12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовал
Тимофеев Юрий Александрович951
Преподаватель иностранных языков
Казахстан, город Караганда

Timofeyev U.A.

Distant tutor: advantages and disadvantages

Today distant tutor is very popular. Many people want online-lessons. It is convinient, because pupil live further than you and you can't reach pupil by bus and other transport. Distant tutor work on Skype or in platform. Local platforms contains same instruments as we have at school. For example: blackboard, marker-pen and so on

On local platform there are many possibilities. You can insert Youtube-video, load different exercises, presentations. I work at OnlineUstaz. Their website is http://onlineustaz.kz/ru/. I like to work in it. Before tutoring you must register and fill your database. Then administrator will talk with you and you talk in test conference. The admin show to you possibilities of platform and answer your questions. You may receive requests from pupils by e-mail. Platform was founded three-four years ago. The platform will develop and add necessary functions. Today seven language teachers are registered. Popular platform are Udemy also. You can load video, books, lectures for your course. Every teacher must make definitie course on this platform. The student buy the course by Paypal or Payoneer and study. Website-http://www.udemy.com/

Platforms have the disconnection, you should finish the lesson in 5-10 minutes. Internet is unpredictable. In the worst case you should cancel the lesson due to bad Internet. On lessons you speak with pupils, nothing interrupt your lesson. Distance lessons have such disadvantage. Teacher should send homework by e-mail and popular messengers such as Whatsapp, Viber. Teacher should combine distant lessons and usual lessons, it will be good practice in distant tutroring. I like distant tutoring.


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