Занимательные задания по английскому языку (10 класс)

Cute Lexicologist
1. Solve the puzzle. В ответе запиши только разгаданное слово без каких-либо знаков препинания и пробелов. Например: friend
2. Use the following prefixes to form new words with the opposite meaning. Ответ запиши в виде комбинации цифр и букв без пробелов и каких-либо знаков препинания, цифры должны идти по порядку. Например: 1а2b3b
3. Match English proverb with its Russian equivalent
1. Fool's haste is no speed. A. О вкусах не спорят.
2. Out of sight, out of mind. В. Смелым сопутствует удача.
3. A silent fool is counted wise. C. Нет дыма без огня.
4. Business before pleasure. D. Время – лучший лекарь.
5. Neither fish nor flesh. E. Делу время, потехе час.
6. Fortune favours the brave. F. Поспешишь, людей насмешишь.
7. Forbidden fruit is sweet. G. Молчи – за умного сойдешь.
8. Tastes differ. Н. С глаз долой, из сердца вон.
9. There is no smoke without fire. I. Запретный плод сладок.
10. Time is the great healer. J. Ни рыба, ни мясо.
4. Choose the correct answer. (COLOUR IDIOMS)
1. _______________lie
Green white black red blue
2. _______________ market
Green white black red blue
3. get the _________light
White green red blue black
4. caught _________handed
Blue black green red white
5. _________-eyed boy
Blue black green red white
6. ________ as a skillet
Green red white blue black
7. talk a _________streak
Green blue red black pink
8. _____________ belt
Green blue yellow black pink
9. see _________ elephant
Blue pink green white yellow
Ответ: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 Substitute "very + simple adjective" constructions with more advanced synonyms in the following 5 sentences. Каждый заменяемый синоним должен начинаться с той буквы, которая стоит в конце предложения.
1) After walking through the snow, my feet were (very cold). F
2) Doc drives an (very old) Ford convertible. A
3) This wine is (very tasty). D
4) I've stopped believing most of what he says. Isn't that (very bad)? A
5) He was clasping the vase tightly, (very afraid) of dropping it. T
6 Read the text. Find out what variant of English is used here. (American or British). Rewrite underlined words using other variant of English
Hello! My name is Steve. I live in an apartment. It’s on the 1st floor. So I needn’t use elevator. I have wife and son. My son is in the 2nd class. Every Saturdays I and my family go to movies. We go by subway there
7 English takes words from mane different languages. Look at these words. Can you match the words with the countries they came from
1. Solve the puzzle.
2. Use the following prefixes to form new words with the opposite meaning.
1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a
3. Match English proverb with its Russian equivalent
1F, 2H, 3G, 4E, 5J, 6B, 7I, 8A, 9C, 10D
4. Choose the correct answer (Colour idioms)
1. white; 2. Black; 3.green; 4. Red; 5. Blue; 6. Black; 7. Blue; 8. Green; 9. pink
5 Substitute "very + simple adjective" constructions with more advanced synonyms in the following 5 sentences
1- freezing
2- ancient
3- delicious
4- awful
6 Read the text. Find out what variant of English is used here. (American or British). Rewrite underlined words using other variant of English
Apartment- flat, 1st floor-ground floor, elevator-lift, class-form, movies-cinema, subway-undeground
7 English takes words from mane different languages. Look at these words. Can you match the words with the countries they came from
Hierogliphs- Greece
1 Рабочая тетрадь УМК Forward 4 класс М.В.Биболетова, М.: Вентана Граф 2018
Потамошнева Наталья Алексеевна