistry at St. Petersburg,s University. His lectures were always listened to with great interest and attention. Even in class of two hundred students everyone was able to follow his discussions from the beginning to the end. Interesting experiments were made in his classes.
In 1868 Mendeleyev began to write a great text book of chemistry, known in its English translation as "Principles of Chemistry" Hard work preceded it. Mendeleyev made thousands of experiments and calculations, wrote a lot of letters, studied many reports. Everything in the world that was known about chemical elements Mendeleyev knew. For months, for years he searched for missing data. All those data were being brought together and grouped in a special way. When compiling this, he tried to find some system of classifying the elements some sixty in all then known whose properties he was describing. This led him to formulate the Periodic Law: "The properties of elements and, consequently, the properties of the simple and complex bodies formed from them are periodic functions of their atomic weights". The Law earned him lasting international fame. He presented it verbally to the Russian Society in October 1868 and published 1869. But Mendeleyev was recognized as the author of the Periodic Law only after gallium, scandium and germanium had been discovered in France, Sweden and Germany and after the properties of number of elements predicted be Mendeleyev had been confirmed.
In this paper he set out clearly his discovery that if the elements are arranged in order of their atomic weights, chemically related elements appear at regular intervals. The greatness of Mendeleyev,s achievement lies in the fact that he had discovered a generalization that not only unified an enormous amount of existing information but pointed the way to further progress.
Today the Periodic Law is studied by millions of school children and by students at higher educational establishments of natural sciences and engineering. It is studied by philosophers, historians, teachers and chemists.
The law serves as a basis for thousands of researches. The Periodic Law crossed national boundaries and has become the property of all nations, just like the works of Newton, Lomonosow, Pavlov, Lobachevsky, Einstein and other. In our country the Russian Chemical Society, a number of higher and secondary schools, some industrial plants have been named after Mendeleyev. The Academy of Sciences and the Mendeleyev Society award the Mendeleyev Prize and the Mendeleyev Gold Medal for outstanding research work in chemistry.
1. Find English equivalents in the text:
Система Менделеева;
новые элементы;
профессор химии;
интересные эксперименты;
начал писать;
тяжелая работа;
химические элементы;
Периодического закон;
свои открытия;
дальнейший прогресс;
служит основой;
выдающиеся исследования.
2. Finish the sentences according to the text:
… has served for almost 150 years as a key to discovering new elements and it has retained its key capacity until now.
His lectures were always listened to with great …
… began to write a great text book of chemistry, known in its English translation as "Principles of Chemistry" Hard work preceded it.
All those data were being brought together …
… earned him lasting international fame.
… were being brought together and grouped in a special way.
… serves as a basis for thousands of researches.
It is studied by philosophers, historians, teachers …
3. Answer the questions:
What did Mendeleev's father work for?
In which year D. Mendeleev received a degree in chemistry?
What was the name of the first textbook of Mendeleev chemistry textbook?
What law brought him solid international fame?
In which year did he first introduce him to the Russian society?
Is Mendeleev immediately recognized as the author of the Periodic Law?
Some of the Great Names in the History of Metallurgy
A nosov, Pavel Petrovich (1799-1851) was a Russian metallurgist. He entered the St. Petersburg Mining Corps of Cadets at the age of 11. Graduated with honours in 1817 he was appointed to a minor post at the Zlatoust Crown Works (Златоустовские казенные заводы). Mendeleev was promoted to Supervisor of the Zlatoust Arms Factory in 1819, to its Superintendent in 1824, and its Manager in 1829. From 1847 until his death, he worked as the Chief of the Altai Works.
Anosov was renowned for his writings on the manufacture of iron and his re-discovery of the secret of damascene (дамасская сталь) lost in the Middle Ages. He explained the effect of the chemical composition, structure and treatment of steel on its properties. His findings formed the basis for the science of quality steels. Anosov summed up his studies in his classical treatise, “On Damaskene” (1841), immediately translated into German and French. Anosov was the first to use the microscope in studies into the structure of steel (1831), thus laying the foundation for the microscopic analysis of metals. Anosov was elected a corresponding member of the Kazan University (1844) and an honorary member of the Kharkov University (1846).
Bessemer, Sir Henry (1813-1898) was a British civil engineer and inventor, elected to the London Royal Society in 1879. He was patented over a hundred inventions in various fields of technology. Those most important were the needle die for postal stamps (игольчатый штамп для марок) and the word-casting machine (словолитная машина) in 1838, the sugar cane press (машина для прессования сахарного тростника) in 1849, and the centrifugal pump (центробежный насос) in 1850.
While working on ways and means of improving the quality of a heavy artillery shell in 1854, he felt the need for a better steel-making process. In 1856 he patented a vessel (сосуд) for converting molten pig iron (литое железо) into steel. The process which took place in a vessel was named after him (Бессемеровский процесс) and revolutionized the iron and steel industry.
1. Make questions for the following sentences:
Pavel Anosov was 18 when he graduated from the Mining Corps of Cadets.
For a long time he was Mining Chief of the Zlatoust Works.
In his works he explained the effect of chemical composition of steel on its properties.
Bessemer patented over a hundred inventions in various fields of technology.
It was Bessemer who advanced the idea of rolling steel without casting it into ingots.
2. Read the text carefully and agree or disagree with the statements given below.
Anosov was a famous Russian painter.
Pavel Anosov re-discovered the secret of damaskene.
The secret of damaskene was lost in ancient time.
Henry Bessemer was an eletrician.
Bessemer had relatively few inventions.
Benjamin Huntsman is a well-known British metallurgist of the 18th century.
He re-discovered the process of making strong steel.
Isaac Newton
Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician who developed the principles of modern physics, including the laws of motion and is credited as one of the great minds of the 17th-century Scientific Revolution.
Newton was born on January 4, 1643, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. Newton was the only son of a prosperous local farmer, also named Isaac, who died three months before he was born.
Newton was enrolled at the King's School in Grantham, a town in Lincolnshire, where he lodged with a local apothecary and was introduced to the fascinating world of chemistry.
When Newton arrived at Cambridge, the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century was already in full force. The heliocentric view of the universe – theorized by astronomers Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, and later refined by Galileo – was well known in most European academic circles.
Isaac Newton’s discoveries gave physics its theoretical foundation, granted powerful tools to mathematics and created a launch pad for future developments in science.
Sir Isaac Newton contributed to many branches of human thought, among which physics and mathematics were the fields in which he contributed substantially.
Newton made discoveries in optics, motion and mathematics. Newton theorized that white light was a composite of all colors of the spectrum, and that light was composed of particles.
Newton's first major public scientific achievement was designing and constructing a reflecting telescope in 1668. As a professor at Cambridge, Newton was required to deliver an annual course of lectures and chose optics as his initial topic. He used his telescope to study optics and help prove his theory of light and color.
In 1687, following 18 months of intense and effectively nonstop work, Newton published Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy), most often known as Principia. Principia is said to be the single most influential book on physics and possibly all of science. Its publication immediately raised Newton to international prominence.
Principia offers an exact quantitative description of bodies in motion, with three basic but important laws of motion:
First Law – a stationary body will stay stationary unless an external force is applied to it.
Second Law – force is equal to mass times acceleration, and a change in motion (i.e., change in speed) is proportional to the force applied.
Third Law – for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Newton’s three basic laws of motion outlined in Principia helped him arrive at his theory of gravity. Newton’s law of universal gravitation states that two objects attract each other with a force of gravitational attraction that’s proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers.
These laws helped explain not only elliptical planetary orbits but nearly every other motion in the universe: how the planets are kept in orbit by the pull of the sun’s gravity; how the moon revolves around Earth and the moons of Jupiter revolve around it; and how comets revolve in elliptical orbits around the sun.
They also allowed him to calculate the mass of each planet, calculate the flattening of the Earth at the poles and the bulge at the equator, and how the gravitational pull of the sun and moon create the Earth’s tides. In Newton's account, gravity kept the universe balanced, made it work, and brought heaven and Earth together in one great equation.
Match the words:
colors of the
developments in
bulge at the
theory of
change in
Answer the questions:
What are the laws of motion?
In what spheres did Newton make discoveries?
What did Newton’s discoveries give physics?
What did Newton’s laws explain?
What does Newton’s law of universal gravitation state?
What is the value (значение) of gravity?
Тranslate the following phrases:
первое общественное научное достижение;
два объекта притягивают друг друга;
количественное описание тел в движении;
Ньютон предположил, что белый свет был композицией всех цветов спектра;
рассчитать массу каждой планеты;
объединил небо и Землю в одно уравнение;
Луна вращается вокруг Земли;
Ньютон сделал открытия в оптике и математике.
laws of motion – законы механики
to be credited – считаться
mind – ум
prosperous – благополучный
enroll – быть зачисленным
lodged with – быть под присмотром
apothecary – аптекарь
to be introduced – войти/вступить
heliocentric view of the universe – гелиоцентрический взгляд на вселенную
theorized by – быть разработанным
refine – уточнять
academic circles – академические круги
theoretical foundation – теоретический фундамент
grant – предоставить
tool – инструмент
launch pad – стартовая площадка
developments in science – научные открытия
contribute – вносить вклад
branch – отрасль
field – область
substantially – существенно
motion – движение
composite of colors of the spectrum – композиция всех цветов спектра
particle – частица
achievement – достижение
reflecting telescope – отражающий телескоп
require – подразумевать
deliver – впроводить
Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy – Математические принципы естественной философии
influential – влиятельный
raise – поднимать
international prominence – всенародное признание
quantitative description – количественное описание
body in motion – тело в движении
stationary body – тело в покое
external force – внешняя сила
apply to – прилагать
acceleration – ускорение
change in motion – изменение движения
opposite reaction – сила противодействия
outline – быть изложенным
theory of gravity – теория гравитации
the law of universal gravitation – закон всеобщей гравитации
attract – притягивать
gravitational attraction – гравитационное притяжение
inversely proportional distance – обратно пропорциональный
elliptical planetary orbits – эллиптические планетарные орбиты
by the pull – под действием
revolve – вращаться
flattening of the Earth – плоскость Земли
bulge at the equator – выпуклость у экватора
gravitational pull – гравитационная тяга
tides – приливы
account – мнение
heaven – небо
equation – уравнение