12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Троценко Татьяна Юрьевна107

Card 1

It is a very interesting country with a long history. It is the largest part of Great Britain. The official language is English. There are many famous universities in it, such as Oxford and Cambridge. The royal family lives in this country.

Card 2

This is a country of mountains. There are many waterfalls in it. The official language of the country is English but it has it`s own language too. The symbol of the country is the Red Dragon and the national flower is a daffodil.

Card 3

This country has one of the best gardening climates in the world. Winters are warm and the days are warm and sunny. People of this country says that a clover with four leaves brings good luck.

Card 4

It is the most northern part of Great Britain. There are many beautiful lakes in it. The most well-known is Loch Ness. Some people believe that a big monster lives there. The most important cities of the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Group 1 Put “the” where it is necessary

___ Sydney, ____Oxford, ___USA, ___Europe, ___North America

Group 2 Put “the” where it is necessary

___Russian Federation, ___Great Britain, ___Cardiff, ___UK, ___Egypt

Group 3 Put “the” where it is necessary

____India, ___Russia, ___Oxford, ___Northern Ireland, ___Belfast

Group 4 Put “the” where it is necessary

____Paris, ___United Kingdom, ___London, ___USA, ____Canada

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

t1574667695aa.gift1574667695ab.gift1574667695ac.gift1574667695ad.gifNow I can tell about The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….

Evaluation card

Do you like the lesson?

Now I can tell about ……….. The UK/ Great Britain

The capitals of…

The symbols of ….

The flags of ….


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