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Проектная работа «Высшее образование в Америке»

Материал опубликован 7 October 2018 в группе

Муниципальное казённое общеобразовательное учреждение

Куйбышевского района

«Октябрьская средняя общеобразовательная школа»


Тема проекта по английскому языку:


"High Education in America"


Выполнила: Тырышкина Снежана Юрьевна,

учащаяся 9 класса

Руководитель: Тырышкина Оксана Владимировна,

учитель английского языка


с. Нагорное, 2018



Цель работы: выбор университета (с учетом моих индивидуальных интересов).


1. изучить и проанализировать литературу и интернет-источники;

2. сравнить разные ВУЗы США;

3. провести опрос-анкетирование;

4. сделать выбор ВУЗа;

5. сделать вывод.

Гипотеза: образование играет важную роль в жизни современного человека и общества. Я выберу ВУЗ своей мечты в США.

Объект исследования: высшее образование.

Предмет исследования: университеты США.

Методы исследования:

1. теоретический: анализ литературы и интернет-источников;

2. эмпирический: интервью, социологический опрос-анкетирование.


1. Introduction

It's no secret that higher education plays an important role in the life of modern man. It is the US universities that are considered the most prestigious in the world, and the American diploma offers excellent prospects in any country in the world.

Today, Russian entrants are increasingly choosing higher education in the United States. Why?

American universities are in the top of all world ratings, which indicates a high level of education.

The organization of the educational process allows students to establish business contacts with the leading US companies already during their studies.

The diploma of an American university is highly valued among employers around the world and offers many opportunities for employment and career development.

Graduates of US universities manage corporations, conduct scientific research, descend into the mouth of volcanoes, explore Antarctica, fly into space, develop space programs, new medicines, build skyscrapers and develop conceptual spaces.[1]

2. Questioning and survey results

After receiving the results of the survey, I decided to find out everything about education abroad.

1. Which country of study would you prefer if you had money to study?

2. In which area would you like to specialize?

3. Do you know foreign universities?

4. What are the advantages of overseas education?

5. What are the disadvantages of overseas education?

In the survey 54 students of grades 7-10 took part.

Which country of study would you prefer if you had money to study?


Diagram 1








In which area would you like to specialize?

Diagram 2


Do you know foreign universities?


Diagram 3

4. What are the advantages of overseas education?


Diagram 4




5. What are the disadvantages of overseas education?

Diagram 5



3. Stages of the higher education system


The system of higher education in the United States identifies three stages:

Bachelor's program

Duration of training: 3-4 years

Cost: from $ 16,000

Admission: after graduation and preparatory program

In the system of American higher education there is no single curriculum. Seminars and lectures are divided into compulsory and optional. All students first study general educational subjects, and then select the modules that interest them. Auditor lectures can be attended by several hundred students, and on laboratory or discussion sessions - from two to thirty. Students are expected to actively participate in discussions and stand up for their point of view. Often, activity affects the final score.

In some universities, at admission, you do not even need to choose a specialization - the first 1 or 2 years all students study the same subjects. At the same time there is no strict division into groups and flows, as in Russian universities.

Master's Courses

Duration: 1-2 years

Cost: from $ 20,000

Admission: after undergraduate

To study in the American magistracy is much more difficult, than on programs of the bachelor degree. A large amount of material should be studied independently, while developing individual projects in parallel.

There are two types of master's programs: professional and academic. In addition to the general theoretical base, the students of the professional magistracy receive practical training in the chosen field (they pass more internships, perform more practical assignments), and for "academic" masters it is important to participate in scientific research. Those who choose an academic master's program usually plan to continue their education in doctoral studies and follow-up scientific work.

Doctoral studies (Ph.D)

Duration: 4-6 years

Cost: from $ 30,000

Admission: after a master's degree (in some cases after a bachelor's degree)

The third stage of higher education in the US is for those who want to do science. On the development of this industry (especially in the field of medicine and biology) in America about 28% of GDP is spent annually - more than in any other country in the world. Many studies are conducted on the basis of universities, so students can freely use all the capabilities of university laboratories and scientific centers to work on their own thesis.

After graduation, a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) or Doctor of Science (Sc.D) is awarded.[2]

College or university?

Higher education in the US can be obtained at a college or university. The colleges offer only bachelor's programs and universities offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees. The structure of the university may include several colleges.

To enter most US universities, applicants from Russia need to undergo a special annual training program (Foundation). The student will not only help quickly to tighten the knowledge of English and academic subjects, but will also support in a new unaccustomed situation.

Some universities offer to pass the adaptation program in parallel with the 1 course of study - this makes it possible not to lose a year.[3]


Table 1



Table 2


For admission to American universities do not need to pass the entrance exams - the selection of students is based on the results of tests, previous assessments, motivation letter and other application documents.


Table 3



IELTS — International English Language Testing System

Всемирно признанная международная система тестирования, разработанная для подтверждения уровня знания английского языка.

В течение 2 часов 45 минут кандидатам необходимо пройти соответствующие модули: Listening (Аудирование), Speaking (Разговорная речь), Reading (Чтение) и Writing (Письмо), которые различаются в зависимости от того, какой вариант теста проходит кандидат:

Academic — для кандидатов, планирующих учиться в англоязычных учебных заведениях

General Training — вариант теста, подходящий для всех остальных случаев.

TOEFLTest of English as a Foreign Language

Стандартизованный тест на знание английского языка предназначен для тех, у кого английский не является родным языком.

SATScholastic Assessment Test

Оценочный тест знаний абитуриента, результаты которого используются для поступления в высшие учебные заведения США.

3 часа 45 минут длится тестирование, состоящее из 3-х частей: математика, письмо и анализ текста, которые, в свою очередь, также разбиты на подчасти.

GMATGraduate Management Admission Test

Международный экзамен на английском языке, позволяющий оценить математические и аналитические способности кандидатов для дальнейшего обучения в бизнес-школах в сфере менеджмента, экономики, бизнеса и финансов.

GREGraduate Record Examinations

Тест, который необходимо сдавать для поступления в магистратуру, докторантуру или иной последипломный курс в американских вузах.

В течение 3 часов 45 минут проводится тестирование в компьютерном или бумажном формате с максимально возможным баллом — 340 (170 на математику и 170 на английский).[4]

Существует два типа экзамена:

общий тест (General test) — помимо школьной программы по математике включает проверку знаний английского языка, где большое внимание уделяется словарному запасу студента.

специализированный предметный тест (Subject) — проводится для оценки уровня знаний тестируемого в конкретной области: физика, химия, математика, биология, психология, и по охвату материала сравнимый с третьим-четвертым курсом вуза.[5]

  1. Previous assessments or why study well

Not only excellent knowledge of English, but also a high average score of a diploma or diploma - GPA will be needed for admission to foreign universities.

GPA (Grade Point Average) — это средний балл всех оценок в аттестате или дипломе за весь период обучения. Каждый университет предъявляет свои требования к GPA абитуриентов и устанавливает определенный порог среднего балла, соблюдение которого является необходимым условием для поступления в вуз.[6]

4.0 - the entrant with the maximum possible score has the right to apply for admission to any of the most prestigious universities;

3.9 - a sufficiently high score giving a chance to enter the best universities in the world;

3.8 - is considered the lower limit among high scores for enrolling in prestigious universities;

3.7 - a fairly high result, but not enough for admission to the universities of the "League of Ivy";

3.6 - 3.4 - the entrant can apply for admission to the universities of the first hundred;

3.0 - 3.3 - low result, but sufficient for enrolling in a regular high school;

2.7 - 3.0 - low result, but there is still a chance to enter the university;

2.7 - academic failure, with such a score will not be accepted by any institution.

Table 4


The conclusion: if in Russia, when I graduate from school, the fact that my certificate is not "ideal" will not bother anyone very much, then I will simply not be taken to some positions if my average score is lower than 3.0 or even 3.5.

Diagram 6


  1. Motivation letter

A motivation letter (Statement of Purpose, Personal Statement) is an essay on 1-1.5 pages. It should explain the choice of the university and academic program, talk about their academic interests, experiences and achievements and goals.

The format of non-structured motivation letters can be as follows:

1. Option 1: Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow

I have the necessary experience for a successful study at a university;

at the moment I want to get knowledge for further development;

your program is ideal for these purposes, since I can achieve ...

2. Option 2: I - You - We

a description of their achievements, talents, interests;

The chosen program fully corresponds to my ambitions;

my potential in combination with your program will bear the following fruits ...

3. Option 3: What - Why - For what purpose?

what exactly do I want to study;

Why do I want to study this specialty, what is it so important for me?

how the chosen program will help me achieve my goals, which I expect to receive from it.

The length of the motivation letter is about 300 words, the entrant spends about 15% of the volume in order to absolutely nothing to say. And it's not just that everything written is obvious and predictable, it's boring! To understand the secret of the ideal motivation letter, it is necessary to present five professors, locked with 500 statements. Would such a beginning of the letter attract their attention? Will they read the continuation of such a letter with the idea that this particular applicant is suitable for their program? Will they remember this letter later? Probably not.

For a successful motivational essay, a so-called "hook" is needed. For example, one student of the master's program in library art made an excellent "hook" and looked like this: "When I was 11, my grandmother Gretchen died and left me something that changed my life - a library of 5000 volumes. My best days were spent reading and ordering her books, since then I wanted to become a librarian".

And each applicant has to do the same - to find this "hook", to understand why the choice fell on this direction, what benefits the applicant can bring with his work in the future, how this will affect him and others. You need to find your own truth, and then choose a memorable way of presenting this thought.[7]

"Scheme" of writing a motivation letter:

Primary organization of the text.

"Hook", which demonstrates the passion coming to the chosen subject.

Logical connection of the entrant's motivation with his achievements.

A description of the achievements in the selected item.

Special and additional courses on the subject.

Extracurricular activities in the selected area.

Publications and other professional achievements in the direction (reports, reports).

Explaining the controversial points of the academic past (if relevant).

Explain the reasons why this university was chosen.

Mention of specific professors of the university, in whose work the entrant is interested.

Features of the university program that attract the applicant.

Councils of teachers or professors.

Checking and adjusting the material.

I tried writing a motivation letter for the university:

«С детства я смотрела американские фильмы и сериалы, намного больше, чем российские. Они меня заинтересовывали своими отличиями от моей страны и города. Я живу в маленьком городке и для меня очень необычно то, что показывали в подростковых фильмах. Я выросла на этих фильмах, задаваясь вопросами: "А действительно все именно так, как показывают в фильмах" или "Каково быть американским подростком?" Я выросла с желанием жить и учится в США. Я думаю, что USLA даст мне эту возможность».

«Since my childhood, I've watched American films and TV shows, much more than Russian ones. They interested me with their differences from my country and city. I live in a small town and for me it's very unusual what was shown in teenage films. I grew up on these films, asking questions: "Is it really the same as shown in the films" or "What is an American teenager"? I grew up with a desire to live and study in the USA. I think that the USLA will give me this opportunity».


On one of the sites, I found such an article of expenses for ONE year. I decided to compose my article of approximate costs for ONE year in the US. (see table 5)


Table 5



Table 6


Стэндфордский университет

Калифорнийский университет

Колумбийский университет

Чикагский университет

Обучение (Бакалавриат)







$685 - 935

$845 - 1536

$504 - 859



$268 - 494

$361 - 638

$285 - 519



$80 - 191

$93 - 206

$80 - 175

Связь и электричество


$96 - 109

$95 - 104

$97 - 107



$21- 77

$24 - 85

$22 - 79

Отдых и спорт


$27 - 99

$43 - 166

$32 - 117

Итого (проживание)









Итого (в среднем)






  1. Free Tuition at the US Universities

You need a lot of money to enroll in an American university, but thanks to grants and scholarships you can cover the amount for training. But not every university has such programs. Let's figure out what grants are and what scholarships are available.


The most popular among our compatriots are the grants under the Fulbright program, grants from American universities such as MIT, Stanford, Princeton, as well as the Russian program "Global Education". The amount of funding and the conditions for obtaining it are varied: from covering only the studies to all expenses, up to the flight, accommodation and meals of the student.


For gifted students, American universities offer two types of scholarships: sports and academic. Funding comes from the budget of the university.

Sports scholarships are designed for students who are seriously engaged in any kind of sport and are members of the university's national teams. The amount of funding can cover 100% of the costs of training and living.

Academic scholarships cover, as a rule, either only education (without residency), or part of the cost of training in a university. For their receipt, it is necessary to provide high academic indicators upon admission.[8]

My University Choices

Training is a very interesting process, which takes up most of the time and attention. In addition, training forms a further life path, professional activity and affects the quality of life itself in the future. Therefore, it is very important to study exactly where it is comfortable and where you can get the necessary professional training.

Why do I choose a university in America, and not in Russia? The advantages of obtaining higher education in the US are many. The most important of them is prestige. Training in the US is considered the best in the world (not without reason). Any ratings and charts prove that American universities give odds even to many of the oldest classical European universities.

The prestige of diplomas of American universities significantly increases the chances of students to qualitative employment. Simply put, if you were educated in the US, you have an excellent career in America or any country in the world.

In addition, I choose a university in the US, because I want to discover the world: new cultures, new countries, a new society. Thanks to the diploma of an American university, I can build a better career. I believe that the diploma of an American university for me is a ticket to the ideal, I think, life.

How do I choose the ideal university? First of all, I need a university with the specialty that I need. Now the world of professions is diverse. How to choose from one thousand professions one? This is a very difficult choice in the life of every teenager and entrant.

To begin with, I proceed from personal preferences. What am I interested in? What can I do? What I like? What can I do? Of course, I'm a humanist. Hence, we need to remove all professions that are prone to exact sciences. In passing the English language, I am fluent in Russian and literature. I am also attracted to art and creativity. From these areas I would choose journalism, psychology, writing (I already have a book that I have already started, which I successfully publish), and such professions as editor, publisher, director, linguist, translator, designer, photographer, and teachers of literature and languages.

In universities such as Stanford, Columbia, Chicago and California universities, there are faculties that rely on art, literature and languages.[9]

The most detailed I decided to study the University of California, which is in Los Angeles.[10]

Advantages and disadvantages

University of California (from the humanities)



Входит в престижную международную группу Universities Research Association.

Почти все гранты и стипендиальные схемы в UCLA рассчитаны на американцев.

Высокое качество преподавания.

Огромная стоимость обучения.

Для иностранцев, которым необходимо повысить уровень владения английским, предусмотрена программа языковой подготовки (с 18 лет).


Достижения в цифрах просто шокируют: 13 лауреатов Нобелевской премии, приблизительно 250 медалей с различных олимпиад.


Более 300 специальностей, финансирование более 1 млрд.


«Школа театра, кино и телевидения» считается одной из лучших в США.


Действует стипендия “Глобальное образование”.



The University is located:

California, Golden State is the third largest, most populous and rich US state with a subtropical climate, located on the west coast of the country, near the Pacific Ocean, a paradise for billionaires, entrepreneurs, creative people, hippies, surfers and, of course, students.[11]

For comfortable learning there is everything that is necessary for this:

an incredible library

Hospitals for medical practitioners


sports buildings

eateries, canteens and cafes


park for walks and rest from intellectual load.

In the western part of the campus, most of the infrastructure is located. It is called "Hill". Here are concentrated playgrounds for basketball, tennis courts, swimming pools, dormitories, auditoriums and conference rooms.

In addition to the amazing arrangement of the university, his teaching staff and eminent graduates are very inspired. Here are some of them.


  • Francis Ford Coppola - cult director, producer, screenwriter. He is the author of the film trilogy "The Godfather", the films "Apocalypse Now" and "Dracula". Laureate of six Oscar awards, twice winner of the Golden Palm Branch.

    Ralph Bunce is an American diplomat and political science specialist. He received the Nobel Prize.

    Allen Adam is one of the founders of Blizzard.

    Holland Rodin is an actress, became known for the role of Lydia Martin, the series "Wolf".

    S. Libergot - the head of the program to launch the "Apollo".

    Kevin Love is a basketball player, an NBA player.


Interesting facts about University of California Los Angeles

The University of California in Los Angeles is one of the world's top 15 universities with the highest graduate employment rate.

The names of 13 Nobel Prize laureates and about 250 Olympic medal winners are associated with the activities of the University of California.

The total funding of UCLA is more than 1 billion dollars.

The University is located just 8 km from the coast of the Pacific Ocean.[12]

  • Vladimir Markov - a Slavicist, specialized in studying the work of Khlebnikov and all Russian modern, poet, publicist, translator.

    Peter Sellars - director, is known for staging ambiguous performances of classical works.

    Greg Graffin teaches natural science and evolutionary theory, musician.


So, I came to the following conclusions:

The system of higher education in America is divided into three stages: bachelor's, master's, doctoral. In addition, there is no difference between college and university.

You do not need much for your admission, which is easier than in Russia. Pass the testing, previous assessments, write a motivation letter and other application documents. And writing a motivation letter is very important for the selection committee.

About 2 - 2.5 million rubles are required for training in 4 years (together with accommodation, meals, transportation, personal expenses and other needs), which cannot be taken by an ordinary Russian entrant. But at universities there are various grants, scholarships, which cover such a huge amount. In addition, there are "free" universities that offer job applicants, not only at the university in order to cover the amount of tuition.

Of the four selected universities, the most preferred was the University of California (USLA), which meets my requirements. I found out the advantages and disadvantages of this university. Thus, this educational institution has become the University of MY DREAM!

9. Sources

1. https://www.unipage.net/ru/universities_in_usa

2. https://mindwork.su/life

3. http://www.lookatme.ru/flow/posts/education

4. http://migrantinform.ru/ucheba/obrazovanie-v-usa

5. http://www.hpartners.ru/university-pathway/usa

6. http://americanbutler.ru/vysshee-obrazovanie-v-ssha

7. http://usaprosto.ru/obuchenie

8. https://ushistory.ru/index.php/populjarnaja-literatura/

9. https://www.unipage.net

10. https://www.iqconsultancy.ru/articles/vysshee-obrazovanie-v-ssha

11. http://hangaround.ru/ucla

12. https://www.unipage.net/ru/university_of_california_los_angeles

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