12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Awesome! Amazing! Good job! Well done! Super! Superb! I really like your job! Perfect! Outstanding!


Вхожу в класс со звонком, дети стоят

Good morning! I’m glad to see you! How are you? (приучить их отвечать и спрашивать And you?)

I’m ok!

Sit down please!

Are you ready to speak English? Are you ready to have fun?



Can you help me please? What date is it today? Today is…

Is everybody present? Who is absent? What time is it now? What day of the week is it today?


Цели урока и мотивация

Today we are going to learn many interesting things. At the end of the lesson you will get a surprise.


Фонетическая минутка с транскрипционными карточками и аудио на радио

Tongue twisters


Аудио звуки пурги, метели

What do you feel?



When we speak about weather we use IT IS (it’s cold/warm)- slides


Аудио звуки погоды

What is the weather? Please listen and answer.

It’s rainy.

It’s windy.

It’s slushy.

It’s snowy.


Им помочь вести тему

Показать одну сторону медальки

Я показываю карточки, они называют страну

За правильный ответ им стикеры

Показать обратную сторону медальки

Они берут билеты под стульями

I have some good news for you! Do you like good news? Today we are going to make a trip to one of the English-speaking countries. By the way, what English-speaking countries do you know?

So, what country are we going to? What do you think? Try to guess. This country is very big and rich. (the USA) Excellent! How many states are there in the USA? (50) Exactly! But as the proverb says: Every bean has its black we are going to the coldest state of America. What is it? (Alaska). Good job!

So today we are making a trip to Alaska (показать флаг Аляски). This is a flag of Alaska. Let’s find it on the globe. Shall we go there by train or by airplane? Ok, I agree. Are you ready to fly? What do you need to board a plane? Tickets! Yes, of course! I will tell you a little secret: you all have tickets under your chairs. Please find them. Does everybody have tickets? Are you ready to fly? Please fasten your seat belts and we will take off!


Прослушать гимн Аляски полторы минуты

It’s a long flight and in order to make it amusing we will listen to the state song of Alaska.


выстроиться в соответствии со словами песни про одежду


Нарисовать ковш и полярную звезду

Now I will draw you something and you will tell me what it is, ok? (draw a dipper and bear) I’m sure you can tell me what it is. (flag) Absolutely!


Смотрим видео про Аляску и ее достопримечательности (подготовить самой слайды)

Там факты про Аляску

We have 5 more hours to fly! Are you bored? Me too! What can you do in the airplane not get bored? Sure! Let’s watch it! It’s a video about Alaska and its sightseeing! Be attentive! At the end of the video I will ask you questions and if you answer right you will get a treat!


Спрашивать вопросы, раздавать конфетки

Awesome! Amazing! Good job! Well done! Super! Superb! I really like your job! Perfect! Outstanding!

Do you feel dizzy? Do you want candies? They are so good! Yummy! Then please answer my questions.

Questions based on video:

What does the word Alaska mean?

How many stars are there on its flag?

Where is Alaska? Show it on the map.

What are the animals of Alaska?

What’s the most popular sightseeing there?


Ah! Wait! Did you hear that? It’s an announcement! We have just landed! Welcome to Alaska!


Подготовить 3 парты (Джуно, Aleutian islands, Анкоридж)

Please read the name of the town on your ticket and take a seat at the desk.


Задания за столом

Match pictures and names of the clothes


Oh no, it’s so cold in here! Did you pack bags? No? Then we have to go shopping! I have my credit card! First, let’s a make a list of things we need to buy not to get cold.


Повторение темы одежда

What is it? You wear it on your head (hat)

You wear it on your feet (shoes or boots or snickers)

You wear them on your hands (gloves or mittens)

You wear it on your body (jacket)

You wear them on your legs (jeans or trousers)

You wear it on your neck (scarf)


Игра мухобойкой (называю не я, а игроки противоположной команды, я подсчитываю)

Skirt/shirt/hat/dress, etc.


Вклеить нужную одежду

Please take the envelopes. There you will find clothing items.


Игра Heads Up

I have an idea! Let’s play a game! Do you like games? Shall we play Heads Up?



What’s missing?


Динамическая пауза

Energizer: touch touch touch your nose, wiggle your ears, etc. (они тоже проговаривают, части тела можно мне не называть)

Rolie Polie airplane


Работа по учебнику (с аудио)

Работа по РТ

Текст на стр.91 с аудио (им заранее сделать закладки). Слушать текст. Сперва дать им слова по worksheet и разобрать их вместе с ними


Найти приложение и игру

Learning apps


В конце урока – устная и письменная проверка знаний

What have you learnt today?

I will help you. I will tell you one fact. If it’s true put your thumb up in the air, if it’s wrong put your thumb down.


Alaska is in England.

This is a flag of Alaska.

It’s very warm in Alaska.

You need warm clothes in Alaska.

The word Alaska means….

What have you learnt today? Please mark the correct answers in your worksheets.



Assign homework, explain and model. Differentiate.


Оценки и комментарии

You all did a great job today! You worked a s real team!

Your mark is five, I really liked the way you ….

your mark is four. You could do better on….

Thank you for your cooperation!

The lesson is over, good bye!


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