Урок английского языка по теме«Тhe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» (1 курс)

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение Ростовской области
«Ростовский колледж технологий машиностроения»
по английскому языку на тему «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland» с мультимедийным сопровождением для специальности «Техническая эксплуатация и обслуживание роботизированного производства», 1 курс
преподаватель иностранного языка
для участия в конкурсе:
«Конспект урока с мультимедийным
Огинская Юлия Валерьевна
Тема: «The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland»
Цель: изучить общую информацию о государстве: географическое положение, состав государства, флаги, столицы, национальные символы.
сформировать представление о Соединенном Королевстве Великобритании и Северной Ирландии на иностранном языке;
освоить новые лексические единицы по теме;
научить употреблять данную лексику во всех видах речевой деятельности на основе пройденного грамматического материала.
развить разнообразные виды памяти: зрительную, слуховую, эмоциональную, необходимых для эффективного запоминания лексических единиц;
сформировать умение оценивания и контроля собственных знаний и знаний одногруппников;
сформировать навык организовать деятельность, направленную на конечный результат; уметь выражать свои мысли.
учить работать в коллективе;
воспитывать культуру общения;
привить уважительного отношения к мнению и знаниям одногруппников;
воспитывать приобретение навыков общения с одногруппниками и преподавателем.
Интеграция: английский язык, география
Тип урока: урок усвоения новых знаний
Методы обучения: словесно – иллюстративный, практический.
Формирование УУД:
Личностные УУД:
осознавать неполноту знаний, проявлять интерес к новому содержанию;
устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом;
оценивать собственный вклад в работу группы.
Познавательные УУД:
осознавать неполноту знаний, проявлять интерес к новому содержанию;
устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом;
самостоятельно выделять и формулировать познавательные задачи;
самостоятельно искать и выделять необходимую информацию при аудировании и чтении на иностранном языке;
самостоятельно осознанно построить устное и письменное речевое высказывание на иностранном языке;
провести рефлексию деятельности по овладению иностранным языком, контроль и оценка процесса и результатов иноязычной речевой деятельности;
учить структурировать свои знания, применять уже имеющиеся знания и умения в изучении нового материала;
продолжить формирование умения работать с пособиями;
продолжить формирование умения находить отличия, составлять конспекты, работать с информационными текстами, объяснять значения новых слов, сравнивать и выделять признаки.
Регулятивные УУД:
продолжить формирование умения прогнозировать при восприятии текстов при аудировании и чтении; предвосхищение результатов своей деятельности по овладению иностранным языком и уровня своих умений;
продолжить формирование умения сравнивать результаты своих пошаговых действий и деятельности в целом с заданным эталоном-образцом с целью выявления отклонений от образца – умение контролировать ситуацию, процесс и результат своей деятельности в сотрудничестве с педагогом и сверстниками; адекватное восприятие оценки преподавателя и сверстников;
продолжить формирование умения работать с текстом;
продолжить формирование умения сосредоточиться на выполнении речевых действий, умения проявить настойчивость и усилие для достижения поставленной цели, для преодоления неудач, когда что-то не удается с первого раза при устном и письменном общении на иностранном языке, умения преодолевать импульсивность и непроизвольность.
Коммуникативные УУД:
учить работать в коллективе, распределять обязанности в группе;
учить задавать вопросы, необходимые для организации собственной речевой деятельности и в условиях инициативного сотрудничества с партнером;
учить взаимоконтролю, коррекции и оценки речевых действий партнера по общению на иностранном языке;
выражать свои мысли и идеи, работа над монологической и диалогической речью.
Оборудование: компьютер, колонки, мультимедийный проектор, презентация, видеоматериалы.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Приветствие. Выявление отсутствующих. Проверка готовности обучающихся к уроку.
Hello, students. I’m glad to see you. Who is absent today? Are you ready for today’s lesson?
II. Целеполагание и мотивация
This lesson will be devoted to the following topic: the general information about The United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. You’ve learnt this before during your geography course at school. Now it’s turn to learn it in English. Please be attentive to what we learn, because it will be part of you grading test in the end of the year.
III. Контроль домашнего задания.
You’ve had the task for today’s lesson to write an essay. So please put your copybooks on the first desk.
IV. Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Every lesson we are starting with the phonetic warm up. So please look at the board. What’s written here? Repeat after me.
The queen in green screamed. Sound [k] should be pronounced breathing out.
Students together: The queen in green screamed.
V. Усвоение нового материала
Teacher: I’d like to repeat that the topic of today’s lesson is The UK. What do you know about the United Kingdom?
Students: the Queen, the English language, the Union Jack, the Beatles.
Teacher: Right you are. But let’s start with the easiest words to warm up before something difficult. Look at the board, there are the words we are going to work with today (приложение 1)
Teacher: Students, let’s do one easy task for me to understand that you’ve remembered the words. (The teacher asks students randomly to translate words into English and vice versa)
Teacher: Right you are. Great job!
And now look at the boards again. We have geographical names, and they are more difficult. You should know the following words, repeat after me (приложение 2).
Students repeat.
Teacher: Students, look at the board. I have some interesting facts for you about Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Read attentively one by one and then translate the texts.
Students read the texts. (приложение 3).
Teacher: Now I’d like you to answer some questions:
- What do British Isles consist of?
- What is the total area of the British Isles?
- How is the British flag called?
- What flags does it combine?
- What is the capital of the UK?
- What are the British Isles washed by?
- What are the busiest rivers of the UK?
- What can you say about British weather?
Teacher: Please, look at the board again, and now let’s continue to learn information about the UK (приложение 4).
Now I’d like to ask you, do you know the anthem of the UK. Let’s listen to it. (приложение 5)
Teacher: Now we’re going to answer some more questions about what we’ve read:
- What countries does the UK combine?
- What are their capitals?
- What is the highest mountain of the UK?
- What are the national emblems of every country?
- Who is the head of the UK?
- What is the official residence of the Queen?
Teacher: Your next task is to match the country and the emblem and name it. (England – rose, Scotland –daffodil and leek, Wales –thistle, Northern Ireland - shamrock)
Your next task for today is to write a summary of the previous texts following the flow chart:
Write about the geographical position of the UK.
List the countries the UK consist of. Tell the difference between these countries.
Say what a political system the UK has.
Write who is the head of the state.
Teacher: And for today that is all. Write down the homework: to make a presentation about any country of the UK.
VI. Рефлексия
Ok, children, we are finishing today’s lesson and I’d like you to say if this lesson is useful for you or not.
As for your work, I’d like to mark out a couple of students. You’ve been very active. As today’s topic is new for you, I hope others will receive marks the next time, when we revise the material.
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.
Используемая литература
- Best country Scotland. URL: https://www.best-country.com/en/europe/scotland/geography (дата обращения 20.10.2020)
- Discover England. URL: https://youreng.ru/discover-britain-england-perevod-teksta/ (дата обращения 20.10.2020)
- Great Britain URL: http://www.learnenglishbest.com/great-britain-article.html (дата обращения 20.10.2020)
- Northern Ireland. URL: https://infourok.ru/prezentaciya-te-united-kingdom-of-great-britain-and-nortern-ireland-935982.html (дата обращения 20.10.2020)
- National emblems of Great Britain URL: https://www.projectbritain.com/flowers.html (дата обращения 20.10.2020)
- Wales. History, Geography, Facts. URL: https://www.britannica.com/place/Wales(дата обращения 20.10.2020)
anthem [ˈænθəm] гимн
capital [ˈkæpɪtl] столица
constitutional monarchy [kɒnstɪˈtjuːʃnəl
ˈmɒnəkɪ] конституционная монархия
cross [krɒs] крест
flag [flæg] флаг
island [ˈaɪlənd] остров
national emblem [ˈnæʃnəl ˈembləm] государственный герб
patron saint [ˈpeɪtrən seɪnt] покровитель
population [pɒpjʊˈleɪʃn] население
queen [kwiːn] королева
the House of Lords [haʊs ɒv lɔːdz] Палата Лордов
the House of Commons [haʊs ɔv ˈkɔmənz] Палата Общин
west [west] запад
east [iːst] восток
north [nɔːθ] север
south [saʊθ] юг
Приложение 2
Geographical names
The United Kingdom [ðiː juːˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm] Соединенное Королевство
The British Isles [ðiː ˈbrɪtɪʃ aɪlz] Британские острова
England [ˈɪŋglənd] Англия
Scotland [ˈskɒtlənd] Шотландия
Wales [weɪlz] Уэльс
Ireland [ˈaɪələnd] Ирландия
London [ˈlʌndən] Лондон
Edinburgh [ ˈedɪnbrə] Эдинбург
Cardiff [ ˈkɑːdɪf ] Кардиф
Belfast [ ˈbelfɑːst] Белфаст
The English Channel [ˈɪŋglɪʃ ʧænl] Ла-Манш
North Sea [ nɔːθ siː] Северное море
Irish Sea [ ˈaɪərɪʃ siː] Ирландское море
the Highlands [ðiː ˈhaɪlændz] Высокогорье, нагорье, Хайленд
the Lowlands [ðiː ˈləʊləndz] Лоуленд
The Severn [ðiː ˈsevən ] Северн
The Thames [ðiː temz] Темза
the Atlantic Ocean [ðiː ətˈlæntɪk əʊʃn] Атлантичеcкий океан
Приложение 3
Geographical position
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelands is situated on the British Isles.
The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands.
Their total area is over 244,000 square kilometers.
The British Isles are separated from European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands.
There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.
There are many lakes in Great Britain. The Lake District, also known as the Lakes or Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England. A popular holiday destination, it is famous for its lakes, forests and mountains.
The weather in Great Britain is very changeable.
The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. The most unpleasant aspect of English weather is fog and smog.
The Union Jack
The flag of the UK is known as the Union Jack. The upright cross is the Cross of St. George the patron saint of England. The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All of them are on the blue background. The capital of the UK is London.
Приложение 4
The population
The population of the UK is over 58 mln people. The UK is inhabited by the English, the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish who constitute the British nation.
Political system
The UK is constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The British monarch
The Head of the UK is Queen Elizabeth II since 6 February 1952. Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Queen.
National emblems
Every country has its own national emblem. The red rose is the national emblem of England. The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales. The shamrock (a kind of clover) is the emblem of Ireland.
The composition of the UK
The UK is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales and doesn’t include Northern Ireland.
Four capitals
London in England, Edinburgh in Scotland, Cardiff in Wales and Belfast in Northern Ireland.
England is the largest and most populous country of the United Kingdom.
England comprises the central and southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain, plus offshore islands of which the largest is the Isle of Wight.
The capital city of England is London, which is the largest city in Great Britain, and the largest city in the European Union by most measures. Birmingham is the second largest, both in terms of the city itself and its urban conurbation. A number of other cities, mainly in central and northern England, are of substantial size and influence. These include: Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield, Bristol, Coventry, Leicester, Nottingham, and Hull.
Scotland is to the north of England. The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. Glasgow is its largest and busiest city, Edinburgh is its capital. Edinburgh is known as the Athens of the North. It is famous for Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace which is a residence of the Queen when she is in Scotland. The Edinburgh military tattoo takes place every August and September. 600 people play military music and march to it. At the same time the is another cultural event, the famous Edinburgh festival. It is one big party with great music, theatre and films. The Highlands of Scotland is a wild and romantic area. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain of the UK (1343 m high).
Wales, constituent unit of the United Kingdom that forms a westward extension of the island of Great Britain. The capital and main commercial and financial centre is Cardiff. . It is the country with its own geography, culture, traditions and language.
Wales is a land of green fields, forests and farms. But it is also a land of mountains and valleys, streams and waterfalls. Snowdon is the second highest mountain in Britain.
Cardiff is an industrial city, which also has a castle, a cathedral and a university. The capital city and the main port is Cardiff.
Wales is represented by the symbol of the red Welsh Dragon, but other national emblems include the leek and daffodil. St David is Wales’ patron saint.
Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom lying in the northeast of the island of Ireland, and consists of six of the nine counties of the province of Ulster. The remainder of the island of Ireland is a sovereign state, the Republic of Ireland. It borders the Republic of Ireland to its south and west. Attractions include cultural festivals, musical and artistic traditions, countryside and geographical sites of interest, welcoming hospitality and sports.
Приложение 5
God save our gracious Queen,
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and Glorious,
Long to reign over us;
God save the Queen!
O Lord our God arise,
Scatter her enemies
And make them fall;
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix,
Oh, save us all!
Thy choicest gifts in store
On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign;
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!
Not in this land alone,
But be God's mercies known,
From shore to shore!
Lord make the nations see,
That men should brothers be,
And form one family,
The wide world over
From every latent foe,
From the assassins blow,
God save the Queen!
O'er her thine arm extend,
For Britain's sake defend,
Our mother, prince, and friend,
God save the Queen!
What do British Isles consist of? They consist Of Great Britain and Ireland and many other small islands
What is the total area of the British Isles? It’s about 244000 square kilometers
How is the British flag called? It’s called the Union Jack.
What flags does it combine? The upright cross is the Cross of St. George the patron saint of England . The white diagonal cross is the cross of St. Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland. The red diagonal cross is the cross is the cross of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. All of them are on the blue background.
What is the capital of the UK?It’s London
What are the British Isles washed by? The British Isles are separated from European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
What are the busiest rivers of the UK? They are the Thames and the Severn
What can you say about British weather? The weather in Great Britain is very changeable. The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.
What countries does the UK combine? It combines England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
What are their capitals? London in England, Edinburgh in Scotland, Cardiff in Wales and Belfast in Northern Ireland.
What is the highest mountain of the UK? It’s Ben Nevis
What are the national emblems of every country? The red rose is the national emblem of England.The thistle is the national emblem of Scotland.The daffodils and the leek are the emblems of Wales.The shamrock is the emblem of Ireland.
Who is the head of the UK? In law, the Head of State is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.
What is the official residence of the Queen? It’s Buckingham Palace
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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Кияйкина Наталья Федоровна