Входящая контрольная работа по английскому языку для 5 класса

Задание 1. Прочитай текст и выполни задание.
This is George. He lived in Africa. He was a good little monkey and always very curious.
One day George saw a man. The man had a large yellow hat on. He saw George too.
“What a nice little monkey”, he thought. “I would like to take him home with me.” He put his hat on the ground.
George was curious: he came down from the tree to look at the large yellow hat.
George thought: “It is nice to have this on my head”. He picked it up and put it on. The hat covered George`s head. He couldn`t see. The man picked him up quickly and put into the bag. George was caught.
Curious [`kjuəriəs]-любопытный
Covered [`kʌvə] – покрывать, закрывать
was caught [kᴐ:t]- был пойман
Задание 2. В каждом задании (1-10) обведи букву (a,b,c, или d), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.
Who was George?
A dog
A kitten
A monkey
A parrot
Where did George live?
In Russia
In Africa
In America
In England
What kind of monkey was George?
Who did George see one day?
A girl
A boy
A woman
A man
What did the man have on?
A read cap
A yellow hat
A black coat
A grey suit
What did he want to do with the monkey?
To take him home
To take him to the shop
To take him to school
To take him to the party
Where did the man put his hat?
On the bag
Into the box
On the car
On the ground
Why did George come down from the tree?
To buy the hat
To take a look at the hat
To play with the hat
To try on the hat
What did George do with the hat?
He picked it up and gave it to his friend
He picked it up and put it on the man
He picked it up and gave it to the man
He picked it up and put it on.
What did the hat cover?
George`s hair
George`s head
The man`s head
The man`s hair
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Грамматический раздел.
Выбери нужную форму “to be”
They___ nice rabbits.
I ___ a pupil.
He ___ brave and strong.
It ___ a nice song.
You ___ doctors.
Открой скобки, поставив глагол в нужной форме.
She (see) six ducks.
Bob (like) his funny dog.
We (want) ice-cream.
I (can) run and jump.
My horse (like) carrots.
Выбери глагол have/has.
I ___ got a sister.
We ___ got 5 cars.
He ___ got a new toy.
She ___ got a bike.
They ___ got a big house.
There is/there are
___ a lot of books on the table.
___ a cat under the bed.
___ a boy in the room?
___ many apples on the tree?
___ (not) a toy in the box.
____ a dog under the chair.
Напиши слова во множественном числе.
A dress - ___
A tooth -____
A lake - ___
A boy - ___
A man - ___
A family - ___
A boy - ___
A good - ___
Составь предложения.
aunt/ My / table tennis/ play/ to/ likes.
like / does/ not/ Bob/ play/ to/ tennis.
you / play/ can/ basketball?
cow/ your/ is/ brown?
like/ I/ to/ ride/ a big wheel/ on.