Формы бизнеса. Акционерное общество

Материал опубликован 9 April

Автор публикации: Я. Мохова, студентка 2 курса

Автор публикации: К. Кывыржик, студентка 2 курса

Form of business entities In Russia Mokhova Yana Kyvyrzhik Ksenia Б-22 Joint-Stock Company Moscow 2024

A joint stock company is a form of combining capital by issuing shares in the amount of consolidated capital. The authorized capital of a joint stock company is divided into a certain number of shares, allowing shareholders to receive a share of its profits in the form of dividends. https://neftegaz.ru/tech-library/economy/146815-aktsionernoe-obshchestvo/

A joint stock company OJSC is a form of organization of an enterprise whose authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares owned by co-owners. They are not obliged to answer for the company's obligations, but may incur losses within the value of the securities. Shares allow you to evaluate the contribution of each participant to the common cause. They also identify risks and provide voting rights at meetings. CJSC is a common legal form of organizing a commercial enterprise. The shares of a closed joint stock company are distributed exclusively among the founders of the company or another predetermined circle of persons (as opposed to an open joint stock company). https://clck.ru/39xMNj

The highest governing body of a joint stock company is the general meeting of shareholders

Examples of joint stock companies in Russia Lukoil is one of the largest Russian oil companies, second in terms of oil production in Russia. The name of the company comes from the first letters of the names of oil cities and the word “oil”. The second company in Russia in terms of revenue after Gazprom. MTS is a Russian company providing telecommunications, digital and media services in Russia, Armenia and Belarus under the MTS brand.

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