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Седунова Юлия Владимировна152
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Project on the topic: "Professions"

Project Manager: Sedunova Julia V.

Author of the project: Helen Rytikova, a student of the 10th grade

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In the life of every person, the question arises: "Who do I want to become?". Every child already at an early age thinks about what kind of profession he would like to have. Someone from childhood dreams of becoming a doctor, astronaut, police officer, sailor, builder, singer, dancer, etc. And this question is not closed for most people until the end of life. After all, someone has not been able to become what he dreamed of since childhood.

There are quite a lot of professions in the world. it is simply unrealistic to list everything in this article. There are the most familiar professions, and there are quite unusual ones. i will try to describe some of them to you.

So the medical profession is one of the most diverse professions, requires a higher education and additional vocational training, with narrow specializations. In many countries of the world, the permission of local authorities for the activity of a doctor is required, or appropriate qualifications, illegal healing in many countries entails criminal penalties. the doctor traditionally enjoys a special status in any society, and high ethical and legal requirements are imposed on him. there are a lot of specializations of doctors! for example: allergist, obstetrician, dietitian, ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon, therapist and many others.

There is such a creative profession-makeup artist. A makeup artist is a specialist who can work in the theater, circus, film and TV studios. If desired, he can perform at master classes to improve his portfolio, teaching everyone the ability to apply professional makeup. This is a very interesting and rather difficult profession, because they play an important role in the filming of all films. After all, all these wounds and scratches are makeup. And without them, the movie would not be so exciting, colorful and realistic.

The profession of a hairdresser is as familiar as possible for people. People of this profession are engaged in cutting and styling hair, as well as painting and perming. He can be a specialist in women's haircuts, as well as in men's and children's haircuts.

Another profession is related to the service sector - bartender. This is a bar worker serving customers at the bar counter. The bartender welcomes guests of his establishment, identifies their taste preferences, informs about the assortment, offers guests suitable options for drinks, takes orders and pours portions of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, including cocktails prepared by himself.

It is impossible not to mention one of the most difficult professions. Teacher is a profession in the field of education, which consists in training and educating the younger generation in order to successfully and quickly enter into public life. ask what is the difficulty of this profession? the teacher must have special skills in communicating with children, know their subject well and be able to explain it. Among other things, a lot of different paperwork falls on him, which must be completed by a certain deadline.

There are all sorts of unusual professions. One of them is the Antarctic penguin flipper. To become a penguin flipper, you need to have good frost resistance, as you will have to work in the terrible cold in Antarctica. In addition to romance, low temperatures and special experiences, workers are waiting for a mission to save birds that have fallen on their backs. This happens when curious penguins stare at planes in the sky, and they can not climb on their own, since this is not provided for by their physiology.

One of the rather unusual and dangerous professions is a herpetologist. Snake venom used in small doses can work wonders and is used in many medicines. The only problem is how to get it, so there was a vacancy for a herpetologist. The profession is also common in Russia.

There is also the profession of a pillow leveller. Demonstration samples in large furniture stores always remain in perfect order. The thing is that no matter how many customers touch the pillows, there is an employee in the hall who will immediately correct them.

Unfortunately, many people can not become what they dreamed of. And this is one of the sad problems, because their dreams do not come true! I wanted to be a lot of things when I was a kid. I wanted to be a police officer to protect public order and wear a nice uniform. I also wanted to be a big car driver and deliver bread to the shops. I wanted to become a singer, because I love to sing and write my own songs. I wanted to become a choreographer, as dancing is one of my main hobbies.

And that's not all! I wanted to try myself as a fashion and landscape designer. I wanted to become a writer, because I love to write various stories, poems and prose. There was a desire to become an announcer on the radio or voice books. I wanted to get an education as a cook. But it was more due to the fact that I just did not know who I should go to study.

Now I have moved to the 10th grade. And at the moment I plan to enter the training as a programmer. I chose this profession because it is interesting. And all the more so in the present and in the future, it will be in demand by society. Science does not stand still, so IT technologies are rapidly developing, which leads to improvements in the software of computers and similar devices.

As a result: at this stage of my life, I have decided on my future profession. But childhood dreams of a career as a singer or announcer have not gone anywhere.

My advice to you is to choose a profession based on your own interests and preferences, so that you do not regret the years spent on studying.

The information was taken from various internet sources. Mostly ru.wikipedia.org


Автор материала: Е. Рытикова (10 класс)

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