Материал опубликован 11 April 2022 в группе


This huge 250-meter giant from afar does not stand out from the general Chicago “landscape”, but it is worth coming closer as it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems that a fabulous ice colossus has grown up in the city. This huge 250-meter giant from afar does not stand out from the general Chicago “landscape”, but it is worth coming closer as it turns into a real waterfall, striking the imagination with the unreality of its design - it seems that a fabulous ice colossus has grown up in the city.

The Aqua skyscraper built not far from Lake Michigan, despite its unreal, futuristic look, nevertheless does not stand out from the general panorama of Chicago. This effect is achieved due to the fact that all unusual lines are hidden from afar horizontally by the usual structure and become visible only when approaching the building - the greater the angle at which you look at the Aqua giant, the more “waves” become visible on its surface. When you stand right under it - it seems like a skyscraper is literally “storming” The Aqua skyscraper built not far from Lake Michigan, despite its unreal, futuristic look, nevertheless does not stand out from the general panorama of Chicago. This effect is achieved due to the fact that all unusual lines are hidden from afar horizontally by the usual structure and become visible only when approaching the building - the greater the angle at which you look at the Aqua giant, the more “waves” become visible on its surface. When you stand right under it - it seems like a skyscraper is literally “storming”

Curved, wavy balconies and window panes create for the facade a folded curtain structure or ripples on the water. The windows have a blue-green hue, indistinguishable from the color of the water surface. The use of console panels in the design of the building allows you to defend yourself from the summer sun, but not block the light in winter, and the light coloring of the facades reduces the heating of the skyscraper.

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