Упражнения по английскому языку «Путешествие» (по учебнику «Lazer B2»)
Unit 2 “ Travelling”
Translate from English into Russian:
Anxiously budget decision
To bite, biting, a bit to cover without arguing
Nails to decide on
Downstairs resort to convince
Upstairs to object, objection selfish
To float to come up uncaring
Location laid-back reasonable
Response to depend on/upon point of view
To roll over to be about to do smth. collect
To stare to trust, trustworthy save
Ceiling sensible to raise
To permit, permission to affect, to be affected grateful
To refuse peer pressure care
The safest position thankfully to allow
The least excitedly fiction
To cause awesome a piece of fiction
To blame to regret rep
To persuade to held up one’s hand amount
To change one’s mind Hold on. brochure
To consider to interfere to rent
Suggestion to freeze according to
Destination independence in spite of/despite
Limit to sink make sure
To push disbelief complicated
To calculate to accept expenses
What are they???She was in her room, anxiously biting her nails.
They were downstairs discussing something very loudly.
From the bits that floated upstairs to her room she knew that they were discussing it.
She heard her say, “Well, it’s a very nice location”.
His response was too quiet to hear.
She rolled over on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
For weeks she had been asking them for permission to go on holiday with them.
They did the same.
In the beginning they had refused without even discussing.
She knew that it was just the first round in a long process.
Like all the others, they started from the safest position.
She couldn’t blame them for that.
They had to be persuaded over time to change their minds.
She had finally got them to the point where they were seriously considering her suggestion.
Just then she heard her voice calling her.
“We want to talk to you”.
She got up and slowly went there.
It was beating quickly.
It was something that she and her friends had been planning for months.
They had finally agreed on it.
It was far enough away that it would feel like a real holiday.
Cornwall was not so far from it.
She thought that getting it would be impossible.
They had made a list of them that they would love to visit.
They had also calculated how much of it they might provide.
They realised that it would never cover a trip there.
So, they had decided on Cornwall with all those things.
It was small and situated on the north coast.
She had been to that resort with her family.
With the help of it they planned all the details.
They knew that they had to have the answers to any of them.
They were much more laid-back than hers.
Everything depended on it. And she was about to have it.
When she got downstairs her mum was sitting there.
She spoke first.
“We’ve been talking about it, Tina”.
“It’s important for you to do things with them”.
“You are not affected too much by it”.
“We’ve booked it there”.
“We could even spend some time together if they want to”.
Different points of view(“Freedom at last”).
Tina: Понимаете, я никогда не считалась капризным ребенком. С самого раннего детства я старалась никогда не огорчать и не разочаровывать своих родителей. Моя учеба в школе была довольно успешной, я никогда не пропускала ни единого занятия. Более того, я дополнительно занималась по большинству школьных предметов и, что я больше всего помню из своего детства, так это то, что у меня совершенно не было времени на все остальное. В отличие от моих друзей, которые часто развлекались, посещая дискотеки, кино или кафе, я должна была идти домой сразу же после школы. Я не могу сказать, что мне это не нравилось. Я и сама понимала, что все эти внешкольные дела – лишь пустая трата времени. Кроме того, я была благодарна родителям за их заботу и любовь. А единственный способ отблагодарить их за все, что они делают для меня – не давать повода для огорчения и ворчания относительно моей учебы. Однако, время шло и я взрослела. Все чаще и чаще я стала задумываться о том, как хорошо было бы провести часок-другой в компании друзей или, что еще лучше, провести каникулы вместе где-нибудь подальше от дома. Я все время мечтала о том, как могла бы жить без излишней опеки моих родителей. Я была почти уверена, что человеку необходимо почувствовать себя независимым, свободным и , что немаловажно, лишенным контроля. Поездка с друзьями на каникулы казалась мне единственным способом подтверждения своей взрослости. Однако, как только я попросила разрешения родителей отпустить меня, я столкнулась с множеством проблем, касающихся наших отношений. Они не просто сказали мне «Нет», они не разрешили мне даже мечтать об этом и запретили начинать любые разговоры, касающиеся этой темы. Короче говоря, они отказали мне, даже не объяснив, почему. Время от времени я пыталась убедить их, но они молчали, как будто они были глухонемыми. В конце концов я сдалась. Я не обвиняю своих родителей, я знаю, что они беспокоятся обо мне. Но что мне делать в будущем? А что, если родители будут продолжать и дальше вмешиваться в мою личную жизнь? Я боюсь, что все мои планы будут натыкаться только на их возражения и отказы. А мне уже 16.
Tina's parents: Мы не могли даже подумать, что наша единственная дочь так нас разочарует! Она обвинила нас в том, что мы эгоистичны и нам наплевать; что мы слишком няньчимся с ней и защищаем… Это неправда… На самом деле, нет… Мы просто стараемся уберечь ее от многих вещей о которых, возможно, она пожалеет когда-нибудь. Она очень впечатлительна и нам не хотелось бы, чтобы когда-нибудь она столкнулась с тем, что друзья бывают ненадежными, неверными и…могут даже предать. Она слишком юна, чтобы справиться с этим. Мы понимаем, что ей уже 16 и ей важно что-то делать с друзьями. Не то, чтобы мы не доверяли ей, мы просто не готовы признать в ней взрослого человека. Мы заботились о ней все эти 16 лет и нам теперь сложно позволить ей вырасти. Мы не можем позволить ей уехать из дома на такое долгое время, нам трудно дать ей такую свободу. Более того, мы не можем понять, как могли другие родители согласиться на это; может, они более раскрепощены? Нам не трудно дать ей денег, купить новую одежду и собрать чемодан. Но мы никогда не были отдельно друг от друга даже на короткое время… Единственное, чего мы требуем, позволить снять отель в том же городе, куда она собирается поехать. Мы не будем влазить в ее жизнь, Тина не особенно склонна к подражанию. Но, кто знает, что, если она начнет курить или пить пиво, как ее подружки? Как и все родители, мы отвечаем за нее, поэтому наш отказ имеет скорее преимущества, нежели недостатки. Я думаю, она передумает, когда вырастет. Иными словами, будучи нашей дочерью, она будет походить на нас даже в вопросах воспитания своих собственных детей.
Answer the following questions:
Would you like to try interrailing some day? Which countries should be on your list of favourite holiday destinations?
Do you think there is any difference between a youth hotel and an ordinary one?
How can you practise your English on someone else?
Why are people usually so impressed by visiting foreign countries?
Which famous Ukrainian resorts do you know? Have you ever been to any of them?
What are the duties of a person who runs a hotel?
Would you like to study tourism at a university? Why/Why not?
Why do some people feel dizzy while travelling? (travel backwards). How to avoid it? (sit facing forward).
What are the usual reasons for the flight to be delayed?
Which places do you prefer?
Why do we call our time the days of mass travel?
Do you really think that travelling broadens the mind?
Holidays aren’t only a summer thing, are they?
What are the traditional components of a summer holiday?
Why is it dangerous to drive a car at breakneck speed?
How can those who prefer quieter life spend their holiday?
How long does a usual holiday-break last?
What activities does an active/passive holiday involve?
Which activities need taking daredevil in you?
What is the greatest temptation you can’t resist (concerning travelling)?
Look at the items and decide which ones you will definitely not take for an activity holiday in some remote place abroad. Then put the rest of the items in order of priority.
Soap and toothpaste mosquito cream tent
Compass swimsuit water bottle
Map binoculars phrasebook
Water-purifying tablets matches sunglasses
Cassette recorder knife and fork towel
Camera radio torch
Notepad and pen tissues mobile phone
Glossary (Unit2)
hometown (paragraph 3) – the place where you are born or live
cover (para 3) – have enough money to pay for smth.
coast (para 4) – an area of land by the sea
objections (para 4) – a statement which shows you disagree with something
laid-back (para 5) – calm, relaxed
peer pressure (para 6) – the pressure on someone to do something because their friends are doing it
awesome (para 7) – cool, excellent
interfering (para 8) – become involved in something even though you have no right to
Try to work out and guess the meaning of the following words from the text:
anxiously (para 1) downstairs (para1) floated (para1) response (para1)
stared (para 2) ceiling (para 2) refused (para2) persuaded (para2)
agreed on (para3) permission (para3) exotic( para3) resort (para4)
trust (para5) sensible (para 6) affected (para 6) regret ( para 7)
froze (para 8) booked (para 9) independence (para 9) sank (para 10)
Have your say!!!
You might feel that 16 is an acceptable age for you to go on holiday with your friends without your parents. This might depend however , on the country where you live and how much freedom young people there generally have. Where your country is generally considered quite safe will also make a difference to what age you would be allowed to travel alone. Parents do worry a lot if such phenomena as drug addiction, alcoholism, kidnapping, robbery, pick-pocketing, murder are far from being rare. Besides, young people may have some health problems and can’t solve them on their own if their parents are pushed too far. The chances are that going on a holiday with your friend has both its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some difficulties youngsters may face when they are out of their homeplace:
You got a sudden attack of appendicitis.
You catch cold and have a very high temperature.
You badly cut yourself while being on the beach. The wound doesn’t stop bleeding.
You lose or somebody steals your mobile phone and you can’t keep in touch with your mum or dad.
You leave your handbag in a cafe and now you have neither money nor your passport.
For no reason you start quarrelling with your friends. They annoy you and it seems to be unbearable. You can’t stand it any longer.
You come to the place of your destination and the chances are it’s not the same as it has been advertised.
All the exotic food caused you diarrhoea. You can’t bare it any more.
You make friends with three boys and it turns they steal all your suitcases.
You are kidnapped and the kidnappers demand $1million ransom for your release (setting free).
You get acquainted with someone in a cafe and suddenly(when you go to a toilet) you see a packet of white powder in your handbag.
Your passport is stolen and you are taken to a police station.
So, 16 might be the age at which young people want to go on holiday alone, but they would usually need to get their parents’ permission first, the so-called consent.
consent – согласие
age of consent - совершеннолетие
half-hearted consent - вынужденное согласие
by common consent - по общему согласию
to carry the consent of somebody – быть одобряемым кем-то
silence gives consent – молчание- знак согласия
What can teens do and what can’t they do??? (home task)
Guess the meaning:
A completely planned holiday arranged by a company at a fixed place, which includes travel, hotels, meals etc. A strong feeling that you must do the same things as other people of your age if you want them to like you. Teens often start smoking because of this feeling.
Books and stories about imaginary people and events.
An area of sand or small stones next to the sea or a lake.
A situation in which a lot of things are happening or people are doing things, moving around.
A place where people stay in temporary shelters, such as tents, usually for short time.
A holiday where you stay in a place where you can cook your own food.
A person who has been chosen to speak, vote or make decisions for someone else.
A building where people pay to stay and eat meals.