Предварительный просмотр презентации
Аффиксы глаголов: re-, dis-, mis-; -ize/ise. Аффиксы существительных: -er/-or, -ness, -ist, -ship, -ing, -sion/tion, -ance/ence, -ment, -ity/-ty. Аффиксы прилагательных: -y, -ic, -ful, -al, -ly, -ian/an, ent, -ing, -ous, -ible/able, -less, -ive, inter-, un-, in-/im-. Суффикс наречий -ly. Суффиксы числительных: -teen, -ty, --th
noun - сущ. adjective- прил. adverb –нар. verb – гл.
Suffixes of English adjectives -y silly rainy healthy naughty
Suffixes of English adjectives -ic historic athletic romantic economic
Suffixes of English adjectives -ful thoughtful doubtful meaningful
Suffixes of English adjectives -al political critical local mental
Suffixes of English adjectives -ly daily friendly motherly
Suffixes of English adjectives -able movable readable fashionable believable
Suffixes of English adjectives -ible sensible incredible
Suffixes of English adjectives -ian/an Indian American Russian Victorian
Suffixes of English adjectives -ent obedient patient different
Suffixes of English adjectives -ant important ignorant tolerant
Suffixes of English adjectives -ing boring amusing charming
Suffixes of English adjectives -less homeless nameless jobless colourless
Suffixes of English adjectives -ive attractive effective expensive creative
Suffixes of English nouns -er/-or/-ist psycologist physicist runner translator
Suffixes of English nouns -ness happiness weakness darkness
Suffixes of English nouns -ship friendship leadership hardship relationship
Suffixes of English nouns -ing swimming learning spelling
Suffixes of English nouns -sion/-tion / -ion conclusion education population revision
Suffixes of English nouns -ment improvement disagreement disappointment statement
Suffixes of English nouns - ance/-ence indifference tolerance absence defence
Suffixes of English nouns -ity/-ty popularity safety similarity cruelty
Suffix of English adverbs -ly rarely easily simply truly drammatically
Suffixes of English verbs ize/-ise realise apologize specialise summarise
Make up a noun P_________ist physicist
D________ment disappointment
D_______ness darkness
H________ship hardship
L_________ing Learning
P_________ion Population
D________ence defence
P______ity Popularity
Make a noun Explore Research Pollute Useful Prohibit
Exploration/ explorer Researcher Pollution Usefulness prohibition
Make an adjective Danger Wisdom Nation Ambition Courage Depend success