План-конспект урока английского языка на тему «The history of Great Britain» (11 класс)

Материал опубликован 13 March 2017

The plan of the lesson

Date: 14.02.17 Theme: The history of Great Britain Grade: 11


Developing: -to develop pupils’ skills of speaking;

- to improve pupils’ abilities in reading and understanding an unfamiliar text;

Educational:- to review grammar material: usage of the definite article the with geographical names;

- to teach pupils to understand English speech when hearing;

to present some geographical names on the topic;

to review lexical material on the topic;

Upbringing: - to bring up pupils’ love to the other countries and nations;

Equipment: map of Great Britain, cards with words, papers with exercises, black-board,

vocabulary, map of the world, papers with descriptions, letters;

Procedure of the lesson

I. Org. moment

1) T: Good morning, dear pupils. I am glad to see you here. How are today? Today we are going to have unusual lesson.

Сollaborative environment. Before starting our lesson, let’s give a heart with smile to each other, and let’s remember the rules for today’s lesson. Let’s listen.

-Don’t be so shy! - Imany don't be so shy

-Be OK! - Ingrid Michaelson – Be OK

-Work! - Rihanna feat. Drake - Work


II. Checking-up of home task

Learn new words by heart, grammar.

(creating the vocabulary) (взаимопроверка)


III. Main part.

In order to find out the theme of our lesson let’s watch the video. So, Do you guess it?

Today we are going to have a history trip to the Great Britain. During the flight we will know some information about the history of country we are going to, review grammar – usage of the article the with geographical names, do some exercises, introduce to some geographical names on the topic.

T: So the country we are going to visit is Great Britain. Now, open your exercise-books and write down the date of today and the theme of our lesson.


IV. Presentation of new theme

1.Pre-watching task: new words.

Tribes- племена

BC.-до нашей эры

Centurу – век



AD-нашей эры

Invaded- вторгаться


struggle for power-борьба за власть

turning point -поворотный момент

leading powers- ведущая держава




2. Watching the presentation 3 min.

3. Post-reading tasks:


V. Warm-up.

Let’s dance and relax.



Check is it true or false.

1.The Celtic tribes have come to the British Isles between 800 and 700 AD

2.The first Roman invasion was led by Emperor Claudius in 55 BC. 

3. Three Germanic tribes – The Angles, Saxons and Jute's invaded Britain from the continent.

4. The period of feudalism started around 1066 and lasted to the 16th century

5. But it was also a period in which the development of the wool trade and feudalism.


VII. Reflection (Рефлексия)


VIII. Conclusion

What did you know about history of GB?

Who was the head of the government? (во главе империи)

What was the tribes? (племена)

What age did produce the world's greatest playwright William Shakespeare?

Home task

To find out information about William Shakespeare


VI. Sums of the lesson

So, today we have known some information about history of Great Britain, learnt new geographical names, reviewed grammar – usage of the with geographical names, lexical material.

Good bye!


What did you know about history of GB?

Who was the head of the government? (во главе империи)

What was the tribes? (племена)

What age did produce the world's greatest playwright William Shakrspere?

Tribes- племена

BC.-до нашей эры

Centurу – век



AD-нашей эры

Invaded- вторгаться


struggle for power-борьба за власть

turning point -поворотный момент

leading powers- ведущая держава




Tribes- племена

BC.-до нашей эры

Centurу – век



AD-нашей эры

Invaded- вторгаться


struggle for power-борьба за власть

turning point -поворотный момент

leading powers- ведущая держава




Tribes- племена

BC.-до нашей эры

Centurу – век



AD-нашей эры

Invaded- вторгаться


struggle for power-борьба за власть

turning point -поворотный момент

leading powers- ведущая держава




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