Сборник заданий и упражнений по английскому языку «Literary Britain: Famous writers of the UK» (9 класс)

Материал опубликован 15 January 2018 в группе

Сборник заданий и упражнений

по английскому языку

Literary Britain: Famous writers of the UK

Образовательное учреждение:

Кировское областное государственное общеобразовательное казенное учреждение «Вечерняя средняя школа п. Котчиха Омутнинского района»

Муниципальное казенное общеобразовательное учреждение основная общеобразовательная школа д. Ежово

Автор: Сенатская Галина Михайловна

Должность: учитель английского языка

Номинация: сборник практических заданий и упражнений

Название работы: «Литературная Британия. Знаменитые писатели Великобритании»


Пояснительная записка

c. 4

Part A


Reading …? Why not?

c. 5

Literary Britain.

c. 7

True or False.

c. 10

Mach the names of the books from list A and B

c. 10

Part B


Video film” In the Land of Shakespeare”

c. 11

Watch the educational film “ In the Land of Shakespeare “ and speak about the birthplace of the great English writer.

c. 13

Test” In the Land of Shakespeare”

c. 18

Grammar Test

c. 19


c. 21

Источники информации.

с. 22

Пояснительная записка

Практические задания “Literary Britain: Famous writers of the UK” предназначены для обучающихся 8-9 классов общеобразовательных школ, изучающих английский язык. Задания направлены на развитие навыков чтения, устной и письменной речи.

В сборнике два раздела.

В первом разделе « Literary Britain: Famous writers of the UK» включены коммуникативные задания, побуждающие учеников к беседе по темам « Чтение…? Почему бы и нет? « «Литературная Британия».

Во второй раздел вошёл видеофильм о Шекспире, включены задания грамматические, коммуникативные, тестовые и письменные по этому видеофильму.

Задания снабжены многочисленными фотографиями, что делает их более привлекательными.

Значимость заданий состоит в том, что они могут использованы учителями средних школ при работе с разными категориями детей, поскольку в основе лежат общедидактические принципы обучения иностранным языкам:

воспитывающего обучения;




доступности и посильности;



Данные задания прошли апробацию в 8-9 классах МКОУ ООШ д. Ежово Омутнинского района Кировской области. Дети с интересом и увлечением работали с заданиями.

Part A

Reading …? Why not?

T: Well, boys and girls, while speaking about the summer activities you were involved in during your summer holidays many of you said at our previous lessons that reading was one of them. This made me be pleased with you and I’d like to know why you were so interested in reading and what books you prefer. Tell me a few words about it, will you?

P: I for one think that reading is never a waste of time because all kinds of books people read help everybody not only in education but in many spheres of life too.

T: You are right. And you all, boys and girls, may sustain the conversation using the words and the expressions from the key words cards I am going to offer you. Have a look at them and continue discussing the subject of our today’s lesson, will you?

Учитель раздаёт учащимся карточки речевых опор по теме “ Reading …? Why not?”, стимулируя их участие в разговоре: карточка1

Books in our Life

1)to play an important part in people’s life(books; reading)

2) to be keen on reading (many people)

3) favourite books ( to buy at a bookshop; to borrow from friends; to take out from libraries)

4) to expand the mind (books; reading)

5) to help ( to solve a lot of life problems; to learn more about other countries and peoples of the world; to discover a lot of new things; to explore new ideas; to entertain oneself and feel comfortable; to be in the know of everything)

6) to enjoy reading or to be fond of (fiction, non- fiction, science- fiction)

7) to prefer reading (novels, poetry)

8) a good way to relax and to spend free time in a useful way( reading)

9) to tell a lot of information about ( lives of famous people and politics; ancient times; latest discoveries; unusual plants and animals; teenagers problems)

10) to captivate people with the thrilling plot

11) to make people be impressed by the plot for a long time

P1: It’s natural that reading is very important because first of all it expands our mind. It can also help you to solve a lot of life problems, to learn more about other countries of the world and other peoples.

P2: I’d like to add that sometimes reading books is the most perfect way to relax and to spend free time in a useful way. And besides I’m sure people are never bored while reading.

P3: Everybody knows that books play an important part in people’s lives. So if you are keen on reading you may either buy your favourite books at a bookshop or borrow them from your friends or take them out from libraries. People enjoy reading different books.

T: What books are people fond of reading?

P:Usually they are fond of reading fiction but they also read non- fiction or science- fiction . Others prefer reading novels or poetry.

P: I should say that books are our real friends and they can help us to discover a lot of new things and explore new ideas. Besides , while reading people may both entertain themselves and feel comfortable.

T: People read books only, don’t they?

P: Certainly not. There are a lot of other sources of information, newspapers, magazines, rafio and television among them.

T: I see. But why do many people prefer reading?

P: Of course a lot of people prefer reading as on the one hand they want to be in the know of everything. But on the other hand only books can captivate you with their thrilling plot and make you be impressed by it for a long time.

Literary Britain

T: I agree with you. But I’d like to stress that books can also tell you a lot about lives of famous people and politics, about ancient times and latest discoveries, and of course about those who create these invaluable sources of information and culture. You are learning English and I believe you are interested to know more about English-speaking countries and their famous people, some of the well-known writers among them. I’m sure you have read the information about Literary Britain presented in your student’s book , haven’t you? So now I want to invite you to our virtual literary tour around Britain and the key words of Card 2 will help you to do it.

(Учитель раздаёт карточки речевых опор для организации разговора в режиме управляемого диалога: T P P2, в процессе которого формулировки карточки заменяют учителя, что способствует формированию осознанной диалогической речи самих учащихся P1 P2

Literary Britain

Ask your classmates…

1…if British literature really rich is( very rich; no doubt)

2…with which world –known writers British literature is associated (the names of Robert Burns, Thomas Hardy , Jerome K. Jerome, Charles Dickens, George Eliot,etc.)

3…if they know what books (novels and plays) some of British authors wrote (“Three men in a boat” by Jerome K. Jerome; “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens; “Hamlet” by Shakespeare, etc.)

4…whose birthplace the historic town of Stratford – upon- Avon is known (as William Shakespeare’s birthplace)

5…for what theatre Stratford is famous ( the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre; to be destroyed by fire ; to be rebuilt and reopened; 1932)

6… what the best place of London to begin a literary exploration is ( Westminster Abbey; Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers of Britain)

7… what celebrated writers and poets Wales inspired ( the modern children’s writer Roald Dahl, the author of “Alice in Wonderland” Lewis Carroll and the poets Wordsworth and Dylan Thomas)

8…which of the well-known British novelist , diarists, poets and playwrights Bath, a famous cultural centre, has attracted ( the poets Wordsworth, Shelly, Alexander Pope; the writers Tobias Smollett,Henry Fielding; the playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan; the notable authors Walter Scott, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen)

9… for what South West Scotland famous is ( to be born; 1759; the great Scottish poet; Robert Burnes)

10… how the celebration in Scotland in honour of Robert Burnes’ birthday is called ( Burns’ Night)

T: Look through the key words and the information in the brackets for the answers and start your dialogues.

P1: Is British literature really rich?

P2: Yes, no doubt. British literature is very rich.

P1: Which which world – known writers is British literature associated with?

P2: Well, as I know British literature is associated with the names of such great writers as Robert Burns, Thomas Hardy , Jerome K. Jerome, Charles Dickens, George Eliot,etc.

P1: Do you know what books (novels and plays) some of the British authors wrote?

P2: They were “Three men in a boat” by Jerome K. Jerome, “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens and of course “Hamlet” by Shakespeare, etc.

P1: Whose birthplace is the historic town of Stratford – upon- Avon known as ?

P2: It’s known as a William Shakespeare’s birthplace.

P1: What theatre is Stratford famous for?

P2: The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre which was destroyed by fire but then it was rebuilt and reopened in 1932.

P1: What is the best place of London to begin a literary exploration with? Why?

P2:It’s Westminster Abbey. There is one of the most remarkable places here where one can find the so called Poets’ Corner with monuments and tombs of outstanding writers of Britain.

P1: And what celebrated writers and poets did Wales inspire?

P2: They are the modern children’s writer Roald Dahl, the author of “Alice in Wonderland” Lewis Carroll and the poets Wordsworth and Dylan Thomas.

P1: Which of the well-known British novelist , diarists, poets and playwrights has Bath, a famous cultural centre attracted?

P2: These are the poets Wordsworth, Shelly, Alexander Pope, the writers Tobias Smollett,Henry Fielding, the playwright Richard Brinsley Sheridan, the notable authors Walter Scott, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.

P1: What is South West Scotland famous for?

P2: As for South West Scotland it is associated with the name of Robert Burnes , the great Scottish poet who was born there in 1759.

P1: How is the celebration in Scotland in honour of Robert Burnes’ birthday called?

P2: It’ s known as Burns’ Night.

True or False

It’s time to begin our competition. The third task will be the contest “True or False?” I will give you sentences about English literature and books in general. You will need to decide whether they are right or wrong. Is the task clear?

Третье задание – верно/неверно. Ученикам предлагаются предложения об английской литературе, а вам надо решить, верны они или нет.

1. Jungle book was written by George Byron. 

2. Fairy-tale is a book that tells an exciting story of crime and violence. 

3. Smoking, eating and dancing are allowed in the library. 

4. “Alice in Wonderland” was written by Lewis Carroll. 

5. Shakespeare was born in London. 

6. Robert Burns is a Scottish poet. 

7. Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of Winston Churchill. 

8. “Romeo and Juliet” is a comedy. 

9. Many famous British writers are buried in Westminster Abbey. 

10. Charles Dickens is the author of “Oliver Twist”. 

11. There are no famous writers in Britain. 

12. Dictionaries are books about hobbies, crafts, plants, animals and weather. 

4. Mach the names of the books from list A and B

Here you need to compose the titles of well-known books written by the British writers of the fragments written in each card given to you. Try to do it correctly as quickly as possible. And let us know when you’re ready.

Следующее задание – ученикам необходимо правильно составить названия книг. На выполнение задания вам даётся 1 минута. Первый завершивший выполнение задания поднимает руку.














in a boat






Three men…






in Wonderland

And now let’s see how you succeeded. Please, call out your variant of the first title.

Part B

Video film” In the Land of Shakespeare”

I offer you a short educational video film about this great man. It is entitled “In the Land of Shakespeare”. And we are going to see the English town which is considered to be the birthplace of Shakespeare. That is Stratford –upon- Avon, you know. With the help of our key words cards we shall have a short discussion of the film then and you will write a test based on the contents of the film. So, watch the film and be attentive to its language which does not seem to be difficult as I think.

Учитель демонстрирует видеофильм, текст которого представлен в таблице Приложения.


(Данный текст фильма учащимся на руки не выдаётся)


In the Land of Shakespeare”( The Text of the Film)

Today as well as many centuries ago Shakespeare’s plays are staged at the theatres all over the world. His role in the development of English literature and world culture is really great.

There is a small town in England not far from London. This is Stratford –upon- Avon. It is known all aver the world as the birthplace of Shakespeare. The great writer was born there more than 400 years ago on the 23 of April, 1564.

People of Stratford take care of the house where Shakespeare was born. Now it is a museum. The room in the house look just the same as 4000 years ago. Here is his arm-chair…, his library. Shakespeare got his education at Stratford grammar school. This is how school rooms looked at that time.

In these pictures you can see Stratford at the time of Shakespeare. It was a small provincial town. And from time to time actors from London came to Stratford. They performed right in the streets and squares and Shakespeare enjoyed their performances . At that time possibly young Shakespeare decided to become an actor. His dream came true when at the age of 21 he came to London.

In 1599 Shakespeare began to work at the theatre which was then called “ The Globe” . Many brilliant actors played there together with him. Shakespeare wrote plays himself. And soon became a famous dramatist.

He knew the stage well. That helped him to write his most wonderful plays, the great tragedies “ King Lear”, “Othello”, ‘Romeo and Juliet”, historical dramas and funny merry comedies.

Shakespeare spent the last years of his life in Stratford . He died in 1616 on the 23of April and was buried in the church on the bank of the Avon.

The birthday of Shakespeare is now celebrated every year. People from all over the world come to Stratford to the grave of Shakespeare. They come to his monument. They honour the memory of the world famous writer.























T:Well, boys and girls, you have just seen a short video film about William Shakespeare’s birthplace. And I want you now to ask each other questions about it. The key words of Card will help you to do it

In the Land of Shakespeare”


William Shakespeare

Watch the educational film “ In the Land of Shakespeare”

and speak about the birthplace of the great English writer




The house in Stratford where Shakespeare was born




The front yard where Shakespeare was born




The church where the writer was buried




A monument to Shakespeare in Stratford



What, and world culture, English literature, the role of William Shakespeare, is said about, in the development of(?) (really great)

What is, the present day audience, the attitude of, towards William Shakespeare’s plays (?) (to be staged at the theatres all over the world)

What town of England, of the great English writer, all over the world, is known, as the birthplace(?) (Stratford-upon-Avon)

What, the dates of, are, William Shakespeare’s life (?) ( to be born; 1564; to fie; 1616)

What is, was born, the people of Stratford the attitude of, towards the house, where the house, where the great writer (?) (to be a museum now; to take care of)

How, now, of the house, look like, do, the rooms (?) (just the same as more than 400 years ago; his arm-chair; his library)

Where, get his education, young Shakespeare, did, (?) (at Stratford grammar school)

What, decide to become, young Shakespeare, made, an actor (?) (the London actors’ performances in the streets and squares of Stratford)

When, come true, did, William Shakespeare’s dram (?) ( at the age of 21 when he came to London)

What theatre, start working, Shakespeare, did, in London in 1599 (?) (the Globe Theatre)

What, very soon, Shakespeare, become, did (?) (a famous dramatist)

What plays, William Shakespeare, write, did (?) (the great tragedies “King Lear”, “Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet”, historical dramas and funny merry comedies)

Where, of his life, spend, did, the great writer, the last years (?) (Stratford)

Where, William Shakespeare, buried, was (?) (in the church on the bank of the Avon)

How, Shakespeare’s birthday, in Britain, is, celebrated (?) (to come to Shakespeare’s grave and monument; to honour the memory of the world famous writer)

T: But pay attention to the words in the questions which are presented in the card in disorder. This work is familiar to you and you will be able to manage it. Do, please.

P5: What is said about the role of William Shakespeare in the development of English literature and world culture?

P6: The role of William Shakespeare in the development of English literature and world culture was really great.

P5: What is the attitude of the present day audience towards William Shakespeare’s plays?

P6: I believe William Shakespeare’s plays are a success with the present day audience and they are still staged at the theatres all over the world.

P5: What town of England is known all over the world as the birthplace of the great English writer?

P6: It is Stratford-upon-Avon.

P5: What is the attitude of the people of Stratford towards the house where the great writer was born?

P6: The people of Stratford take care of this house and it is a museum now.

P5: How do the rooms of the house look like now?

P6: They look just the same as more than 400 years ago. The visitors of the house can see Shakespeare’s library and his arm-chair there.

P7: Where did young Shakespeare get his education?

P8: The great actor’s performances in the streets and squares of Stratford.

P7: What made young Shakespeare decide to become an actor?

P8: The London actor` performances in the streets and squares f Stratford.

P7: When did William Shakespeare’s dream come true?


P8: His dream came true when at the age of 21 he came to London.

P7: What theatre did Shakespeare start working in London in 1599?

P8: It was the Globe Theatre.

P7: What did Shakespeare become very soon?

P8: Very soon he became a famous dramatist.

P9: What plays did William Shakespeare write?

P10: His playwriting became famous because of the great tragedies “King Lear”, ”Othello”, ”Romeo and Juliet” and also historical dramas and funny merry comedies.

P9: Where did the great writer spend the last years of his life?

P10: The last years of his life the great writer spent in Stratford.

P9: Where was William Shakespeare buried?

P10: The film says that he was buried in the church jn the bank of the Avon.

P9: How is Shakespeare’s birthday celebrated in Britain?

P10: On this day many people from all over the world come to Shakespeare’s grave and his monument to honour the memory of the world famous writer.

T: So I want to write a test connected with the film. Fill in the blanks in the card with the appropriate answers which you may choose in the brackets. (Учитель раздаёт учащимся карточки текста, где им нужно выбрать правильный вариант ответа, обозначая его буквами a,b,c)

3. Test” In the Land of Shakespeare”

In the Land of Shakespeare

Film. Test

Complete the sentences supplying them with the information according to the film

William Shakespeare was a great English ______1_________(a-scientist; b-writer; c- politician).

Nowadays his plays are also staged _______2_________(a-at the theatres ;b- in the concert halls; c- in the streets and squares).

Shakespeare’s role in the development of English literature and world culture was really __3_________(a-great; b-important; c-unique).

William Shakespeare was born in __4___________(a-London; b- Stratford-upon-Avon;c-Cambridge).

William Shakespeare was born in___5_____(a-1564; b-1654; c- 1465).

The house where Shakespeare was born is now a _6_______(a-library; b-fortress; c- museum).

In the rooms of Shakespeare’s house the visitors can see his__7_________(a-wardrobe; b-sofa; c- arm-chair).

Stratford was a _____8_______(a-a small provincial town; b- a large industrial city; c- a well – known cultural centre).

From time to time actors from _____9____(a-Oxford; b- London: c-Windsor) came to Stratford.

Shakespeare__10__________(a- enjoyed; b- disliked; c- hated)

Shakespeare decided to become an actor and his dream came true when at the age of _____11_______(a-20; b- 21 ;c-22) he came to London.

The theatre at which William Shakespeare began to work in London was then called _____12_______(a-Royal Shakespeare Theatre; b- The Globe; c- Shakespeare Memorial Theatre ).

The great William Shakespeare’s works “King Lear “ ,Othello”, “Romeo and Juliet are touching ___13________(a-plays; b-comedies c-tragedies)written by the world famous dramatist.

William Shakespeare spent the last years of his life in__14_________(a-Stratford; b-London; c- Windsor).

William Shakespeare died in __15_______(a-1614; b-1615; c-1616)

Grammar Test

1. Shakespeare ….in 1564 in Stratford-on –Avon.

a) is born b) was born c) were born d) is

2. The 23rd of April …the days of his birth and death.

a) is b) was c) were d) are

3. Shakespeare… in the family of a glover.

a) was grown b) were grown c) grew d) grows

4. He…captivated by walking in the wood and parks.

a) were captivated b) was captivated c) will be captivated d) is captivated

5. When he was young, he ….by the theatre and game of the actors, who….

a) was charmed b) were charmed c) is charmed d) charmed

by the theatre and game of the actors, who….

a) came b) come c) were come d) comes

to his native town.

6. He …for hours watching acting of the actors.

a) was stood b) had been standing c) stood d) stands

7. At the age of 18 he …Stratford-on-Avon for London.

a) left b) leaves c) was left d) were left


а) joined b) join c) was joined d) joins

the Burbage group and Globe Theatre, which….

а) Was built b) was build c) were built d) built

by his group.

9. He…well

a) does act b) does not act c) did not act d) did act

10. That’s why Shakespeare … a brilliant actor.

a) did become b) did not become c) becomes not d) was become

11. He …to be a famous playwright.

a) are considered b) is considered c) considered d) will be considered

12. His sonnets, comedies and tragedies never….

a) forgets b) forgot c0 is forgotten d) will be forgotten


Part A

3. True or False

1 - False 5 - False 9 - True

2 - False 6 - True 10 -True

3 - False 7 - False 11 - False

4 - True 8 - False 12 - False

Part B

Test” In the Land of Shakespeare”

1 - b

2 - a

3 - a

4 - b

5 - a

6 - c

7 - c

8 - a

9 - b

10 - a

11 - b

12 - b

13 - c

14 - a

15 - c

Источники информации:

Дом в Стратфорде, где родился Шекспир.


Церковь, где писатель был похоронен.


Памятник Шекспиру в Стратфорде.




Книга «Английский язык» 8-9 классы Автор-составитель Ю.И. Верисокин Издание 2-е Волгоград Издательство «Учитель» 175 с.


в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)

Галина Михайловна, спасибо за полезный материал!

30 August 2018