Тест по теме «Употребление артикля в английском языке» (8 класс)

Материал опубликован 8 May 2021

Form 8

Fill in the gaps with a/an or the where necessary.

  1. My brother can play … guitar very well.
  2. When I was a teenager I used to play … football every day.
  3. Mary goes to the gym twice … week.
  4. … film that I saw yesterday was fantastic.
  5. My grandma likes … dogs.
  6. She studies at …Moscow State University.
  7. … London stands on … Thames.
  8. This is … cat. … cat is brown and black.
  9. Last week … Smiths moved to a new flat.
  10. …Baikal is … largest lake in the world.
  11. … Sahara is in … Africa.
  12. My grandparents always read … Times.
  13. … Queen Elizabeth II lives and works in Buckingham Palace.
  14. She can speak … English.
  15. This is … house where my mum was born.
  16. He is … famous writer.
  17. She speaks … Japanese language very well.
  18. My sister lives in …USA.
  19. The British Prime Minister lives in …. Downing Street.
  20. I visited … Tretyakov Gallery three years ago.
  21. …Lake Baikal is in Siberia.
  22. … Japanese eat food with chopsticks.
  23. I have never climbed in …Caucasus.
  24. The Pacific Ocean is between …. America and…Asia.
  25. She is going to tour around ….UK.
  26. I’d like to go to …. Bahamas for a holiday.
  27. When she went to England, she stayed at …Wessex Hotel.
  28. .. Bolshoi Theatre is in Moscow.
  29. …. St Basil’s Cathedral is on Red Square.
  30. My dad is … engineer.
  31. In…. September students go to…… school.
  32. … sun is shining now and … sky is clear.
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