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Ботнарь Кристина Вячеславовна33
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"Разработка межпредметной проектной задачи для обучающихся"


Название проектной задачи

 Путешествуем по Великобритании. Лондон и его достопримечательности.

Тип проектной задачи






Обобщение пройденного материала по теме «Великобритания» .

Знакомство с достопримечательностями Лондона.

Умение извлечь необходимую информацию из различных источников.

Умение строить предложения  при помощи пройденных конструкций.

Умение правильно излагать свои мысли в устной и письменной форме.

Знания, умения и способы действий

Знание порядка слов в английском предложении. 

Умение сообщать краткие факты о Великобритании.

Умение комментировать факты из прослушанного текста, выражать и аргументировать свое отношение к прослушанному.

Умение верно перевести предложения с английского на русский, соблюдая правила английского языка.

Умение правильно составить и написать письмо другу по переписке

Планируемый педагогический результат

Умение на слух определять правильный вариант ответа.

Продуктивное взаимодействие в ходе коллективно - распределительной деятельности в группе, степень участия каждого члена группы.

Умение выражать свое мнение, отвечая на вопросы  изученной темы.

Умение составить карту достопримечательностей Лондона.

Умение написать  письма о поездке в Лондон друзьям по переписке.

Критерии оценивания

 Правильность выполнения заданий.

Продуктивность взаимодействия учащихся в микрогруппе при выполнении отдельных заданий.

Проявление творческой инициативы при написании письма другу по переписке.

Разработка урока в 6 классе «Путешествуем по Великобритании. Лондон и его достопримечательности». (Travelling around Great Britain. London and its places of interest).


- Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Do you know it is usually rainy in the UK. People say that Britain doesn't have a climate, it has weather.

- Well, now let's listen to the text about the UK and choose the right answer. (На доске висит карта Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии).

The UK, or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country in Europe. It is situated to the northwest of the continent [1, с. 69]. The UK has four parts, four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. London is the capital of Great Britain and England. The Thames is the longest river in England. 8 million people live and work there in London. The symbol of London is a red rose.

 Scotland is the second country in GB. It is smaller than England but bigger than Wales. Its capital is Edinburgh with population of 5 million people. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle.

Wales is also a country in GB. Its capital is Cardiff. Its population is 3 million people.  A red dragon is a symbol of Wales.

Northern Ireland is the smallest country in the UK. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. Only 2 million people live there. The symbol of it, is a shamrock.

  1. The UK has ….. parts
  1. 2     b. 3              c. 4
  1. The UK situated to the …… of Europe.
  1. north      b. west    c. northwest

  1. The capital of the UK and England  is ….
  1. London     b. Edinburgh      c. Cardiff

  1. How many people do live in London?
  1. 7 mln       b. 8 mln           c. 9 mln

  1. What is the longest river in England?
  1. Thames     b. Volga   c. Scotland

Listen to the text again and complete the table. (Таблица выдается каждому учащемуся)







5 mln




2 mln

London and its places of interest

Look at the blackboard. There are new words. Let's read and try to translate them.

Prison; fortress; raven; dome; castle; admiral; monarch.

Read the texts and try to translate them. Work in groups. (Если дети правильно переводят текст, они получают картинку этой достопримечательности, заполняют карту )

  1. The Tower of London is an ancient castle on the north bank of the Thames. It was a palace, a fortress, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. A lot of ravens live there.
  2. Big Ben, is the Clock Tower and the Bell.
  3. Tower Bridge, is the oldest and famous bridge across the River Thames.  
  4. St Paul’s Cathedral is one of the most beautiful cathedrals in the country. It has a very large dome.
  5. London Eye, is a giant wheel situated on the banks of the River Thames. It’s height is 135 meters.
  6. Trafalgar Square is a square with fountains, and a monument to Admiral Nelson.
  7. The National Gallery is world-famous gallery. It has the largest collection of paintings in the UK.
  8. Westminster Palace, place where the Parliament of London work.
  9. Buckingham Palace is a home and office of the British monarch.
  10. Telephone Box, a red telephone kiosk.
  11. Double-decker bus, a red bus, symbol of the country.

Relax minute: Let's watch the video and sing the song about London places of interest.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I46IcoFAVdU (Дети получают слова песни. Поют вместе с видео).

Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round Lyrics:

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round and round

The big ben clock goes tick tick tick, tick tick tick, tick tick tick

The big ben clock goes tick tick tick, tick tick tick tick tick

The bus now goes to the London eye, London eye, the London eye

The bus now goes to the London eye, London eye

The people can watch the wheel so high, the wheel so high, the wheel so high,

The people can watch the wheel so high, the wheel so high

The bus now goes to the London Bridge, London Bridge, London Bridge

The bus now goes to the London Bridge, London Bridge

The London Bridge goes open and close, open and close, open and close

The London Bridge goes open and close, open and close

The Red light says to stop the bus, stop the bus, stop the bus

The Red light says to stop the bus, Stop! Stop! Stop!

The green light says move forward, move forward, move forward

The green light says move forward, Go! Go! Go!

The London tower is on your right, on your right, on your right

The London tower is on your right, on your right,.

The London tower stands tall and bright, tall and bright, tall and bright

The London tower stands tall and bright, tall and bright

The bell on the bus goes ding dong dong, ding dong dong, ding dong dong

The bell on the bus goes ding dong dong, ding dong ding dong dong

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round, round and round

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Round and round and round.

OK, well done. Today you have visited London and its places of interest, what is your opinion about our excursion? Do you like it? What places of interest do you like the most? Why? Express yourself.

Now, write a letter to your pen friend and tell him / her about your travelling to London. You can draw some pictures in your letter. (Дети пишут письмо, затем кладут его в почтовый ящик)

Thank you very much for your work. I would like to give you some presents from London. ( Учитель дарит детям самодельные магниты с достопримечательностями Лондона).

Источники информации

1. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: 6класс.-М.:Дрофа,2016.

2. Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I46IcoFAVdU

Карта с вкладышами (достопримечательности Лондона).



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