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Подготовил: студент группы КСК 17-1 Круцко Алексей Why do we study English?

English-speaking countries The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island The United States of America Canada Australia New Zealand

Why do we study English? to communicate with people of the world to understand films and songs in English to study at a university or college it is useful when you travel it gives a chance to meet new people to do business to get a better job

English is the language of politicians. English is the language of politicians. It is the language of summit meetings and international conferences. Most international journalists have to know English, too.

80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English. 80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English. If you know English you can contact people from all over the world, talk about your ideas and opinions on the Internet, send e-mail to interesting people.

English is called the languages of the sky and the sea. Every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English to communicate with each other.

US and British companies produce thousands of films, videos and TV programs every day. US and British companies produce thousands of films, videos and TV programs every day. You can do wonderful things such as watch films in their original forms. Once you try it this way, you’ll never go back to dubbed version.

English is the language of rock and pop music. Most of world known singers sing their songs in English. Music is much better if you can understand the words. English is the language of rock and pop music. Most of world known singers sing their songs in English. Music is much better if you can understand the words.

English is also very useful when you travel abroad. Communicate with people wherever you go. You can ask directions, have a conversations or... ask for a help. Who knows, may be English will save you life someday! English is also very useful when you travel abroad. Communicate with people wherever you go. You can ask directions, have a conversations or... ask for a help. Who knows, may be English will save you life someday! Travel agents need English to talk to hotel, airport and restaurant people.

Traveling is the best way to study languages. What is the best way to study languages?

Questions 1) What English speaking countries do you know? (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island; The United States of America; Canada; Australia; New Zealand.) 2) Why is English a global language nowadays? (It has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication. The problems of the twenty-first century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, demographics and many others cannot be solved if people do not speak the same language.) 3) Why is learning language becoming more and more popular? (It is easier to learn than any other natural languages in the world.) 4) Is it important to communicate with people of the world? (Yes, it is.)

5) Do the politicians use English language for their work? And where? 5) Do the politicians use English language for their work? And where? (Yes, they do. On summit meetings and international conferences.) 6) Should journalists speak English? (Yes, of course.) 7) How much information in the world’s computers is in English. (About 80%) 8) What means of communications use English? (Internet, mobile phones, e-mail, etc.) 9) People of what professions need English? Why? (Every pilot and ship’s captain must speak English to communicate with each other, politicians, journalists, travel agents, businessmen, etc.)

10) Have you ever watched films or TV programs in English without dubbed version? Was it difficult for you? 10) Have you ever watched films or TV programs in English without dubbed version? Was it difficult for you? (Your own answer.) 11) Do you like English music and songs? Can you understand the words? (Your own answer.) 12) Why do travel agents need English? (To talk to hotel , airport and restaurant people.) 13) Have you ever travelled abroad? Where did you go? Did you speak English there? (Your own answer.)