
Материал опубликован 5 June

Are you good at sport? I’m not, but I love watching and 1.___________________ sport. My favourite sport is football – the kind with the round ball, not American football. _2._________________at football when I was a kid. This did not stop me playing. I played in the park with my friends _3.__________________. What is your national sport? Do you like it? I love Japan’s national sport sumo. _4.__________________ most exciting sports in the world. You have to spend _5.__________________ ___________________ and the fighters. The greatest thing about sport is that it brings people together from all over the world. Another good thing _6.__________________ healthy. Sports stars are very lucky. They love their job and _7.__________________ every day. What are you going to play next?

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Ответ #464247 был удален 5 June 2024

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