A letter to my friend

Материал опубликован 24 January 2021

Автор публикации: Д. Шевелёва, ученица 9 класса

A letter to my friend

Dear friend!

Hello my English friend. Recently we have met each other in social networks and immediately wanted to get acquainted. Today I am writing you a letter about myself.

My name is Dasha and I am 15 years old. I was born in June, I hope that in the future I will invite you to my birthday. I live in Vilegodsky district. There are a lot of institutions, cafes, clubs and other entertainment places.

Not so long ago, I came to the 9th grade. I can confidently say that in the 9th grade it is much more difficult than in the 8th or 7th grade, and what grade are you in? Don't forget to write to me about it. There are only 15 people in our class and our class is the largest in the school. I can say for sure that I really love my class. We are all friendly, we will help each other in difficult times. But as it turned out over the years in our class, I made real friends. Of course there are not many of them, but they will not betray and will always help. Also, I have only 3 best friends. These are the people whom I can trust 100 percent. We spend a lot of time together. And how many best friends do you have? Do not forget to write about it too.

I have a large family, which consists of 6 people - dad, mom, 3 daughters and 1 son. Each family member does his own thing. All together we love to celebrate the New Year, birthdays and much more. But the best moment, in my opinion, is when my family and I go on trips. Travelling brings me a storm of different emotions.

When I have free time, I do my exam preparation and my favorite things. This year I will take the obligatory exams (Russian and Mathematics) and the final test (in Biology). I hope I can handle them. When will you have to take your exams? Write to me about it.

Like everyone else, I have my favorite subjects at school - Algebra, Biology, Physical Education and History. But there is one subject, where you need to think a lot - it is Chemistry. Basically I study well; I like it when all my homework is done.

In the future, I want to go to grade 10 to continue my studies at school, and in the distant future, I want to become a medical worker.

I hope that thanks to this letter you know me better now. And I will wait for your answer.

With love, Dasha.

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