Обобщение и систематизация пройденного по теме «Взаимоотношения» (по учебнику «Lazer B2»)

Unit 1.Relationships. Text “Are you a heartbroken teenager?”
Translate into Russian:
To be heartbroken to feel a lot better according to
To be let down to split up to come to an end
Childish couples the only person
To feel rejected ex to experience
Unwanted to come about (happen) to develop
Miserable to get on with (go on) to force smb.to do ...
To last forever to get on well with to remind
Let’s be honest corny to succeed
A horrible feeling There are plenty more fish in the sea.
Perhaps to tempt to involve
Life isn’t worth living to be tempted to get involved
To get over (recover) to rush impulsive
To fail to rush into... behaviour
To cause on the rebound to react
Betrayal it rarely works to be concerned
To disapprove of smth. for the right reason former partner
To feel humiliated traumatic to make smth. clear
Incompatible from now on to survive
To have nothing in common to feel slightly less unhappy on one’s own
To be sympathetic slightly humans
The chances are... bearable survivor
To do something impulsive unbearable to benefit from smth.
To have your nose pierced ahead of you benefit
To regret smth. ancient to heal the pain
In a few days to be responsible healer
To treat oneself to trust smb. Upset
Translate the following:
Исповедь подростка с разбитым сердцем.
До сих пор я знала о любви только из рассказов моих подруг, телесериалов о подростках или книг. Я догадывалась, что это дивное светлое чувство, приносящее радость, счастье и восторг в твое сердце. Но то, что она может за несколько минут ранить и превратить тебя в жалкое несчастное создание, наинесчастнейшее, на самом деле - я не могла даже подумать. До встречи с Денисом моя жизнь была спокойной и безоблачной: занятия в школе, пара кружков, связанных с моими любимыми занятиями, дополнительные занятия по английскому по средам и все такое. При этом, я – довольно симпатичная девушка и никогда не испытывала недостатка внимания. Но все мои отношения с мальчиками были просто дружбой, включающей вечеринки, походы в кино, на дискотеку, болтовню по телефону, подарки ко дню рождения и т.д. Говоря по правде, я не готова была влюбиться. Но вдруг в моей жизни появился он, и я не понимала, как могла жить без него раньше. Я чувствовала себя самой счастливой девушкой в мире, нужной и любимой. И, хотя мама говорила мне, что есть много других мальчиков, мне нравился именно Денис. К сожаленью, я не могла рассказать маме о том, какой он умный, вежливый и легкий в обращении. Маме, казалось, это было совсем неинтересно. Поэтому, единственный человек, с кем я могла поделиться всеми своими чувствами и переживаниями, была моя лучшая подруга Лена. Она выказывала большой интерес во всем, что касалось нашей истории любви. Но я не могла даже представить, что она предаст меня однажды. Оказалось, она была тайно влюблена в Дениса и, желая, чтобы мы поссорились, позвонила ему однажды и сказала, что я высмеяла его стих о любви, который он посвятил мне накануне. Денис чувствовал себя униженным и смущенным и сказал, что сожалеет о потраченном со мной времени. Я не могла вымолвить ни слова и сказала лишь глупую избитую фразу о рыбах в море. Я хотела дать ему понять, что смогу хорошо проводить время и без него. Чтобы оправиться, я начала делать многое, не думая. Я сделала татуировку на шее, проколола нос и кончик языка, покрасила волосы в черный цвет и купила дюжину новых нарядов – просто, чтобы побаловать себя. Позднее я пожалела об этом, но я чувствовала себя настолько жалкой и отвергнутой, а он, кажется, ничуть не беспокоился об этом. Мне невыносимо было видеть, как Денис с Леной гуляют вместе, громко смеясь и размахивая руками. Я проиграла: мой бывший парень счастлив с моей бывшей подругой. Как это пережить? Самое худшее не то, что я пережила предательство, а то, что он считает ее честной, надежной и верной.
Write a letter to your closest friend, beginning with the following words:
Dear Sophia,
Thank you for your letter, though it has brought me disappointment rather than joy or happiness. I was really sorry to know that you had split up with Denis.
Please, write me back as soon as possible. I’m looking forward to your answer!
Sincerely / Faithfully yours,
Answer the following questions:
What happens when parents take too much control over their kids?
What kinds of such a control do teenagers hate most of all?
What kinds of your parents’ control do you experience every day?
Do you receive enough pocket money from your parents?
How much pocket money should parents give to their kids?
Why is it necessary for parents to keep an eye on what the pocket money is spent on?
What can some teenagers afford spending their money on?
What should a parent do if he comes to know that his kid has got some health hazards?
Are parents obliged to step into their kids’ life?
What are the ways of controlling the kids’ school life?
Should parents take into account what teachers say about their kids?
What would you do if you knew that your kid had got bad marks in most of school subjects?
How would you know that your kid faced some problems at school?
What can be mocked by the other people at school?
What are the ways of putting up with the mockery?
What are the usual reasons for an argument at school?
How do you know that those two people are arguing?
Are there any ways of stopping an argument? Which ones?
Who are greater bullies: boys or girls?
What is the usual aim of bullying?
Why do fights sometimes happen at school?
Have you ever suffered from bullying? If so, how did you manage to cope with?
Have you ever been jealous of your friends for having something you didn’t have?
Do you envy when someone has better results in studying than you do?
Is there a person among your classmates you don’t want to deal with at all?
How do you usually contact with your friends?
Who is a friendly ear for you?
When you face some problems you can’t solve on your own, would you talk to a complete stranger rather than to someone you know really well?
How much time a day do you spend on chatting with your friends?
How many friends can you phone to within half an hour?
Are there any classmates that have problems similar to yours?
Why should school teachers know child psychology?
Have you ever made a difference to someone’s life? In what way?
What will you do if you see that your friend is upset?
Do you always remember your relatives’ or friends’ birthdays?
Have you ever forgotten to congratulate people to their birthdays?
What are the usual ways of congratulating? Which ones do you prefer?
Do you always care what your parents say?
What do you usually do under pressure? What does your Mum or Dad make you do?
What can you suggest to a teenager who can’t sort out all the problems himself?
Are you often teased by anybody?
Which is easier: to give an advice or to follow it?
An advertisement.
If you are a teenager
and have faced a number of problems you can’t sort out yourself
Our new 24-hour free service has been created to listen to you sympathetically and to offer you an appropriate advice!!!
The best counsellors all trained in children’s psychology are at your disposal!!!
You can contact us in tree main ways
Call 09877645321
E-mail helpathand@mail.ua
Online chat www.friendly.ear.com.ua
A TV report about launching a new service for teenagers.
A TV presenter: A philanthropic organization Child Power has launched a new 24-hour free service for teenagers in need of a friendly ear. The creation of the service, called Helping Hand, was Janet Faulkner’s brainchild and it is aimed at helping children who face various problems in their everyday life. The service doesn’t claim to solve, let us say, financial or medical problems. The only thing it can do is to listen sympathetically and offer an advice where appropriate that can be a help in itself. It goes without saying that for some people it’s better to talk to a complete stranger rather than someone you know really well. So, a special team of five full-time counselors, trained in children’s psychology and counseling are ready to help teens sort out all the problems they may face. Of course, the counselors can’t work miracles and make all the problems disappear. All they try to do is to give kids the chance to express their frustrations, anxieties and fears, to teach them treat their worries correctly and be able to take them easy. In such a way, discussing the troubles, the service-workers make a difference to teen’s life and such a chat makes them feel a lot better. Actually, it is the only way out for those, who have nobody to turn to in an extreme difficulty or are afraid of what the other people may say. As a matter of fact, numerous problems can be solved the minute they are talked about. That’s why the introduction of Helping Hand ,which is going to deal with all the cases concerning teenagers’ life, is a new step to filling the gap of teen’s need to be listened to, understood and counselled. The service is condemned to a success because it is unique to some extent and has got lots of followers all over the world.
Present Simple or Present Continuous ?
I...he is rich.(think)
I...about your plan.(think)
The milk...awful.(taste)
He...the sauce; it might need some salt.(taste)