A Sales Manager’s Story. История менеджера по продажам. Эльвин Аббасов
Автор публикации: Э. Аббасов, студент 1 курса
История менеджера по продажам
Пояснительная записка к ресурсу | ||
1. | Автор | Калягина Ирина Владимировна https://dzen.ru/ira_kalyagina29 |
2. | Должность | Преподаватель. |
3. | Категория | Высшая педагогическая. |
4. | Образовательное учреждение | Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции». СПб ГБПОУ «СПб ТКУиК» http://www.tcmc.spb.ru/ |
5. | Название ресурса | A Sales Manager’s Story. |
6. | Вид ресурса | Лексический практикум. |
7. | Тип ресурса | Составление текста на основе заданных лексических единиц. |
8 | Курс, специальность СПО | 1 курс, 32.08.04 Коммерция. |
9 | Дисциплина | ОГСЭ.03 Иностранный язык |
10 | Студент, учебная группа | AББАСОВ ЭЛЬВИН, 9КМ-11 Орфография - авторская |
11. | Цель и задачи | Цель: 1. Активизировать профессионально направленную лексику английского языка. 2. Развивать навыки употребления лексических единиц профессиональной направленности. Задачи: 1. Создать условия для активной учебной деятельности студентов, при которых они смогут использовать свои знания, умения и навыки. 2. Способствовать развитию познавательного интереса к изучению дисциплины и закреплению ощущения достигнутого успеха. |
12 | Описание ресурса | У студентов есть слова, которые они повторили и с которыми должны составить связный текст: market, discount, employment, employer, employee, money, bank, goods, currency, price, sell, salesman, pay, commerce, management, business, contract, profit. |
Источники информации | ||
1 | Презентация с викториной по коммерции – Commerce Quiz. Автор – Калягина И. В., шаблон – Колышкина Е. В. /data/files/b1724304955.pptx (Commerce Quiz) |
Использованные слова выделены в скобках.
A Sales Manager's Story
Before the New Year, the boys and I decided to go (market) because there were big (discounts). But before that, we had to (plan) our action plan. The first thing we had to do was go to the (bank) to withdraw (money).
We decided to chip in with the guys the same amount to make it fair. But one of our friends was from America, so he had American (currency) that needed to be exchanged. And then we headed to the store. When we arrived there, we were surprised at how low the (prices) were. We think this is done in order to (sell) out all the (goods) before the new year. We were also pleased that the goods in the store were of high quality, as well as the very polite (employee) and (salesman). Having selected all the goods, we decided to go to the checkout. We gave all our money to Timur (paid) for all purchases at the checkout. We arrived home and already began to celebrate the New Year. Reminisce with the guys about your student years. We all studied (commerce) in the same group. We also discussed who is working and where right now. Lena has taken over the (management) of a well-known company and receives a good (salary) there, since she has a good (employer). And Timur and Tom opened their own car sales (business). They said that that week they had signed a (contract) with a well-known company called Porsche and therefore would begin to make good (profits). I'm glad that all the guys found a (employment) that they like.