Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Traveling around London»

Материал опубликован 5 December


«Traveling around London»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

Название ОУ: Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей №6»

ФИО учителя: Вологжанина Мария Андреевна

Класс: 5

Тема внеклассного мероприятия: «Traveling around London»


Обобщение изученного материала по теме «Великобритания».

Активизация лексики по теме,

Формирование интереса к стране изучаемого языка.

Планируемые результаты:


Повторить и закрепить пройденный лексико-грамматический материал по предмету.


Понимать учебную задачу; воспринимать учебное задание; контролировать свои действия в процессе его выполнения; научиться организовывать учебное сотрудничество.


Развить мотивации учебной деятельности и формирование личностный смысл учения, осознание степени своего усвоения материала.

Оборудование: раздаточный материал, карта, интерактивная доска.



Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see you. Today I suggest you to travel around London. Answer my question: What can you associate when you hear the word “London”. Of course it is the capital of Great Britain.

Look at the map. There you can see Great Britain which consists of 4 parts: Scotland on the north, England on the south, Wales is near England and the small part of the country is Northern Ireland is on the east. All the parts have their capital. England – London. Wales – Cardiff, Scotland – Edinburgh, Northern Ireland –  Belfast. (Работа с картой)

Thank you very much.

1. Задание 1.

Let’s imagine we are in London. What are the Rules of behavior in Britain? True or False?


You have to drive on the left.

You mustn’t use a mobile phone on the bus.

You should always wear a hat in public.

You should never speak to a stranger on the train.

You must never smoke at the cinema.

You should always shake hands when you say goodbye to someone.

You should usually give a taxi driver a tip.

You must always introduce yourself to everyone in a pub.

You must never drink tea without milk.

You shouldn’t eat chocolate in the street.

Answers: 1. True 2 False 3. False 4. False 5. True 6. False 7. True 8. False 9 False 10. False.

2. Задание 2.

I’m sure, that you hear of these sights of London, don’t you? And now let’s match the description and the photo (Ученики подбирают описание достопримечательности и ее фотографию, Сначала работают с карточками, а затем сверяют с картинкой, которые изображены на экране)

It's a clock in the tower and it is a big bell. You can hear it every hour. (Big Ben)

It is a place where the British Government sits. It is the largest modem building. It consists of three parts: The Royal Apartments, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. (The House of Parliament)

It is the oldest and famous bridge across the Thames. Originally it was made of wood by the Romans, but it was often burnt down. Later it was made of stone. Finally, it was rebuilt and made of concrete. (The Tower Bridge)

It is the central square of London and traditional place for people to meet: all sorts of protest meetings are held there. The statue of national hero Admiral Nelson stands there. (Trafalgar Square)

It is the national museum of Britain. It has one of the world’s best collections of art (The British museum)

It is the largest park in London, which is famous for its Speaker’s Corner. (Hyde Park)

Let’s check.

3. Физкультминутка.

And now it’s time to have a rest! Will you stand up?

Up and down, up and down (руки вверх, вниз)

Which is way (разводим руки в стороны)

To London town?

Where? Where? (поворачиваемся в стороны)

Up in the air (смотрим по сторонам)

Close your eyes- (закрываем глаза)

And we are there! (открываем глаза)

4. Задание 3.

Now let's play some game! I will give you cards with crossword. Please find as many words as you can! После выполнения проверяем все вместе.

We have learned a lot of interesting facts about London today. What places would you like to visit most of all?

5. Прощание

That’s all for today! Thank you for your work. You were active. Goodbye, children!

Приложение №1


Приложение №2


Приложение №3


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