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Каргаполова Татьяна Михайловна116
учитель английского языка
Россия, Хабаровский край, Хабаровск

Проект по английскому языку: «A feast of Scotland»

Разработан учеником 9 «Б» класса

Шангареевым Игорем Сергеевичем

Руководитель: Каргаполова Татьяна Михайловна

2022 год

Table of contents

 Актуальность проекта

Table of contents  Introduction




Popular sea dishes




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A lot of people like to travel today. There are many countries in the world, they have their own traditions and customs. I like Scotland, it’s a brilliant country with it’s beautiful cities and unusual national food. When we go to a foreign country we read a lot of material about the country and it’s national food. My dream is to visit Scotland and try their national food.


Scotland is a part of Great Britain. It’s a wonderful country with it’s own culture and traditions. Scotland is famous for it’s Highland Games, bagpipes, Scottish kilts, Burns Night and so on. Every country in the world has it’s national food, which is known in the whole world. What are these meals?

Meals. Breakfast.


Breakfast is a splendid affair in Scotland, the meal in which traditional recipes and local produce really come into their own. Porridge and kippers belong to a traditional Scottish breakfast. Porridge is served in a bowl made of hard food and is served with cream, milk or butter milk. Usually porridge is made from oats.

Baps are the traditional morning roll in Scotland. They seem to appear only on the breakfast table and are the best eaten from the oven.

Oatcakes are a popular food for Scottish breakfast. Serve oatcakes with butter, honey and marmalade for breakfast. They are also delicious served with herrings for high tea or supper.

Eggs are usually eaten for breakfast, dark and light toasts, tea, coffee, bacons.

Beans with tomatoes, potatoes of different kinds are eaten in the morning.

t1675685205ab.jpgIn this picture you can see Scottish breakfast.


Scottish people like to eat soups for dinner. Soups can be different.

Cullen stink is a thick Scottish soup made of smoked haddock, potatoes and onions.

Cullen stink, one of Scotland's most famous dishes, is a hearty soup that is traditionally made with smoked haddock .

. The best potatoes for our skink would be waxier types rather than those traditionally used for mash. This Cullen stink recipe is also known as smoked haddock chowder in other parts of Britain, and...  then those traditionally used for mash. This Cullen stink recipe is also known as smoked haddock chowder in other parts of Britain, and both dishes are very similar.


It is the most popular soup for dinner.


Haggis is a traditional o mixture that is traditionally cooked in a sheep’s stomach. It sounds disgusting, and tourists are often put off by the idea – but haggis is actually delicious. Traditionally it’s served with ‘neeps’ (turnips) and‘tatties’ (mashed potato).

Haggis is traditionally eaten on Burns Night, a celebration of Robert Burns, Scotland’s national poet. At a ‘Burns Supper’ the haggis is ceremoniously piped in. Most restaurants in the country offer a Burns Night Supper that tourists are welcome to attend.

Moving on to the deep fried Mars Bar… There is no real cultural depth to this delicacy, but the city of Glasgow is famous for them.

A deep fried Mars Bar is both as delicious and as disgusting as it sounds – chocolate and nougat covered in beer batter and deep fried. Yes, tourists should adopt an open mind when exploring Scottish cuisine!


Black pepper on the tip of the knife.

To begin with, we will wash and peel the potatoes, cut them into medium pieces and put them to cook in a separate saucepan in slightly salted water. As soon as the potatoes are ready, you will need to drain the water and grind it into a puree, which is added to the soup for density.

Next, we peel the haddock from the skin and bones, cut it into small pieces, put it in a saucepan selected for cooking soup. Fill the fish with two glasses of water, put it on fire. As soon as it boils, add the bay leaf, reduce the heat to low and cook.


Scottish Cheddar Cheese Soup

We need 2 onions, a half cup of flour, pinch of pepper, little butter, 2 cups of water, 300 grams of Cheddar cheese.

Melt the butter in a sauce pan and cook the onions for a few minutes. Add the flour and cook the onions for another minute. Stir in the milk and stock or water, bring to the boil, season and simmer gently for about 5 minutes. Grate the cheese, toss it into the soup and simmer until melted. Do not allow to boil.


The most popular second courses:

Popular sea dishes in Scotland

As Scotland is washed by the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, it’s natural that Scottish people like fish and sea products. What is Popular?

Fish and seafood- Smoked haddock — a type of smoked haddock, a specialty of the city of Arbroath in Angus •

Cabbie claw (cabelew) — young cod in white sauce with chopped egg white

Krappit hyde — fish head stuffed with oats, bacon and liver •

Cold—smoked pale-faced haddock with a light golden hue, a subtle taste of smoke •

Finnan haddy — another cold-smoked haddock •

Smoked herring — whole herring in oil, salted or pickled, cold smoke

.Kedgeree —rice, smoked haddock, eggs, parsley, butter or cream

Rollmops — pickled herring wrapped in a roll with onions, gherkins or green olives, with pepper (on a stick) •

Smoked salmon • Pies and herring • Fish with fried potatoes — fried fish in a crispy batter, served with fried potatoes.


Smoked salmon


Smoked red fish


Salmon Sliced Smoked


Sockeye salmon (Балык нерки) 


A feast of Scotland. Janet Warren. Lomond books. Printed in Hong Kong.









Автор материала: И. Шангареев (9 класс)

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