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Троценко Татьяна Юрьевна107

Открытый урок в 6а классе.

Дата проведения: 25.01.2016

Учитель: Троценко Т.Ю.

Тема «The UK».

Цель: Формирование коммуникативных и познавательных УУД на основе технологии сотрудничества и групповой формы работы.


-Систематизация знаний по теме «The UK»;

-развитие навыков монологической речи по теме, лексико-грамматических умений и навыков;

-развитие навыков чтения (осн. информация);

-сотрудничества(работа в группах);

-воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре страны изучаемого языка;

-расширение лингво-страноведческого кругозора учащихся.


Org. moment. Greeting.

Speaking act. Ch/up of the home task- the poem p.84 ex.38

T: Let`s start our travelling to one of the countries

The UK.


Look at the pictures and guess, what country are we going to speak about?

P1- We are going to speak about the UK.

T- What is the official name of the country?

P2- The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The Hymn of the UK. (List.)

T- Every country has it`s own hymn. The hymn of the UK is called “God save the Queen”. Let`s listen to it.

P.82 ex.28 (List.) Listen and repeat (proper names).

T- You know that the UK and Great Britain consist of different parts. Look at the map and say what parts does Gr.Br./The UK consist of?

T- each part of the country has it`s own capital. Look and say, what is the capital of:

Scotland- Edinburgh

England- London

Wales- Cardiff

Northern Ireland- Belfast

T- London is the capital of England and of the whole country.

Group work:

Divide the students into 3-4 groups. Each group is given the text about any part of the UK. Ss in groups read the texts and guess the country.


Card 1. It is a very interesting country with a long history. It is the largest part of Great Britain. The official language is English. Thera are many famous universities in it such as Oxford and Cambridge. The Royal family lives in this country. (England)

Card 2. It is a country of mountains. There are many waterfalls in it. The official language of the country is English, but it has it`s own language too. The symbol of the country is the Red Dragon and the national flower is a daffodil. (Wales)

Card 3. This country has one of the best gardening climates in the world. Winters are warm and the days are warm and sunny. People of this country says that a clover with four leaves brings good luck. (Northern Ireland)

Card 4. It is the most northern part of Great Britain. There are many beautiful lakes in it. The most well-known is Loch Ness. Some people believe that a big monster lives there. The most important cities of the country are Edinburgh and Glasgow. (Scotland.)

P. 85 ex.43 (List.) -the proper names of symbols and flags

T- It is known that every country has it`s own history, culture and traditions. Let`s remember the symbols of the UK.

What is the symbol of Scotland/ England/ Wales/ Northern Ireland?


T- Look! This is the national flag of the UK. What is it name?

P1-The Union Jack.

T- What crosses does it consist of?

P2- It consists of three crosses: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland

T- What flag is not represented on it? Why?

P3-(The Red Dragon/ Wales)

T- Now, look at the national flags of England/Scotland/Wales/Northern Ireland and say how

they are called.

England-St. George`s Cross

Scotland- St. Andrew`s Cross

Wales- The Red Dragon

Northern Ireland- St. Patrick`s Cross

T- Now, let`s summarise what we have learnt about the UK.

p. 84 ex.39

P.E. minute.

-Hands up, hands down, hands on heap and sit down.

Hands up-Clap, clap

Hands down- Step, step

Hands up, hands down, hands on heap and sit down.

2. “The”

T- When we speak about the countries sometimes we use “the” and sometimes-not. Look at the board and say why we use/don`t use “the” with these wotds.-

The UK, the USA, the Russian Federation

South America, Africa, Scotland, Russia

Group work:- on the cards fill in “the”, where required (check up orally).

T- We know that all countries have traditions. In groups read the words and match them with their definitions. P.87 ex.52

-Group work.

T- Where can we find information about the country if we want to learn more about it?

Pp- In books, Internet

T- Look at the page of the Internet forum, read the task, take a card with the name of a child on it, in groups-find his/her question and the answer of the moderator. Read by the roles.

Key: 1b, 2e, 3c, 4a, 5d

4. p.88 ex.55 The Quick smart Quiz

T- make up the quiz in groups, give your answers$ look at the board and check up your answers. Do you have any mistakes?

Key: 1d, 2c, 3c, 4d, 5c, 6b, 7b, 8d

5. Self evaluation

T- Look at your evaluation cards. Do you like the lesson? What can you tell about at the end of the lesson?

Ex:- We can tell about the UK/Gr.Br./ the symbols of…/ the capitals of… and so on


IV The results of the lesson, explanation of the home task.


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