12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку в рамках Недели английского языка среди учащихся 3-4 классов.

Цели и задачи:

обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения учащихся по теме “Fruit and vegetables”;

развивать воображение, фантазию, творческое мышление детей, стимулировать в целом их интеллектуальную и языковую активность;

усилить мотивацию к изучению иностранных языков, увеличить активный языковой запас учащихся;

привлечь детей с разными учебными способностями, научить детей видеть результаты коллективной деятельности, повышать культурный уровень учащихся.

Ход мероприятия

Compere: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you. Today we are going to talk about fruit and vegetables. You will play games, recite poems, have competitions and show a play. I hope you all will enjoy our English party. At first I want to know how many fruits, vegetables and berries you know.

(Pupils raise their hands and name different fruits and vegetables).

Compere: That’s right. You know a lot of fruits and vegetables. Now listen to the poems about them.

(Pupils recite poems. They have a corresponding picture in their hands).

Pupil 1: Believe or not, but in the tree

There is a yellow sun.

We see an apple, you and me.

Let’s jump high and pick one.

Pupil 2: A juicy pear,

Both yellow and brown

Shines in the air

And quickly jumps down.

Pupil 3: Can you see these tasty carrots?

Eat them every day,

And you will be, say my parents

Healthy, strong and gay.

Pupil 4: Mr. Potato makes a pompous face.

On our plot he takes a special place.

He examines everything with his majestic eyes.

Boiled or fried potatoes are very-very nice.

Pupil 5: Look at this pumpkin,

Orange and round.

How can we get it?

Dig the ground,

Sow the seeds,

Pull up the weeds,

Wait until it’s ripe.

Have you got good appetite?

Compere: Now, children, let’s have a little fun. We’ll play the “Memory Game” on the topic “Fruit and vegetables”. One pupil should name any word on this topic, for example “a cucumber”. The next pupil should repeat this word and add another one, for example “a cucumber, an apple”. The third pupil repeats these two words and adds one more word, foe example “a cucumber, an apple, an onion” and so on.

(Pupils play “Memory Game”).

Compere: That’ll do. Now you’ll see a little play. Its title is :The Sly Hare”,


The Sly Hare

Characters: Tim



The Hare

(Children work on the vegetable plot. There is a big basket aside. Children sow the seeds).

Tim: On this sunny day

We have no time to play.

Kate: Tim, Bill, look around!

We should dig the ground.

Bill: I’ll sow the seeds

And pull up the weeds.

(Children stop working).

Kate: Oh, what rich harvest we have got! Carrots, peas and cabbage…

Bill: It’s time to reap the harvest.

Tim: It’s too hot today. Let’s go to the river.

Bill: And who will watch the plot?

(The Hare appears)

The Hare: I will.

Children (together, surprisingly): You?!

The Hare: Yes, why not?

Kate: And do you like carrots?

The Hare: Me? Oh, no. I can bite my teeth.

Bill: Do you like cabbage?

The Hare: Cabbage? No, I have a stomachache today.

Tim: And what about peas?

The Hare: I do not eat peas at all. What a strange plot you have. There is nothing to eat.

Bill: If you don’t like these vegetables, you may watch the plot.

(Children go away).

The Hare: Ha-ha-ha! Now I can eat all the vegetables.


Compere: You liked the play, didn’t you?

Children: Yes, we did.

Compere: Thank our actors.

(The actors appear on the stage and bow to the audience).

Children: Thank you.

Compere: Now we’ll see who is the best one in saying these tongue-twisters.

(The compere hangs out the tongue-twisters written on a sheet. Those who wish say the tongue-twister).

1. Polly Ply makes a pie, a pear pie for Peter Ply.

2. Carrots are ready and radish for Paddy.

3. Vegetarians are fond of vegetarianism.

Compere: Now I want to see how well you can draw. Four pupils get the names of new vegetables and draw them.

1. Carromato.

2. Cucurot.

3. Potumpkin.

4. Cabbamber.

Compere: Well done! Now let’s play the game “Guess the Name”. I have the name of one of the vegetables written on this sheet of paper. Each of you will try to guess, what vegetable it is. I may answer only “Yes” or “No”.

(Children guess the word).

Compere: I enjoyed our English party very much. I hope you enjoyed it too.



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