Входной тест для 5 класса

Материал опубликован 21 August 2024


Your mark:

31-35 – «5»

25-30 – «4»

20-24 – «3»

Выберите звук, с которого начинается слово. (5 баллов)


Расставьте дни недели в правильном порядке с понедельника по пятницу. (5 баллов)


3. Выберите предложение, которое не соответствует ни одной из картинок. (1 балл)


The girl likes singing.

The cat likes playing.

The boy likes reading.

The mouse likes dancing.

4. Заполните пропуски в тексте словами из столбца справа. (5 баллов)



5. Mike has got a pet. Connect the parts of the sentences to get a story about Mike and his pet. Соедините части предложений так, чтобы у вас получился рассказ о Майке и его питомце. (6 баллов)


6. Read the text. Choose the correct words in the sentences below. (7 баллов)

Hi Henry!

How are you? My name is Chris and I’m ten years old. I go to Green School. My favourite subject is PE. I also like History and English. I have a lunch break from 12:30 to 1:30 every day. My favourite day at school is Friday. I have History, English and PE on this day.

Well, that’s about it.

Please write soon and tell me about your school.

Bye for now.


Chris is 9/10 years old.

Chris goes to Yellow / Green School.

His favourite subject is Information Technology/ Physical Education.

He likes Science and Maths/ English and History too.

Chris starts lunch at 12.30/ 1.30.

His favourite day at school is Friday/ Thursday.

He asks Henry to tell him about his family/ school.

Choose the correct response. (6 баллов)

How old are you?

It’s I-V-A-N-O-V.

Excuse me, where is the History lesson?

I’m twelve.

My name is Victor.

It’s in Room 11.

What’s he like?

She’s playing the violin.

How do you spell your name?

He’s very funny and kind.

What is she doing?

Nice to meet you. I’m John.

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