Application of cooperative learning technology to develop autonomous thinking skills in English lessons of middle school students.
Application of cooperative learning technology to develop autonomous thinking skills in English lessons of middle school students.
Author: Peretyagina M.N.
Autonomy, cooperative learning technology, secondary school, survey.
The article is devoted to the application of cooperative learning technology for the development of autonomous thinking skills in middle school students in English lessons. The article discusses the concept of autonomy, the need to develop autonomy skills specifically for middle school students. The author uses the method of experiment, introducing a series of Assistant's Day lessons into the educational process, and analyzes the results obtained.
The study is of interest to English language teachers, methodologists and educational researchers. The article may be useful for the development and implementation of new methods of teaching English aimed at developing critical thinking and independence of students.
Since September 2022, the country's schools have started a phased transition to the third generation FSES. In my opinion, the distinctive feature of the updated FSES is that special attention is paid to the development of students' key competences. The new FSES aims to develop independent thinking skills, co-operation, critical thinking, communication and other key competences [1]. In the context of developing independent thinking skills, pupils will learn to formulate and argue their thoughts independently, comprehend information from various sources and critically analyze it. We realize that in today's fast-changing society, information is becoming more and more abundant; the ability to discern its reliability plays an important role. In addition, students will learn to make decisions based on logical inference and a thorough understanding of the problem. This will undoubtedly enable them to plan their time effectively and organize their work independently, make informed decisions and manage their resources. These skills will be extremely useful in the future when students become adults and embark on career paths and personal goals.
In education there are many techniques for developing these competences. Many national and foreign teachers have studied the process of developing students' independence. Famous teachers such as I.Ya. Lerner, V. V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin, A.Ya. Savchenko, G.A. Zukerman, B.G. Ananyev, P.T. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.I. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinstein and A.A. Smirnov studied independence. The works of teachers K.D. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, Ya.A. Komensky and A. Disterveg were also used, which reveal the problem of educating independence in children of primary school age [3].
In his works, A. K. Osnitsky, a Russian pedagogue, focuses on the development of students' independence and activity. He suggests taking into account the age periods and individual characteristics of students when choosing methods and approaches to organizing their autonomous work [2].
Analyzing the work of secondary school students, I came to the conclusion that students show the most effective results by working in pairs or groups. Therefore, I think co-education can be productive in developing self-reliance skills, because in the process of interacting and sharing experiences with other participants in the educational process, students can gain new knowledge, ideas and approaches to solving problems, as well as support and motivation from their peers. This contributes to the development of critical thinking, the ability to work in a team and make decisions, which, in turn, forms independence skills and increases the effectiveness of training.
Purpose of my study is development and experimental verification of the model of graduate development of independence of secondary school age students in the process of teaching foreign languages with the use of cooperative learning technology.
The subject of my article is the formation of the independence of middle school students in English lessons through the use of collaborative learning technology.
To conduct a study on the formation of autonomy skills, I took 5th grade students. The choice of 5 classes to assess autonomy may be determined by multiple factors:
Age-related features. 5th grade students are already old enough to be independent in some aspects of their lives, but they are not yet old enough to be fully responsible for their actions. This allows us to assess their independence in the context of personal development and formation.
The beginning of high school. The transition from primary to secondary school can be a difficult period for children. They are faced with new requirements, rules and expectations. An assessment of self-reliance during this period can help identify problems and offer support.
Adaptation to new conditions. 5th grade students are just beginning to adapt to new teachers, subjects, and requirements. Assessing their independence in this context can help determine how well they are coping with new conditions.
Development of self-organization skills. In grades 5, students begin to study more difficult subjects and complete more tasks. Assessing their ability to organize their time and work independently can be useful for determining the level of independence.
An opportunity for development. Grade 5 students are still in the process of developing their skills and qualities. Assessing their independence can help identify areas where they need additional support or development.
In general, the choice of 5 classes to assess independence allows you to take into account age characteristics, adaptation to new conditions and opportunities for development, which makes this choice reasonable.
As part of a study on the level of students' independence in the classroom, a questionnaire was developed that includes a number of questions. The questionnaire is aimed at identifying students' preferences regarding the types of work in the classroom, as well as assessing their level of independence.
After the survey, I began to implement a special type of lesson, which I called Assistant's Day. The first point was to introduce permanent seating of students in rows. In each row, I distributed students with different levels of learning equally. The lesson algorithm is as follows: each lesson is assigned a helper. Its function is to monitor the operation of the row. Initially, he receives full instructions from the teacher, if students have questions, they turn to him for help, if the assistant cannot answer the question, he approaches the teacher. Students can also communicate in a number of ways. During the year, every child is in the role of an assistant.
During the study, a series of lessons were implemented during the first, second and third academic quarters. At the end of the third quarter, an additional survey was conducted to assess the impact of these lessons on students' ability to learn independently.
A Google form was created to conduct the survey. This service allows you to implement a survey in a remote format, quickly and easily create a questionnaire, the link to the survey opens without linking to a Google account.
D uring the study, the results were obtained, which allowed us to conclude that students prefer different types of work in the classroom. I considered how the input data on the preference of work types has changed, taking into account the holding of a series of Assistant's Day lessons. I have identified the level of autonomy of students when completing tasks in the classroom and at home. I also received data on changes in the level of autonomy of 5th grade students. (Figure 1).
Figure 1 Comparative diagrams of the input and output survey
During the research, some difficulties arose during the survey. The first entry was anonymous and I was unable to track which of the students failed the survey. I conducted the second survey with the inclusion of data on who answers the questions. In the future, I will use the resulting table to track the results.
During the study, the results were obtained, which allowed us to conclude that students prefer different types of work in the classroom. But preference is given to pair and group work. The level of students' autonomy in completing assignments in the classroom and at home varies depending on the type of work. Some students show a high level of independence in performing all types of work. Each child works independently, and if they have questions, they know that they can turn not only to the teacher, but also to their classmates. Students reveal, perhaps, hidden abilities. From the outside, I see that many children are embarrassed to show their leadership qualities, but by starting to work in cooperation, they show themselves.
In the future, I plan to use the teaching methodology in collaboration, improve the lessons of the Day Assistant and make a methodological guide on its use, as well as prepare a task bank for this type of lessons.
1. Federal state educational standards secondary school education
2. Osnitsky, A. K. Psychological mechanisms of independence/ A.K.Osnitsky. – Obninsk: IG-SOCIN, 2019. — 232 p.
3. Starygina A. I. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the problems of developing the independence of younger schoolchildren / A.I. Starygina - No.40 Pedagogical sciences
4. Vygotsky L.S. The dynamics of a student's mental development in connection with learning. // Vygotsky L.S. Psychology of child development. – M.: sense, Eksmo, 2004. – 512 p.
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