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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Мухамедова Гульназ36
Материал размещён в группе «Игровые моменты на учебном занятии.»

Put the word in the correct column


anxious cross horrible thirsty fit skinny proud well-built lively frank gorgeous naughty witty creative bored bald short handsome stubborn plain comfortable proud envious redhead curvy amusing ruthless grumpy calm tired patient cruel confused slender impartial plump moody

feelings appearance personality

_____________ ______________ _____________

_____________ ______________ _____________

_____________ ______________ _____________

_____________ ______________ _____________



Complete the following in order to find the correct opposite adjective





Match the words in the first column to the best available answer in the second column.  



1.easy going

a. a person who doesn’t usually ask other people for help


2. independent

b. someone who doesn’t like giving things to other people


3. modest

c. someone who expresses very strong beliefs about things


4. moody

d. people who don’t do what they say they will


5. sociable

e. a pers on who enjoys being with other people


6. stingy

f. someone who is often in a bad mood or depressed


7. unreliable

g. a person who doesn’t worry much or get angry easily


8. ambitious

h. people who don’t make a big deal about their accomplishments


9. opinionated

i. people you can trust.


10. trustworthy

j. a person who wants to do many things in the future


4.Group the adjectives below into each group











Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the bank at the bottom of the page.

Funny caring lazy boring moody

Emotional crazy daring kind helpful

Easy-going positive friendly reliable shy


I’d really like to find a friend who is _____________; he doesn’t worry much or get angry easily.

A _____________friend is a friend indeed. He is always ready to help others.

My friend Amna is very _______________. She believes marriage should be based on love.

Our English teacher is kind and __________. She treats students fairly.

I hope I never have a ___________friend. I mean someone who is in a bad mood or depressed.


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d


My friend is very ____________; he thinks of carrying on his studies in London

(a) lazy (b) ambitious (c) shy (d) unreliable


My friend Amna is very _____________; she cries quickly whenever she watches a romance movie.

(a) sensitive (b) friendly (c) easy going (d) daring


He likes playing bad tricks and teasing people. He is a _____________ boy.

(a) positive (b) mischievous (c) flexible (d) caring


For me the ideal friend is someone who doesn’t mind paying a drink for me. I hate __________people.

(a) shy (b) generous (c) stingy (d) negative

I don’t want to be friends with anyone who is not ___________. A good friend shouldn’t talk about my problems openly with others.

(a) trustworthy (b) crazy (c) helpful (d) funny



Опубликовано в группе «Игровые моменты на учебном занятии.»

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